February 22, 2010, - 3:34 pm
That’s Your Conservative?: Your Day in Glenn Beckitude
If your local newspaper, this weekend, featured the Gannett USA Weekend insert, you saw the cover and inside cover story featured Glenn Beck. I found two parts of it particularly nauseating, er . . . “interesting.” (And that’s aside from Beck’s repeated promotion of Hezbollah and Islamic terrorism cheerleader Jihad Darrell a/k/a Darrell Issa.)
The first is his endorsement of the global warming junk science, which even the global warming crowd has implicitly admitted is bunk, since they’ve changed the name to “climate change,” to adjust for the weather that has inconveniently poked holes in their claims. Remarkably–while Beck repeatedly told audiences of his syndicated radio show, his CNN Headline News show, and now his FOX News show that he did not buy into global warming nonsense–that’s not what he’s saying now:
He believes in global warming
“You’d be an idiot not to notice the temperature change,” he says. He also says there’s a legit case that global warming has, at least in part, been caused by mankind. He has tried to do his part by buying a home with a “green” design and using energy-saving products. “I’m willing to do anything but use the CFLs,” he says of compact fluorescent light bulbs. “I put them in once and couldn’t stand the way they lit up the room.”
Well, thank Heaven for small favors.
Then, there’s his star-struck embrace of George Clooney and Clooney’s dhimmitude in refusing to stand up for Christian Sudanese (while there still were some left from the mass-murders, gang-rapes, and tortures at the hands of Arab Muslims). Both of them are now embracing the remaining Black Muslim Sudanese refugees, without pointing out the identity of their perpetrators (Arab Muslims)–a hallmark of Clooney’s dhimmi “outcry” over Sudan:
He bonds with George Clooney
One day, both of them ended up in the same radio studio building and had an extended conversation about genocide in Darfur. “We came to an immediate, completely wholehearted agreement about the situation,” Beck says. “That is, to put aside the politics and give troops what they need to protect people over there. He’s a good, honest man who believes passionately about doing something about it.”
PUH-LEEZE. Clooney isn’t good, he’s not honest, and he may believe passionately in something, but it ain’t doing something about the continued MUSLIM torture of Blacks in Sudan.
Note to the gullible Beckmessiah crowd: the more he tells you he’s not part of the establishment, the more he’s lying about the fact that he’s the epitome of establishment. His silly jeans and Chuck Taylor tennis shoes wardrobe is merely a costume.
Beck’s manufactured outrage is baloney. His common sense populist bonhomie is bunk. Stop falling for this drama queen.
**** UPDATE: Facebook friend and reader Sanford Horn notes:
All good points, Debbie, but I would add one more concern that I took from the same article you referenced. Beck noted that he matched his staff’s charitable contributions dollar for dollar to whatever organization to which they donated. That certainly does not make him a conservative if he is willing to financially advance organizations fighting against the morals and principles we as conservatives stand for and fight for on a daily basis. That is an example of a go along to get along pandering that we do not need.
Right on, Sanford.
Tags: Darfur, drama queen, Fox News Channel, George Clooney, Glenn Beck, global warming, Sudan
What say you, Beck? Debbie is right that these things are inexcusible (not the outfit, but your greening and islamo-cloon pandering)
BB on February 22, 2010 at 3:38 pm