September 6, 2007, - 7:34 pm

Shalom, Luciano, Philo-Semite

Although I’m not an opera fan, I did like tenor Luciano Pavarotti, who died of pancreatic cancer.
In a day and age in which anti-Semitism is back in vogue and many performing artists will not go to Israel, Pavarotti loved the Jewish people and Israel, where he performed many concerts, including at the height of Palestinian terrorist attacks and homicide bombings there a few years ago.
This photo and quote from the Jerusalem Post, below, has been on my refrigerator for years (unsure of the date):

You are Jews and I am Catholic, but we both put the soul of man first, and that is the truth.

Luciano Pavarotti, one of the world’s great operatic singing voices, Rest In Peace.
**** UPDATE: Here’s video of Pavarotti and Barry White. Sort of like “Ebony & Ivory, Large & In Charge Edition.” Also Pavarotti & James Brown performing together. Not sure these eclectic acts mixed together quite work (Pavarotti was best when singing pure classical opera). But semi-amusing nonetheless:

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5 Responses

Love this. The Soul of man first indeed. RIP

nyone on September 6, 2007 at 10:28 pm

Love this. The Soul of man first indeed. RIP

nyone on September 6, 2007 at 10:28 pm

CarpeDiem on September 6, 2007 at 10:34 pm

CarpeDiem on September 6, 2007 at 10:38 pm

I didn’t know that about him. Thanks for bringing Pavarotti’s philosemitism to light for the rest of us, Debbie.

AmericanJewess on September 6, 2007 at 10:57 pm

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