April 10, 2006, - 1:30 pm

Car Accidents: The Illegal Alien Hazard You Never Hear About

A USA Today article raises yet another problem created by so many illegal aliens in our midst: deadly car accidents.
According to the article, many aliens–both legal AND illegal–walk across highways and roads that are fairly dangerous and not designed for foot traffic. This includes the Buford Highway in Georgia, but also areas in suburban Washington, DC, Orlando, and Southern California (Chula Vista). Buford traffic is so dangerous that one woman says she waits 30-40 minutes to cross, a hint it’s not made for walking.
The 34 pedestrian deaths and 305 injuries on the Buford, alone, are tragedies, but they also mean higher insurance costs, injured people, and children possibly losing their parents–all exacerbated by illegal aliens.

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8 Responses

I did. On the 405 North towards the second immigration check point, near San Onofre, a car filled with illegals, as they approached the border, instead piulling over, the turned out the headlights, and headed north on the southbound freeway.
Imagine the carnage.
And Bush as well as his Republican and Democrat cronies to open our borders

KOAJaps on April 10, 2006 at 1:52 pm

Not to mention that, once the illegal aliens get here, many of them drive WITHOUT a license, WITHOUT insurance, and often drive drunk. Now, when a law abiding citizen is invloved in an accident caused by one of these illegal aliens, there is no recourse to recover damages because the illegal alien has no insurance, has no assets, and the law abiding citizen is left holding the bag. Meanwhile, the illegal alien disappears from that town and pops up in another town under another alias.
As a side note, nearly 1/3 of prisoners in U.S. prisons are ILLEGAL aliens.
Forget about the cost of educating their spawn, and what it costs for their medical care – you KNOW they don’t carry health insurance.
Lastly, they are erasing our national identity.
Celebrate diversity!
Let the bloodletting continue!

Thee_Bruno on April 10, 2006 at 3:24 pm

Click on the URL
This sign was put up to WARN citizen motorists that this was a favorite area for Illegals to cross.
The Illegals saw it as “Cross here”.

chp3871 on April 10, 2006 at 8:29 pm

Is that sign for real chp? It’s sad that they actually needed to make a sign like that.

Concerned Conservative on April 11, 2006 at 9:18 am

The sign is absoulutely real CC! There are many of them up and down the interstate 5 here in So-Cal.

Chiefscotty24 on April 11, 2006 at 9:46 am

“Lastly, they are erasing our national identity.”
Xenophobia: an intense fear or dislike of foreign people, their customs and culture, or foreign things.
Debbie: Re-read the USA Today article. Note: The problem isn’t that they are illegal aliens. Its that they’re poor and can’t afford safer means of getting where they need to go. By your logic, we should be condeming the poor and anyone else who walks to work for raising the cost of health insurance.
Immigration raises serious issues. However, painting immigration, legal or otherwise, as a national dilemma smacks as odd discourse in a nation founded by immigrants.

TenaciousGrizz on April 11, 2006 at 3:13 pm

It’s real concerned. As for Tenacious, we may be xenophobic, so what, I’m a Japanese American and guess what, most don’t care and there are some who would call me a Jap, but not in my face. Do I care? No. But even if I am a xenophobe, what does that do? Nothing. I dislike all cultrue including mine but guess what, I couldn’t care less. Why should you? As for:
“Debbie: Re-read the USA Today article. Note: The problem isn’t that they are illegal aliens. Its that they’re poor and can’t afford safer means of getting where they need to go. By your logic, we should be condeming the poor and anyone else who walks to work for raising the cost of health insurance. ”
They are coming in illegally. There are laws against that but then you’re saying: They need the money and only want to support their family. Explain this then, why don’t their government do something? Is it because Mexico is a dictatorship? And if so, do we declare war on Mexico to stop a dictator like we did with Saddam? Hitler? Pol Pot? Or do we let the people cross over? Oh and since we’re oppressive xenophobes, when illegals from Guatemala, Coast Rica, and Mexico’s favorite: El Salvador cross over Mexico’s southern border, to work or to come to America, did you know that the Mexican military shoots them? So, does your comment:
“Debbie: Re-read the USA Today article. Note: The problem isn’t that they are illegal aliens. Its that they’re poor and can’t afford safer means of getting where they need to go. By your logic, we should be condeming the poor and anyone else who walks to work for raising the cost of health insurance.
Immigration raises serious issues. However, painting immigration, legal or otherwise, as a national dilemma smacks as odd discourse in a nation founded by immigrants.”
You know the difference between what these folks are doing and what parents did (rest their soul)different as immigrants? My parents, like many here from all over the globe, came here legally. They got a student visa, graduated, then got a working visa, then worked for the required time and got their green card and finally got their citizenship. The illegals? Came here illegally, worked in the fields and got amnesty.
And speaking about xenophobes, Mexicans are not the only illegal here but I’m assuming you know that.
Is this a nation of racists with a concerned government wanting to end illegal immigration or is it just propaganda from an elite group wanting to take over America, use the illegals as slave labor while we rot away on welfare? If you believe the latter, then pick up your arms and start defending yourself, because, this is no longer the United States of America

KOAJaps on April 11, 2006 at 9:30 pm

“…a nation founded by immigrants…”
E. Pluribus Unum.
…it doesn’t mean “seperate but equal”…
Those crossing the border illegally are cheats, theives, and an extortionists mule. I think the “xenophobic” are the Mexicans. Ever look at their laws governing “immigrants”? I also think you need to read up on your Mexican factual history. We aren’t witnessing “immigration”, we are witness to a reconquest by the purposefully dumbed down, impoverished, mindless automatons created by a Socialist government in ol’ Mexico.
…you’d be surprised who the racist really is…
Oh, and don’t forget, the indiginous population within Mexico are legislated second class citizens too. Oh yeah, The governing 9% of the Mexican population is white, that is to say they can directly trace their heritage back to Spain. Read up on why the U.S. Army was sent to the Laredo area of Texas in 1915. Check into the problems Maximillian was having with the Native Americans in the desert Southwest, and WHY he invited the U.S. Cavalry into north Mexico.
…I never thought I would actually run into the idiot from Hillary’s village…sheesh. Get off the net and into a library with books printed before 1990. Ever heard of the fall of Rome? Trojan Horses? Be careful, one of the first people rounded up in pre-war Germany were those with mental disorders. Start here…
…pretty diverse thoughts, no?

SickBoy on April 12, 2006 at 9:56 pm

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