March 31, 2010, - 4:10 pm

Girlie-Man Nation: Western Women Don’t Want Masculinity & Why (Decade of the Palin)

By Debbie Schlussel

I’ve written about this many times over the last decade:  the feminization of America’s men and the butchification of America’s women.  We’ve done plenty of “Men-the New Women” alerts on this site.


Western Women Chose the More Effeminate of These Girlie-Men

In World War II, when droves of women went to work in factories as Rosie the Riveter while their men were abroad fighting Nazis, they knew it was only temporary.  When the REAL men came back, the women would return to being women.  It’s hardly news that now America’s men are the new women.  And vice versa.  Like I said, we’ve been noting that here for over a decade.

Saturday’s Wall Street Journal had a much publicized two-page feature, “Why Women Don’t Want Macho Men,” about studies consistently showing that women in relatively wealthy Western societies prefer men with feminine faces and features, while women in struggling societies prefer masculine men.  But the article should have been title, “Why Spoiled Western Women Don’t Want Men & Why They’d Rather Be Them.”

Count me out of that mix.  I looked at the photos of the feminine men and thought, “Blechhhh.”  As a red-blooded, American female, I prefer the ruggedly handsome, masculine-looking guy–who can fix things and protect me–any day of the week to the effeminate, gay-looking girlie-men these “sophisticated Western women” picked.  Sadly, according to these studies, many Western women prefer the feminized version.  But, to me, even the “masculine” version looks like a chick (see above).  Yuck.

The Journal doesn’t directly express the societal distinction here–that the women who prefer feminine men are Western and afflicted with feminism and female gender-based affirmative action–and, instead, calls them countries with “healthier” populations.  It ain’t got nothin’ to do with health.  Sorry, but men who spend a lot of time on their hair and have a basket of hair products aren’t men.  They’re girls stuck in men’s bodies.  That’s not healthy.

In fact, preferring effeminate men is, on the contrary, very unhealthy.  It’s a serious problem.  And it will result in the further decline of the West.  The society that is strongest and growing–Islam–embraces masculinity.  The societies that always die are matriarchies.  Name one martriarchy that’s survived and become a great, long-lasting civilization.  You can’t.  There aren’t any.  There was no Ceasar-ette.  No Alexandra the Great.  No General Pat-Tina.  Helen of Troy may have inspired mythical wars, but she didn’t lead them.  She was merely the lure for the male warriors, the booty . . . and the booty.  And there was no exfoliant or eye creams on their night stands, nor is there any–I’ll bet–in Mr. Bin Laden’s cave.  Neither of these parties, respectively, had or have the luxury of engaging in this kind of be-like-women, sensitive man stupidity.

The European women who were part of these studies (along with Americans) have already lost their countries and their continents.  Marriage is over in their societies.  They are single motherhood nations (which we are fast becoming, a la Bristol Palin syndrome).  The only masculine men in their societies are named Mohammed and are fast taking over.  Preferring girlie-men is a fast track to the death of a society, the death of civilization.  L’Oreal Moisturizer for Men won’t save the world when a homicide bomber is about to press the detonator.

But who’s surprised by this?  Not me.  After decades of Oprah daily telling America’s women that men suck;  after decades of Hollywood telling America that most men and fathers are mere sperm donors who are chumps, absentee, and deadbeats;  with female writing staffs on hit shows, like “Mad Men,” revising history and lying to us about men even back when they actually were men;  with the fashion forces that be putting men into women’s clothes, like “skinny jeans,” “pink” . . . er, MAN-genta, and male corsets;  with the rapid death of male habits like hunting being replaced with unisex hobbies like gaming from home and remaining on the couch; after hardware stores like Home Depot and Lowe’s selling pink toolkits and urging women to do the repairs they once relied on men to do;  with female football coaches for high school boys raised by single mothers;  with even the so-called “traditional family values conservatives” embracing alpha male breadwinner husbands like Sarah Palin and Michelle Fraudkin (with their effeminate, estrogen-doused Mr. Mom wives-with-a-penis trailing behind like “cute” accessories, their detached testicles tightly in a jar somewhere in the distance), just like the “conservatives” in Europe–even less feminine than the butchy Michelle Obama, because at least her emasculated hubby who takes her orders and ire is the PINO (President In Name Only);  with “conservative hero” Palin and her daughter Bristol telling their anti-male hero Oprah (as they recently did) that the illegitimate, out-of-wedlock man and single mother doesn’t need a man in her life–are we really surprised that this dangerous influence of keeping men down, male-bashing, and slowly “phasing men out” has taken hold in a way that renders the male gender irrelevant?


I’d say that it seems the only “man” some of these women want is Obama.  Instead of relying on their husbands to pay for their healthcare, they relied on Obama and mostly male Democrats who voted for ObamaCare, to give it to them.  So, they don’t need a man.  But on the other side of the ideological divide, conservatives are embracing feminism in the Palins, etc., too.  Even the conservative “males” are feminine–Sean Hannity and National Review Editor Rich Lowry, who gives the effeminate males, pictured above, a run for their girlie-man money.  The words “macho,” “masculine,” and “masculinity” are oil to their water.  And I’ll bet you’ll use a lot of fingers counting the hair products and skin creams in their bathrooms.

