March 29, 2010, - 1:40 pm

Touching VIDEO: Holocaust Survivor & Family Thank US Soldier Who Saved His Life

By Debbie Schlussel

In the past, I told you about Dr. John Withers, a Black U.S. soldier in World War II, who risked his future, to defy orders and save a Holocaust survivor, Martin Weigen, from death in Dachau.  The survivor later immigrated to America, and they met again here, later in their lives.


Holocaust Survivor Sandor Adler w/ Otto Orwig, the US Soldier Who Saved Him

On Sunday, another such meeting occurred when Holocaust survivor Sandor Adler and his extended family–all of whom would not be here but for their liberation by American soldiers (and G-d’s grace)–thanked Otto Orwig and his family. And the touching occasion is captured on video, below.  Orwig was one of the brave American servicemen in the Eleventh Armored Division who saved Adler, then a 15-year-old. The meeting was set up by the Holocaust Memorial Center in Farmington Hills, Michigan, which was founded by my cousin, the late Rabbi Charles Rosenzveig.  It’s yet another beautiful story of the greatness of America and our fighting soldiers.

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11 Responses

So beautiful. Thank you for sharing this with those of us who wouldn’t see it on the TV news.

Zookeeper on March 29, 2010 at 2:27 pm

May we all hope and pray that with the increased control of FOX by the House of Saud, that stories like this one do not get censored out of existence.

Zookeeper on March 29, 2010 at 2:31 pm

Debbie, this is off-topic, but you should be aware that Nada Prouty’s attorney Mark Zaid has declared on his facebook page his intention to contact the New York Post and try to get them to ban you from publishing there in the future.

iA: He said something to this effect in today’s Detroit Free Press, and I meant to mention it. Please e-mail me what he said on FB, as I’m not a FB friend of his nor will I ever be. DS

ibn Abu on March 29, 2010 at 2:49 pm

Glad I’m not at work as I’m crying like a baby watching that.

Thank you so very, very, very much for posting that, Debbie.

God bless you, Debbie, the Adler family, and especially Otto Orwig.

In a world of King Obama taking away our freedoms, the dumb celeb worship of idiots like Oprah and Miley Cyrus, etc., among other things, this is a great reminder there is still true heroes like Mr. Orwig.

I’d take one Otto Orwig over a million Oprahs, Pelosis, and Hollywood celebs and feel we could win any battle.

Jeff W. on March 29, 2010 at 3:01 pm

Great story, may we never forget.

C on March 29, 2010 at 3:28 pm

Never forget?

Anti-semitism is on the rise worldwide especially in America.

I worry everyday for the Jewish people.

goldenmike4393 on March 29, 2010 at 4:47 pm

    Your right! Most of the world has already forgotten and so history will soon repeat itself since that’s what happens when people do NOT learn or remember bad events of recent history…Only this time, it may not be Jews who are victims, but Americans….

    Who cares? on March 29, 2010 at 4:57 pm

Thanks for posting this Debbie! Awesome!

P. Aaron on March 29, 2010 at 5:10 pm

A very touching story and it is indeed sad how this country has fallen from grace to the present cesspool of anti-Semitism, islamo-pandering and epicene “values.”

I’m a gentile, but I had 2 great-uncles in Italy who were murdered at Auschwitz and I also will never forget.

DS_ROCKS! on March 29, 2010 at 5:21 pm

Evil Still exist today, the ideologi of Islam is the Evil part on this planet, they are invading all Europe and kill others that are not Muslims and the ONU is not saying or doing anything toi stop them ! why because of PETROLE ! The Arabia saoudite is all behind that !

LOULOU on April 1, 2010 at 11:33 am

I am 86 years old. I have lived longer than anyone in my immediate family (except my baby sister is still alive as well as my son). I hope G-d lets me live to be 87. It is in his or her hands. I don’t feel too good and yesterday my sister took (stole) my car keys out of my fanny pack. I am sort of angry. She told me that my son told her to do it, but I don’t always believe her. My son lives 3000 miles away and I have been trying to reach him without success. I have phoned him twice and could not get him. I left messages.

Freddie Bloch on April 3, 2010 at 1:07 am

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