April 5, 2006, - 5:06 pm

More Signs Mike Tyson is Mentally Impaired

Our favorite Islamic boxer, Mike Tyson, is the athlete that keeps on giving . . . us reasons to ridicule him.
We were entertained by his dinner of Ear of Evander (Holyfield) and Leg of Lennox (Lewis), though we felt sorry for the live victims and hope they weren’t infected.
Now, however, we don’t know whether to laugh or be angry. Mike Tyson has embraced Communist leader Mao Zedong.
Being such an admirer of the man who brought despotic tyranny to China, Tyson already has a tattoo of Chairman Mao on his right arm. But now, he’s visited Mao’s embalmed body at the dictator’s mausoleum. He also bought three propaganda books on Mao while in China.
Says Iron Mike:

Standing in front of Chairman Mao’s remains, I felt really insignificant. To have the chance to visit the memorial hall is a great honor for me.

Mike Tyson: Fan of Communist Dictator, Ear of Evander

In love with a human rights abuser and mass murderer. Apparently, Mike Tyson has been punched in the head too many times. Makes us glad his boxing career is over.

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7 Responses

Tyson, “Standing in front of Chairman Mao’s remains, I felt really insignificant.”
He has been insignificant for about 10 years.
Think someone could talk him into staying in China? I’d like to hear him threaten to eat the leader’s kids.

The_Man on April 5, 2006 at 8:40 pm

“he bad he know he bad” But not bad enough for the men who slapped cuffs on him.

DeBodine on April 6, 2006 at 2:31 am

Mo’ signs? Now you be rubbin’ it in;anybody who
can blow 400 million…

jaywilton on April 6, 2006 at 9:12 am

I thought he’d be driving dollar vans in Brooklyn by now.

EminemsRevenge on April 6, 2006 at 9:13 am

The most surprising part of the story? That he was found with books in his possession. Hopefully they had lots of pictures for him.

Concerned Conservative on April 6, 2006 at 11:21 am

What wasn’t reported was that Mike also had in his possession a very big supply of crayons to go along with those books.

Thee_Bruno on April 6, 2006 at 12:19 pm

well america celebrates “columbus day”. columbus was a mass murderer that killed 1 million native americans a year. what does that say about america? in america, printed on our money, we have pictures of human rights abusers who brought tyrany to native americans, and enslaved Afro-americans. does that mean americans are mentally impaired?

jason javosky on July 20, 2013 at 10:58 pm

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