June 30, 2005, - 11:26 am

Abu Moskowitz or Abed Moskowitz? Taking a Vote

By Debbie Schlussel
Many of you have written to me regarding my ongoing coverage of the disturbing Islamist leanings and conflicts of interest displayed by a/k/a Abu Moskowitz, Special Agent in Charge of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) for Michigan and Ohio.
But while all like the name “Abu Moskowitz,” many have asked whether “Abed” Moskowitz might be a more appropriate name. While “Abu” is Arabic for father, it implies being a leader or master. “Abed” is Arabic for slave. The word has, unfortunately, become a derogatory word used by many in the Detroit Islamic community–headed by Moskowitz’ crony Imad Hamad–to describe Black people.
Moskowitz, hardly a leader over his own agents (among whom morale is at an all-time low), is also clearly not the one taking the lead in his relationship with “former” PFLP terrorist and FBI award revokee . It seems Moskowitz is Hamad’s abed–with in Moskowitz’s office, and (child porn tapes and sex tourism, not the greater threats of Islamic terror-related Hawalas, money-laundering, and illegal immigration). A recent Wall Street Journal article detailed the push in ICE to crack down on Islamic Hawalas, nationwide, and described many of the successful investigations and prosecutions. Moskowitz’s domain, in the heart of Islamic America, was strangely missing from the story, because he is not pursuing ICE’s Hawala directive aggressively–or even at all.
Then, there is Moskowitz’s own office, where morale is at an all-time low. He spent $30,000 on new carpeting and furniture for his office, but there is no money for pens or files for his agents, so that they open cases and investigations of criminals. At his ICE office’s Christmas party, last year, Moskowitz announced he did not want to be in Detroit and preferred Arizona, so “if you don’t like it, quit. There are many others in line to take your job.” Finally, there is Moskowitz’s claim of commitment to integrity (like the Clintons’ empty claim when they came to the White House). But his agents are scratching their heads about Moskowitz’s “integrity,” considering his behavior as unexpectedly observed in the Washington area, by one of his agents, around the time Moskowitz attended an April ICE retreat nearby. (News of this spread like wildfire among his agents, who are wondering whether taxpayer dollars were expended for his companion.)
So, I’m taking votes. Should we keep going with the catchy Abu Moskowitz or go with Abed Moskowitz? You can post your votes and reasoning here (you don’t have to use your real name to register) or e-mail me. I will eventually announce the results.
Either way, you know you are safe with Abu Moskowitz “in charge.” He is busy catching those dangerous Major League Baseball counterfeiters who are terrorizing our lives.

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5 Responses

If Islam means ?submission?, and Moskowitz is intent on furthering its interests by being subservient to Hamad, submitting to Hamad?s wishes, as it appears to be, then ?Abed? certainly seems to be correct. If Moskowitz ever becomes an open leader of an Islamofascist movement (with a name like ?Moskowitz??), then perhaps he?ll earn the title of ?Abu?, as well as ?Public Enemy?.
So cast one vote for ?Abed? .

Yngvai on June 30, 2005 at 8:25 pm

If Islam means “submission”, and Moskowitz is intent on furthering its interests by being subservient to Hamad, submitting to Hamad’s wishes, as it appears to be, then “Abed” certainly seems to be correct. If Moskowitz ever becomes an open leader of an Islamofascist movement (with a name like “Moskowitz”?), then perhaps he”ll earn the title of “Abu”, as well as “Public Enemy”.
So cast one vote for “Abed”.

Yngvai on June 30, 2005 at 8:26 pm

Sorry about the double post.

Yngvai on June 30, 2005 at 8:27 pm

Nah,dis sounds more like dat cat who camped out with Arafat for humanitarian reasons;adamshapiro
in Arabic.

jaywilton on July 1, 2005 at 10:14 am

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