April 12, 2006, - 2:41 pm

OUTRAGE: Immigration Agents Were Ordered to Stay Away from Illegal Alien Protests

In past commentary on the mass illegal alien protests around the country, we have wondered aloud . We’ve also wondered aloud . It would be like shooting fish in a barrell and very efficient.
Now, we know the answer. We assumed that and other Homeland Security officials ordered agents to stay away from the protests and not arrest anyone. Yes, the same ICE Princess who pledged to Congress that she was serious about illegal immigration. Serious, apparently, about letting it continue.
And, apparently, our assumption was correct.
We got word from ICE agents in Michigan and Ohio that they wanted to attend the rallies (which, in Detroit, were RIGHT in front of their building, the McNamara Federal Bldg.). They were ordered by their boss, Michigan/Ohio ICE Special Agent in Charge to stay away from the rallies.

Abu E. Moskowitz: Illegal Aliens–What Me Worry?

Abu Moskowitz forbade them from arresting any of the illegal aliens present. So, remind us again, WHY are we paying Abu Moskowitz $140,000.00 in U.S. taxpayer dollars per year? We’re not quite sure–other than to use ICE resources to convene with his and his retinue of
Agents are angry that they were not allowed to arrest the illegals who were right in front of their noses, rubbing their illegal presence in the agents’ faces. And agents tell us that they are told this was a nationwide policy coming directly from the ICE Princess ordering them to ignore the illegal alien rallies and forbidding them from making arrests. This is a disgrace.

(Clueless Julie Myers courtesy of David A. Lunde)

Like we said all along, Julie Myers is incompetent and unqualified. But now she’s committing professional malpractice against the American people. Well past time for her to GO.

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12 Responses

Flagrant flaunting of laws is symbolic of a nation in decline. Not only the illegal immigrants but our law enforcement agencies. It is an ominous sign.

John Sobieski on April 12, 2006 at 3:00 pm

Morale was not so high on that day in any ICE office.

LSmith on April 12, 2006 at 3:48 pm

Maybe something as devine as a misplaced shank of lamb find its way into an unsuspecting orifice of both Moskowitz and Uncle Dicky’s favorite niece, Clueless.

Yiddish Steel on April 12, 2006 at 7:33 pm

This is no surprise to me. If you do a google on the Border Patrol Unions websites, you will find that as soon as George W Bush took office he ordered them not to do their job.
Here is the Arizona District website:
Can anyone deny that our own President has committed Treason?
What we have is Anarchy on display with these demonstrations backed by Communist Groups and no one seems concerned except the 280 million tax payers who are being ignored. They violate our laws with impunity and the President is encouraging them by saying Jobs Americans will not do. What an insult!!
I say it is time to seriously consider the Impeachment of GWB. How many more laws have to be ignored and supported by the President before we say enough?

ScottyDog on April 13, 2006 at 12:06 pm

5 years ago I thought conspiracy theorists were nuckin futz, and relegated to late night radio shows. Today, I am nuckin futz too…
Bush is, or at least was, a closet Reconquistador. TOOOO many duplicitous statements. His back door appointment of Julie was sketchy at best. Foreign Policy Magazine, published by the Council on Foreign Relations, last year, in a preview/predictions of 2006 issue, said one of the 10 things to say “good-bye” to is U.S. sovereignty. Hmmm.
As far as the “impeachment” of President Bush, I think it is coming. It will ALL be a show. The Democans will win more seats etc, and “wrestle” power from the Republicrats. I’ve heard it called “Two Card Monte” before, and tend to agree. Taxes will rise. Interest rates WILL rise. The majority of troops in Iraq will be returned home in the fall, just in time for elections. We will see our own little Gazafornia, Gazazona, and any number of smaller Gaza’s. It is only a matter of time.
No leadership and traditional core values…Trustworthy, Reverent, Thrifty, Brave etc.
…and to think Jeb Bush’s wife is Mexican. Neil Bush’s wife is Mexican, and I can’t remember which one of the wives has a brother in Mexico on some cabinet for Fox. Hmm. Fairness Doctrine, NAFTA, CAFTA, FTAA (hub to be in Miami), Intercontinental highway, “Marquee numero dos por Englais”, all these incidents with terrorism ruled out in 15 minutes, illegals working at the Pentagon, National Naval Medical Center Bethesda, Walter Reed, H1B Nurses who can’t speak English at Walter Reed, SBA and NGO teaming agreements, contracts set aside for “Hispanics” with FEMA in New Orleans, “pre citizen” voting advocacy groups springing up, etc etc.
Close the frickin’ border. There are 5.7 billion beds elsewhere in the world that an “American Dream” can be dreamt in.

