July 25, 2007, - 10:46 am

Show Raid OUTRAGE: FBI, DoJ Allow Al-Mabarat Hezbollah Charity to Remain Open for Biz; Thanks, Abu Porno

Well, now, maybe you can understand of yesterday’s show raids of Dearbornistan-based Hezbollah charities, and As I noted yesterday, the FBI raided and shut down only the piddling charity, GCO, which sent just over $160,000 to terrorists. The government froze only that group’s minimal assets.

Al Mabarrat’s Lebanese Website Features Its Leader,

Hezbollah Spiritual Leader Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah

BUT . . . when it came to the bigger cheeses, like Al-Mabarat Charitable Organization–which openly touts its leader as Sheikh Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah (Hezbollah’s spiritual leader) and should have been shuttered by the FBI and U.S. Department of Justice, no dice. The FBI raided the charity, but neither it nor the Justice Department shut it down nor froze its assets. The Dearbornistan charity, which never made any secret about sending its million dollars per year to Hezbollah, remains open for business.
Ditto for , which sends multi-millions to HAMAS and apparently Al-Qaeda, every single year. It was raided almost a year ago, with nothing happening to it.
Ditto for , the Dearbornistan-based Mid-East restaurant chain owned and run from Lebanon by fugitive indictee and Hezbollah financier . To this day, Chahine collects money from and conducts the business of the restaurant, even though a federal indictment alleged he used the restaurant to give $20 million, tax-free, to Hezbollah.
Why are these charities and businesses allowed to remain open for business? Why haven’t their assets been frozen and/or seized? Why?
Well, I’ll tell you why. These raids are for show. Little comes of them. Even when individuals have been indicted, like Chahine, they’ve been given ample warning by and (as in Chahine’s case, as well as the case of the Hammoud family of Hezbollah money-launderers). The raids, the indictments, everything that goes with them are all meant for PR hype and TV cameras. But there is nothing behind them.
The bottom line is that Murphy is openly in bed with extremists in the Muslim community and has THE WORST record among all U.S. Attorneys in the country for prosecuting Islamic terrorists, and that’s in the heart of Islamic America. Syracuse University found that Murphy has the lowest rate of pursuing terrorist cases referred to him by the FBI, and he has the lowest rate of successful prosecutions (convictions) of the cases he pursues. Add that to the charities and fugitives he respectively allows to remain open for business and flee the country, and you have a U.S. Attorney who is actively helping terrorist groups flourish in our country.
Yet another sign of “” in the War on Terror.
Mr. Murphy, Shut Al-Mabarat DOWN!

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5 Responses

It’s a case like that of the relationship between Johnny Sutton, the prosecutor of two border agents, and the President. “He’s a close personal friend” the President said. Might it be the same with Mr. Murphy as well. Our beloved President talks and has talked form both sides of his mouth and for quite some time now.
If I’d have known about this guy as President he would be trashed publicly and let go immediately!

warpmine on July 25, 2007 at 11:14 am

January 2009 can’t get here fast enough.
I’m beginning to think that el Presidente Jorge Arbusto doesn’t realize that Saddam Hussein is dead. It seems that when he talks about fighting the war on terrorism, it’s only about Hussein and al-Qaeda.
If he really gave a shit about the war on terrorism, he’d;
1. Close the borders,
2. Not push for amnesty for illegal aliens (including muzlums),
3. Prosecuting and shutting down blatant, pro-terrorist, islamic “charities”, and successfully prosecuting their members. It seems his litmus test is this: As long as they don’t send money to al-Qaeda, he’ll let it slide.
The only positive accomplishments Jorge Arbusto achieved are:
1. Cutting taxes, which spurred the economy,
2. Routing the Taliban after 9/11,
3. Supreme Court appointees (Harriet Miers, however, was a joke).
Other than that, he’s a complete failure!

Thee_Bruno on July 25, 2007 at 11:22 am

Debbie, this is one time I wish Hannity would steal your stuff–or somebody!!
Maybe another pundit–but somebody please–don’t give Murphy and (the real rub here) the Bush administration a free pass on this farce. It is dangerous to our country to allow resident terrorists and their “funding-fronts” a place to operate from.
Debbie, you have been tracking Abu Porno since the first day I checked your site over a year ago–likewise on Chertoff and Myers et al. What does it take to get the word to the rest of the people–that most of the stuff we see in the press from the MSM on this stuff is propaganda to give us a false sense of security?

BB on July 25, 2007 at 11:27 am

So why then Deborah, the nomination to the US Court of Appeals? Scratching my head, is Bush an idiot or something? Wait, don’t answer that because it’s obvious to those who aren’t. Will Giuliani be like this as well?

warpmine on July 25, 2007 at 1:34 pm

Salam( peace be upon you)
Yeh thats what It means. Soo they raided 2 charities last night eh, in Dearborn, home of the biggest Muslim community. Why for, maybe for a show that this phony US Government can do something and Mr Bushit is fighting terrorism? I don’t see a mission Accomplished yet and guess what, there wont be another Republican in office, this is democrat ruling and it will continue. Maybe if some people haven’t noticed, the economy was better during the Clinton administration, yeh I don’t agree with everything he did, especially adultery, since that is the biggest sin in ISLAM, and so is killing and suicide. What I’m saying is, none of you are getting to know Islam and wont give it a chance. which you should. Do you all listen to Fox News or something? Just wondering here. You don’t have good views on anything nor does anyone else since it seems no one has an open mind. Offend me, like I care because I hear it everyday, but the Oppressed people will have Heaven that didn’t commit any crimes or have killed anyone, but I’m not hear to judge people.

Muslim man on July 25, 2007 at 10:39 pm

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