Our society–from all angles–has bowed to the wiles of dead curmudgeon, Betty Friedan, and live one, Gloria Steinem.  Whether it’s Hollywood’s output, embrace of Mr. Moms and girlie-men even on the right, and the hardware stores’ pink tools, we’ve lost the appreciation for all that is male.

They’ve done these things, and we’ve followed suit, eating up their feminist baloney every step of the way.

And we’re supposed to be surprised that Western women choose girlie male faces and characteristics in men?

It’s not news.  But it’s definitely a bad thing.

And it’s the burly, stubbly-faced male that’s gonna be able to drag you from a burning building.  Not the guy who looks like Leonardo DiCaprio, Ryan Secrest, or Ricky Martin.

A matriarchy isn’t the only society that doesn’t survive.  A Girlie-Man Nation doesn’t, either.

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139 Responses

Good day Dear Debbie!It would be great if you can share my comment here on Google Homepage America usa Under my first and last name Thank you Dear Debbie!We Have great Looking and Wonderful People in this world But 2 of the greatest ones for me personally are Princess Grace Of Monaco who was beautifull Inside and outside! and President Ronald Reagan beautiful in the Inside and outside!Sincerlly Tirdad Gharib!

Tirdad Gharib on November 30, 2015 at 9:06 am

    Dear Debbie!I would like to also mention that i had the great Honor to meet Great princesses and (Crown ones) in my life time very sincerlly Tirdad Gharib!

    Tirdad Gharib on November 30, 2015 at 9:27 am

Wow, this was in incredible read, especially from what appears to be an attractive young woman. Much of it is true and I do agree that there is a cultural demonizing of masculinity; however, I think you are over doing it a bit. I am a Christian male, born with a slender, muscular build and a face you would probably compare to the effeminate Hollywood type if you saw me on the street. Don’t be so quick to write us all off if we don’t fit into the John Wayne stereotype and dip snuff while watching NASCAR. I don’t know how to fix an engine, but I love a big ole lifted truck! I don’t hunt, but I love to fish. I bow down to Jesus in humility and reverence and don’t see anything sissy about that. Jesus was a carpenter in the desert of the middle east – if you think HE was effeminate, you have serious issues! Men come in all shapes, sizes and personalities. I count myself as definitely masculine…even if I do use moisturizer every day 😉 That doesn’t make me a woman, but it does mean that while your rugged he-man looks like a leathery mutant when he is 60 and having to get cancerous lesions removed to keep from dying, I will still look great and my wife will appreciate it!

Jason on February 3, 2016 at 1:59 pm

Great article! It’s just missing the sinister cause behind all this. I shall illuminate (and yes that word was chosen deliberately).

The main reason that the globalist elite (The super rich nobility forming an Oligarchy that control governments and the media) have been pushing feminism is social engineering ‘divide and conquer’. They need to destroy the social fabric to make it harder for familial relationships to form particularly between men and women as families provide cohesion and resistance against tyranny. So pushing women to abandon traditional nurturing female traits and to pursue male qualities creates friction as men have evolved to protect and compliment women not compete with them. Relationships have become harder to form between men and women, divorce is at an all time high, marriage at an all time low as women abandon their biological natures in favour of pursuing masculine traits, ending up with internal conflict and they are often unhappy.
Another aspect of this strategy is that broken or non-existent families leads to children with less or no parental influence, particularly fatherly influence thus kids can be practically or literally raised by the state and brainwashed with collectivist, statist propaganda with no father to teach them to think for themselves and what it means to be a man.

Another reason is the fact that men are the biggest threat to their control of the populations. In every takeover or suppression of an enemy throughout history the men were taken out first. Men are more likely to view totalitarian authority as an alpha male threat whereas women are more likely to view it as a protector (related to women liking the ‘bad boys’). Men are thus more likely to challenge authority and are physically more dangerous.

They’ve hijacked every influential institution and control the western governments, media and Hollywood. They’re reinventing every major, male formative iconic cinematic classic by infusing them with feminism and other liberal elements. Characters that embody male ideals are replaced with females. For example, Starbuck off ‘Battlestar Galactica’ was a womanising, cigar-smoking hotshot pilot – the swashbuckling, womanising, skilled hero, archetype replaced with a butch aggressive female, Watson and Moriarty off ‘Elementary’ – the male genius archetype, Thor of Marvel comics turned into a woman – The powerful warrior archetype, Ghostbusters as all women- the male genius archetypes, and now the Force Awakens with Rey combines the warrior and genius male archetypes. All these characters were from films that men grew up with and identified with and replacing them with women is a powerful psychological blow.

So it’s all about subjugating men, making male/female relationships difficult thus eroding social cohesion and making families hard to form thus reducing resistance to the new world order tyranny encroaching more and more rapidly.