SickBoy on April 13, 2006 at 6:34 pm

Debbie is right on, as are these commentators. ICE had every chance and continues to have every chance to arrest and deport millions of illegals from these marches. Now it will cost millions, probably billions to find them and deport them.
We have a bit of luck on our side, I think, besides the Constitution. The Communists and other seditionists are planning to shut down our ports and railways, etc. on May 1st. If they try to do so, I hope the nation’s governors will have their National Guard units mobilized and ready to defend these strategic sites. Anarchy has already begun. We can’t count on school districts to expel youths who cut class to protest.

levotb on April 13, 2006 at 9:19 pm

While the reason they were told not to arrest people probably wasn’t a good one, here are two good reasons not to arrest people at these marches:
1. It would have been a PR disaster.
2. There were probably hundreds more marchers than there were agents, so it would have been extremely risky.
Hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens marching in our streets is an extremely dangerous situation, and it’s necessary to back away slowly from this rather than risking something that could make it even worse.

BigMediaBlog on April 14, 2006 at 12:53 am

P.R. disaster? For who?
It is a “can’t or won’t” issue. Less than a dozen INS/ICE (can’t remember what its designation at the time was) went out into the California towns, rounding up 2 or 3 Illegal Aliens at a time. They managed to instill such fear within the parasitic community, that there were record absenses in schools, “shortage” of laborers at work sites, empty streets…all along the entire I-5 corridor. When all of a sudden, word came down from on high to “Stop”. …and this was BEFORE the Ice Princess. National Guard? Hmm. How about the fear sissies screaming and yelling about “infringement of rights” SUPPORT 2nd Amedment RIGHTS to form a militia. PLENTY of law abiding U.S. Citizens are tooootally pissed off, yet RESPECT law, and for a time, were fearful of being called “racist”, a sort of spiritual extortion professed by those disciples of “Freedom” and “Diversity” and “Choice”. I think the real America has FINALLY awakened. Finally. I, for one, believe in, and practice to the best of my ability, the entire “Bill of Rights”…equally and without prejudice. Maybe, just maybe, Planned Parenthood needs an office in Mexico City…. they’re all over the rest of the Western world aren’t they? Think, think, what is the PRIMARY reason Islam is marching throughout Europe, and now Scandinavia? Think about it.
…Psst, and Senator Frist EDITS his blog.
…and save any “fascist” rhetoric. Pullease.

SickBoy on April 14, 2006 at 9:15 am

Stop the Mexican Invasion NOW !!
As I read Ms. Schlussel’s article and its responses and agree with their observations, towit I suggest:
Start a DEMAND blogAttack for the ICEPrincess’s immediate termination/resignation [start the WAR drums now for the countDown].
Start a DEMAND blogAttack on BUSH to do his sworn duty to uphold the law and defend America against ALL enemies foreign and domestic.
As for GWB doing ANYTHING Otherwise after some weeks have passed, as the article and its’ respondents suggest AND I agree and suggest:
Start a DEMAND blogAttack for GWB’s impeachment (initiated by his own party for its’ own preservation) for high treason for his deliberate refusal to uphold his oath of office.
If the Commies/Liberals and their Mexican horde have succeeded by 1May06 or by MemorialDay to shut down America then these suggestions will be MUTE because we will be in CIVIL WAR mode and what GWB does/doesNot will become superfulous.

