May 1, 2006, - 4:47 pm

UPDATE on Detroit’s Fizzled May Day: Islamists ‘R’ Us

We think it’s fitting that May 1st is not only the date of illegal alien protests, it is also the day which used to be a major Communist holiday (and it’s still celebrated by nostalgic Commies today). Thanks to reader Chris F. for pointing this out.
He says:

I can’t forget about the May 1st, because since I’m an
immigrant (you know… that unusual type, who went through countless procedures, paid all the money and big taxes, even before becoming a citizen) from a Communist country (Romania), that was the most important holiday of the year after the National Day (which celebrated the “liberation” by the Soviets).

Here in Detroit, our Islamist friends at –were once again out, but not exactly in force, in support of illegal aliens, . As we’ve lamented, in Michigan, illegal aliens are comprised by a significant number of Muslims, especially from the Middle East, many with Jihadi sympathies.

Noel Saleh, President of Islamist ACCESS, Was @ Today’s Illegal Alien Rally

That’s why our “friend,” Noel Saleh, ACCESS President and lawyer (who was thrice disciplined by the Michigan Attorney Discipline Board) was there. Not too long ago, Saleh, an ACLU lawyer and , openly bragged, in front of spineless feds, that he donates $ to Hezbollah. He claims that under the House immigration legislation (which has, unfortunately, no chance of passing as is),

We would be guilty of a felony if we provided medical assistance, for example, to an undocumented alien. Under this law, we become policemen.

But, in fact, his agency was raided by FBI agents for conducting Medicaid fraud for pregnant Muslim aliens. THAT SHOULD BE A FELONY! And is supposed to be. Forget expecting him become a policeman, when several of his organization’s people appear to be a bunch of unconvicted felons.
But don’t expect Detroit’s ABC news affiliate, which interviewed him (see video at this link, too), to point out the Medicaid fraud. After all, they reported that “thousands” turned out for the alien rally in a Detroit Park. More like less than a thousand.

The news affiliate also interviewed Michigan Republican Party Chairman Saul Anuzis. While it was nice to hear him claim he’s for legal, rational immigration, no-one bothered to ask him why his state party apparatus consistently sucks up to ACCESS and other illegal immigration enablers. Would love to see how he slimes out of that.
Ditto for his candidate for Michigan Governor, Dick DeVos, who, yesterday, refused to denounce (or say a single negative word) about ACCESS when I asked him. Yes, even gazillionaires who can buy elections still ooze snake oil.
His opponent, Michigan Democrat Gov. Jennifer Granholm already panders to that group like no other. Too bad DeVos refuses to be an alternative to that.

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2 Responses

Yo see dat deese rally en la ciudad de Detroi’,
Meshugena es en Clark Park en Mexicanotown en May
Dia en approximo a Western High School during
horas de la escuella.Muy classy to tengo deese
rally por “immigrants” quien no es “kosher”.
Para,yo guess,eat es en Senior Skip Dia.

jaywilton on May 2, 2006 at 8:43 am

For most Romanians, the Soviet takeover of the country was out of the frying pan and into the fire. That day is nothing to celebrate at all.

KnightoftheImpaler on May 4, 2006 at 12:42 am

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