August 3, 2007, - 12:45 pm

The Muslim Bow-Tie Brigade: Who Killed Chauncey Bailey?

If you’re from the Detroit area, then you probably remember Chauncey Bailey. The classy, smart reporter and columnist was a rare reasonable liberal who had a nose for hard news and covering the story. He wrote for The Detroit News before it became the pan-Islamist-occupied Detroit Newsistan that it is today, with shoddy reporting, extreme bias, and out-and-out untruths, and a crappy “editorial” page to go along with it. Back in the day, as a young reporter, Bailey was one of Detroit’s most prominent Black journalists, and I always read whatever was under his byline (until he left town in 1992).
As the editor of the Oakland Post, he was gunned down and murdered, yesterday, in broad daylight, in downtown Oakland. Why?

Was Chauncey Bailey Murdered by Muslims?

Some bloggers in the know think it was because he was involved in an expose of . You’ll remember that Black Muslims connected with this bakery perpetrated the same Muslim v. Muslim violence you see in the Mid-East (and Mid-East Dearbornistan) when , verboten in Islam. After a few years as an Oakland Tribune reporter, he took the helm of the Black newspaper, The Oakland Post, so he could work on in-depth exposes like this one.
Yesterday, after word of the shooting murder, Little Concrete Piranhas (LCP) posted this:

Appears like nothing, but Chauncey Bailey was well known for exposing Black Muslims to their evil ways in the past.
Did it catch up to him?
ONGOING Investigation!!!

As I :

Shi’ite vs. Sunni Muslim violence in Iraq? Fuhgedaboutit.
We’ve got our own version right here in the States: extremist, bow-tied Black Muslims versus Arab Muslims (many of whom are also extremist).
First, on Thanksgiving Eve, bow-tied Black Muslims trashed two White Arab Muslim-owned convenience stores in Oakland, CA, for selling alcohol and pork to us Infidels. Then, they torched one of the stores and kidnapped its Arab Muslim owner.
One of the perpetrators is Yusuf Bey IV, the son of a prominent Black Muslim leader who founded “Your Black Muslim Bakery, Inc.”, which encompasses a Muslim bakery, school, and other enterprises.

Rockdog and Bud of LCP write:

We got a gut feeling black muslims did this murder. Nothing concrete but Chris Thompson/Chauncy Bailey did writing about the Black Muslims and Yusuf Bey in Oakland Ca.
Heres a link
We are at work and can’t do a lot of research here.

Oh, and by the way, their “gut feeling” is far more concrete and reliable than Michael Chertoff’s “gut feeling” while he .

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One Response

I remember when Chauncey Bailey was gunned down. Everybody knew it was people connected with “The Bakery” who did this. Black Muslims are nothing more than common street hoodlums.

mochamadness on May 4, 2014 at 1:02 pm

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