April 13, 2006, - 3:22 pm

Brad Pitt Rhymes With Hypocrite

How nice. PBS a/k/a “Palestinian Broadcasting System” is proud of its new environmental architecture show, especially because it’s narrated by Brad Pitt.
The show, “Design: e2,” says PBS, “aims to bring green architectural issues to a whole new audience.”
Brad Pitt seems to enjoy lecturing us on how to build expensive, energy saving abodes that only a high-tech gazillionaire could love. Pitt and show producers declare that his involvement “will allow us to educate more viewers that we has [sic] ever hoped about the importance of green building.”

Hmmm . . . . Didn’t Brad Pitt and dumped, cheated on wife, Jennifer Aniston, just sell their 11,000-square-foot-plus house for $25,000,000.00? We wonder how much energy was wasted heating and cooling 11,000-plus square feet. A pool and EIGHT bathrooms. How much water was wasted?
Advice on environmentally friendly design? Save it for yourself, Brad Pitt.

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3 Responses

Debbie my darling, what do you expect from Brad and a Father who raised him named Stu?

KOAJaps on April 15, 2006 at 11:09 pm

I noticed that another famed environmentalist, Barbara Streisand, has about the same energy consumption as Sacramento. And I am concerned that James Brolin is actually her hostage.

shleppy on April 16, 2006 at 1:03 am

It’s fair. He gets paid to pretend to be someone, and I get to ignore him for free.
What is he, a high school graduate? It’s sort of like being lectured about the environment by a divinity school dropout or a singer with stage fright.
The next thing you know they’ll want me to start listening to the folks wh took oil for food money about Iraq.
Do the words “credibility problem” still mean anything?

MarkD on April 16, 2006 at 10:36 am

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