May 9, 2006, - 4:13 pm

IMPORTANT & Overdue: Battle of the Bulge Remembered

Yesterday was an important day for a very important reason not covered much of anywhere: the dedication of the Battle of the Bulge Memorial at Arlington National Cemetery. That battle was the last major German offensive of the war. To many, it is the greatest conflict in U.S. military history.
It is important that the contributions of the brave American men, who gave their lives in that battle, finally got their due recognition–especially as the veterans of that battle (and all of World War II) are dying out.

Battle of the Bulge Vet Alfred Vitale @ Memorial Dedication

(Vitale Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images)

The memorial was made possible by the hard work of many people, but especially two great American men:
* Stan Wojtusik–then a 19-year-old Private First Class, who was forced to surrender to the Germans along with his entire regiment. Now an 80-year-old, the monument was his lifelong mission, for which he toiled tirelessly.
* Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ)–the conservative Congressman who is principled and a true patriot, he fought to make the memorial happen as then-Chairman of the Veterans Affairs Committee. We know and like Chris Smith and wish he was our Congressman.
Kudos to Stan Wojtusik and Chris Smith for finally getting those heroic American men who fought at the Battle of the Bulge their due recognition after all of these years.

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4 Responses

Yesterday was also V-E day, which received scant coverage. Using Google News, I found coverage from Russia and some from third-tier US papers..very little from major US newspapers. on May 9, 2006 at 5:48 pm

Here’s to the bravery, sacrifice, the love of country, and determination of those great soldiers who fought in WWII.
Here’s to the bravery, sacrifice, the love of country, and determination of those great U.S. citizens who endured WWII.
As far as our current military is concerned, I have no doubt about the bravery, sacrifice, the love of country, and determination they have for the U.S.
However, I only wish that I could be just as sure about the current crop of U.S. citizens in this war on terrorism.

Thee_Bruno on May 9, 2006 at 5:53 pm

I’m glad someone is finally showing respect to the soldiers who gave their lives in the most grueling battle the U.S. fought in Europe. (Too often you hear these great men disrespected on weight loss commercials, which makes me want to punch whoever filmed them) I agree with Debbie that this is long overdue.

KnightoftheImpaler on May 10, 2006 at 4:08 am

The entire volume of the Green Series on the Battle of the Bulge is available online here:

Grant on May 10, 2006 at 2:16 pm

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