April 28, 2006, - 1:36 pm

Radio Appearances Around the World

To my friends and readers, especially those who’ve requested advance notice of my appearances, I’ve been doing so many lately (especially on the radio) that it gets very difficult to remember to give notice ahead of time. Sorry for that. Thanks to the following excellent radio hosts (with notes about my appearances):
* 3:05 p.m. Eastern, Today: I am on the “Fred Honsberger Show” on KDKA-AM 1020 Pittsburgh, regarding of “United 93.” Listen online from anywhere.
* From my semi-regular appearances on the “Pat Campbell Show,” listen online to part of my appearance on Wednesday morning on his show on WFLA-AM 540 Orlando, also regarding (OOPS! I kept calling “Saving Private Ryan,” “Saving Private Benjamin,” after not getting much sleep the night before.) Read Pat’s excellent Blog.
* Some of my regular appearances include:
–Mondays at 12:35 p.m. Eastern on WNTK, New Hampshire, “Against the Grain with Gardner Goldsmith”
–Tuesdays at 9:30 a.m. Mountain on KIDO-AM 580, Boise, “Good Morning, Idaho”
THANKS to all of the other radio hosts who’ve had me on their shows, this week!

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