Chris on February 7, 2016 at 3:43 pm

I’ve been searching around for tidbits on this topic. It seems, sexual selection is making high testosterone males go extinct. The picture of the two men at the top look like Lesbian women(simply due to the haircut). If those two men had on make-up and long hair the only way you could accurately guess their sex would be to look for an Adam’s apple. But these boarder-line transgender looking guys pull women left and right.

There’s plenty of thing going wrong in mother nature, it’s not just that women are selecting effeminate males, there’s toxins and Xeno-estrogens that are blocking testosterone. In fact it’s a epidemic that will have extreme consequences on reproduction if we don’t watch out. Why? All Plastic products, breakdown into estrogen like compounds called endocrine disruptors.Also, the widespread use of birth-control which is made up of estrogen and progesterone is getting into the water supply. Also, cattle are injected with estrogen to make the meat softer and taste better.

This phenomenon is worse in highly Industrialized societies. Then you add the fact that we live in an age of Misandry and over the top feminism that’s actually making heterosexual behavior illegal, there won’t be a man left standing if the Lesbian feminist have their way (IT IS A FACT: FEMINIST HAVE A HUGE LESBIAN POPULATION).

If this shit keeps up, America won’t ever ever win a war again…out economic interest will crumble under the weight of the Matriarchal Nanny State, like a mother that spoils, enables, and coddles all her worst children, she won’t have any energy or money to take care of the rest of them. Matriarchies aren’t competitive, they distribute resources equally. When there is no economic competition the laws of natural selection will come in and the least fit to survive will go extinct. When that happens women will want men that fight hard for survival and nature will re-balance herself. But the shit will have to hit the fan first when our nation goes to shit.

Anyway, thank God there are women who do like real men because we’re going to be the ones to pick up the pieces, take risks and rebuild. Women are finding out the hard way that effeminate men don’t have much of a sex drive ()or they’re gay), they’re not ambitious and not as driven as a man with a large pair of testicles. Sexual-Selection ebbs and flows…yes women are the choosers, but they’re not stupid, once the environment becomes tough they will select tough men. Right now we’re in a hyper-feminine, misandrists, cultural phase that signals the end of an empire similar to Hellenistic Greece and the Fall of Rome.

Mr Gibson on June 29, 2016 at 10:39 am

Though the article is interesting in recording a trend nowadays, it is ridiculous to associate the masculine to a society’s prosperity, or even more absurd, in a broader sense, to the future of western civilazation. Please let me remind you and fellow commenters that the main contributors to the American culture and civilization are intellectuals such as inventors, scientists, engineers, doctors, writers and so forth, whom are considered girly and pussy by the mainstream. The mainstream meaning of Masculine in the USA for long has just been looking like a man, tall, dark, of muscles, confident and assertive, completely hollow of values such as integrity, care for family, open mind and self refletion, respect for laws, knowledges and others with a humble attitude, etc. It’s no wonder that in the states, while the soft-spoken Asians, whose cultures have a diffent definition on being a man, deemed weak and unmanly, and thus marginalized, good looking inmates with masculine visage features have acsended to the status of Prince charming and received great quantity of love letters from American women.
Examing the masculine meaning from perspectives of different cultures, I have to disagree with the author and some commenters in that I see the current trend as rather an advance than a decline. Maybe after handreds of years of development, the plain and shallow Amercian mind has finally matured and updated to a version with some degree of sophistication.

moriady on July 5, 2016 at 12:07 am

You are full of self-hate. Get a life and stop reading too much history and go out and make your own. Most of the fears holding you back are delusions, so accept the fact that you want suckers to do all the work so you can sit around all day. Besides what’s the point of making a culture based on warfare. The reason people started cultures in the first place was to stop having to leave in fear and violence and you want to perpetuate it? Stop corrupting human nature and your rage will subside.

Der Der on August 29, 2016 at 9:28 am

I actually really enjoyed this article. I’m not sure what the ratio is when it comes to the men who have gone soft and those who are still very masculine, but it seems to me you would be very sought after if you didn’t conform.

Stick to who you are and be that masculine guy.. the remaining women looking for manly men will be fighting over you 🙂

Luke Cafferty on September 12, 2016 at 1:41 pm

Sad but true.

Hamadi Sheikh on September 15, 2016 at 9:39 pm

I believe (like Ann Coulter) that women shouldn’t be allowed to vote. Why? Because women love liberalism. They are seduced by it because of their natural empathy. And now Western men are being cowed by Western women and their “empathy” to accept all kinds of liberal perversions like gay marriage. I believe the Apostle Paul was dead-on when he said he wouldn’t allow a woman to teach a man because it was the woman who was deceived by the serpent, not Adam. Adam knew he was doing something wrong when he ate the fruit. Eve apparently didn’t. Women and Men are allowing the “empathy” of women to deceive us all into believing liberalism and leftism are good things.

Daniel Middleman on January 6, 2017 at 8:48 pm

Very Gooooooooood!!!!

Diana on January 17, 2017 at 2:54 pm

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