April 24, 2006, - 9:36 am

VINDICATED: Indicted Terrorism Prosecutor Was Right All Along

For the past 2.5 years, I’ve been writing about brave, courageous terrorism prosecutor Richard Convertino (in the New York Post–, , and ). A religious Catholic, father of five, and patriotic American, Rick’s only mistake was prosecuting a Detroit Al-Qaeda sleeper cell and winning convictions against them.
For that he was indicted, and on Friday, arraigned, in Federal Court. But he was right. The men were terrorists.
They had drawings of our and Israel’s planes and their take-off order at Turkey’s Incirlik Air Base. They had drawings of a military hospital in Jordan. And they had video of various U.S. site, including Disneyland and Las Vegas. The men planned to commit terrorist attacks against all of these. They were living with Nabil Al-Marabh, a Bin Laden associate who was on the FBI’s 25 most wanted list. And there is so much more.

Rick Convertino:

American Patriot Now Prosecuted for Fighting Terrorists & Winning

Because Convertino convicted the terrorists and got accolades for his work, Detroit’s U.S. Attorney and Justice Dept. officials went on a 3-year witch hunt against him, funded by millions of your tax dollars that were supposed to be spent investigating Islamic terrorists. (Plus, they didn’t like that Convertino cooperated with Senator Charles Grassley in his investigations into document fraud. Whatta crime.) And the feds insisted the terrorism convictions be overturned. And they indicted Convertino.
But now their indictment is shown to be a sham.
As reported by AP’s master investigative reporter John Solomon, photos the feds claim were inaccurate depictions of the Jordanian military hospital, the Queen Alia Hospital, are in fact confirmed by Google satellite photos as being accurate depictions of what is, in fact, the hospital. The alleged inaccuracy was the crux of the feds’ silly, nitpick-extraordinaire indictment.

Terrorist Sketches of Jordan’s Queen Alia Military Hospital

Now the feds are saying: so what if the photos are accurate? Huh? So what?! Up is down, red is blue, terrorists are heroes, and their prosecutor must be destroyed no matter what the evidence of his innocence and valor.
Is this the “War on Terror”? Say it ain’t so. But unfortunately, it is. Read more details on this ongoing, unjust witch hunt here and here.
Please help Rick Convertino by donating to his legal defense fund here–scroll down to bottom of page (or Paypal).
Read the whole AP Story exposing this sham of a case paid for by millions of your tax dollars.

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4 Responses

THANKS for the reminder…I made my donation~

The Canadien on April 25, 2006 at 10:12 am

So, the Feds are playing the part of “Miracle Max”, from “The Princess Bride”…
“So what, he is only mooooOOstly right. There’s a difference between mostly right and ALLL right.”
Or as H.I. McDonough said in “Raising Arizona”…”Ya see there’s ‘who knows who’, and ‘favoritism’. …and Ed knows someone down at the agency.”
What a sham. I hope he is cleared, and sues for wrongful prosecution etc. Aren’t some of the “Able Danger” crowd facing similar persecution and discrediting? Just a thought…”

SickBoy on April 25, 2006 at 10:56 pm

Rick is a fine young man. I pray for him and his family. May he remain strong in his beliefs.
What the heck is happening in Detroit? Next thing we know they will want to suceed from the Nation and form their own Muslim country!

mickie on April 25, 2006 at 11:01 pm

Poor man Convertino – facing flak for trying to make this country a safe place to live. I sympathize with him. I’m surprised how fast the demography of a place can change. Next, Detroit’s name will be changed to Al Detroit

jack on April 28, 2006 at 3:21 pm

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