F.Marrion on April 14, 2006 at 11:27 pm

“5 years ago I thought conspiracy theorists were nuckin futz, and relegated to late night radio shows. Today, I am nuckin futz too…
Bush is, or at least was, a closet Reconquistador. TOOOO many duplicitous statements. His back door appointment of Julie was sketchy at best. Foreign Policy Magazine, published by the Council on Foreign Relations, last year, in a preview/predictions of 2006 issue, said one of the 10 things to say “good-bye” to is U.S. sovereignty. Hmmm.
As far as the “impeachment” of President Bush, I think it is coming. It will ALL be a show. The Democans will win more seats etc, and “wrestle” power from the Republicrats. I’ve heard it called “Two Card Monte” before, and tend to agree. Taxes will rise. Interest rates WILL rise. The majority of troops in Iraq will be returned home in the fall, just in time for elections. We will see our own little Gazafornia, Gazazona, and any number of smaller Gaza’s. It is only a matter of time.
No leadership and traditional core values…Trustworthy, Reverent, Thrifty, Brave etc.
…and to think Jeb Bush’s wife is Mexican. Neil Bush’s wife is Mexican, and I can’t remember which one of the wives has a brother in Mexico on some cabinet for Fox. Hmm. Fairness Doctrine, NAFTA, CAFTA, FTAA (hub to be in Miami), Intercontinental highway, “Marquee numero dos por Englais”, all these incidents with terrorism ruled out in 15 minutes, illegals working at the Pentagon, National Naval Medical Center Bethesda, Walter Reed, H1B Nurses who can’t speak English at Walter Reed, SBA and NGO teaming agreements, contracts set aside for “Hispanics” with FEMA in New Orleans, “pre citizen” voting advocacy groups springing up, etc etc.
Close the frickin’ border. There are 5.7 billion beds elsewhere in the world that an “American Dream” can be dreamt in.
Posted by: SickBoy at April 13, 2006 06:34 PM”
BINGO! And people called me a conspiracy theory nut! But get this, it goes back all they way to Nixon when he open ties with China and you see today’s result. Look into how the CIA put Mao in to power, like they did with he Shah, Noriega, it’s going on today. And the realization is Sickboy? The borders will never close again,

KOAJaps on April 16, 2006 at 4:44 pm

Michael J. Maxwell
Former Director of the Office of Security and Investigations (OSI) at US Citizenship and
Immigration Services (USCIS)
Janice Kephart
Principal and Managing Member, 9/11 Security Solutions, LLC
Please, Debbie, read the Michael Maxwell testimony. It’s 29 pages of scandal and it names names with all the dirty linen and malfeasance of office, and fraud. My wife is an IIO at the Arizona office and found a Philippine
applicant for the work permit and looked through the stamps in his passport and believed it to be a fraud application and called in the new fraud Investigator who not onlybroke his lies but also exposed his brother, who was involved in the same action. When her boss came back, she was criticized for taking so much time on one case, so that part about the forms I-765 is absolutly the fact and its happening an a regular basis.

noel i doran on April 17, 2006 at 4:10 am

Repeal Public Law 94-311.
Strike the XIV Amendment, Sec. I, U.S. Constitution.
Prejudicial ENFORCEMENT of CURRENT laws.
Reform is not what is needed, BRASS Balls.
Deport ALL Illegal Aliens within ALL prisons and/or jails.
Implement medical/legal quaratine sites; (1) in Hawaii, (1) Alaska, Seattle, San Francisco, San Diego, Santa Fe, San Antonio, Orlando, Virginia Beach, BWI Airport, New York, Bangor, and Detroit period.
The standards need to be raised, or they will raze our country.
…this is sooo frickin ridiculous!
Is this “fair”? HELLLLL no. Our children deserve better.
P.S. Genuine thanks for those agents/officials already prosecuting the mission 110%.

SickBoy on April 17, 2006 at 8:28 am

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