June 19, 2007, - 12:19 pm

People Magazine’s Sharia Summer Reading for Kids

**** UPDATE: People Magazine’s Islamist Kids Book features on the cover. ****
Just in time for summer, People Magazine has its own recommended reading list. And it’s of the sharia-compliant variety.
Not that anyone considers the celebrity magazine the authority on literary pursuits, but it’s disturbing what People is recommending that your kids read, this summer, in its June 11, 2007 issue.
For “Young Adult” kids, People recommends “Does My Head Look Big in This?” by Randa Abdel-Fattah. It’s a book that glamorizes young girls wearing the hijab (Muslim head scarf). Here’s People’s description:

What happens when an Australian-Palestinian teen tries wearing her Muslim head scarf or hijab, full-time. Read Abdel-Fattah’s witty, sensitive debut and find out.

People Recommends Sharia to Your Kids

Or actually don’t. And don’t let your “young adult” read this propaganda closeted as a kids book, either.
I remember spending a good part of my summers as a kid, reading books. There are plenty of fascinating, exciting, adventurous, and magical books for kids.
A “witty, sensitive” book with an extremist religious agenda isn’t one of them.
I doubt People would recommend a book recommending becoming a nun or a priest or engaging in Catholic rites for young adults. And those, at least, are respectable religious pursuits which don’t symbolize extremism and the degradation and often violent persecution of women.
Ironically, this issue is the one with the messed-up Lindsay Lohan on the cover. America has its problems with glamorized, troubled young starlets.
But wearing the hijab and being subject to Islam’s subjugation of women is hardly the answer to the Lindsay Lohans of America. Get a clue, People Magazine.
Among its other choices, People recommends “Camp Creepy Time,” by actress Gina Gershon and her brother Dann, for kids age 10 and up. Yup, just what your 10-year-old needs: a book written by the woman who played a topless stripper in “Showgirls.”

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9 Responses

Anxiously awaiting your book-burning list!!!
i haven’t read *Mein Kampf* but i’d be pissed off if they passed a law forbidding me to read it.

EminemsRevenge on June 19, 2007 at 2:24 pm

Geez, they make me hot just looking at them. Summertime in Philadelphia. I occassionally see this gorilla on the train all berkaed up sprawled out taking up two seats sound asleep. Hey, stupid, it’s hot.

John Cunningham on June 19, 2007 at 2:38 pm

I am so sick of the garbage books that my kids have to read in school. EVERY book has some tragedy. EVERY book is depressing. No books have a happy intact family. NO books are uplifting or instill pride, unless itís some separatist (bound by their common tragedy) misery loves company attempt at boosting ìself esteemî.
The bookstores and the public library are the same way. I wish there was a conservative book club for kids – just a list of books that reflect my familyís values.

dm60462 on June 19, 2007 at 2:45 pm

Hey enemabag,
Go back to reading Mad magazine…it’s more along the limits of your intelligence.

1shot1kill on June 19, 2007 at 3:58 pm

To the delusional poster above: I wouldn’t burn a book, but I just might line my birdcage with People Magazine.
As for Peoples’s Kids reading list: I doubt there will be anything on there about Moses or Jesus (unless to denigrate)…We simply can’t have the chillll-dren exposed to the Ten Commandments or the Beatitudes. Why, they may become…gulp…moral and upright; instead of selfish, freedom hating little sycophants, regurgitating the tripe that composes literary wastelands such as “Sheeple”.
Summer reading my arse; its more like summer brainwashing.

Southernops on June 19, 2007 at 4:14 pm

Answer: “Yes, your head looks big.”

LibertarianBulbasaur on June 20, 2007 at 2:47 am

In summer, I can’t even stand a necklace around my neck.
God, do I ABSOLUTELY H-A-T-E islam!
I’m a Latina from NYC. I say: “LIVE FREE OR DIE!”

allat on June 20, 2007 at 2:18 pm

Actually, and respectfully, I don’t think anyone should criticize this book. The writer isn’t trying to brainwash anyone. What about all the Arab and Muslim kids who have to read books about kids who have to go to church and are reciting things from the Bible? Isn’t it the same? Isn’t it fair that this book is published? Anyway, if a Muslim writer was going to write an English book, they would not write about Christian characters!

Khulood on July 27, 2010 at 11:10 am

Have you even read the book? It’s not propaganda; it’s just the story of a self-concious teenager who happens to be muslim. She’s a normal girl who also condamns extremists. The hiyab part is only a small portion of the book. When people write, they tend to create characters who are similar to them, which is why Muslim writers create Muslim characters, just like Christian writers create Christian characters. By the way, Christianism and Judaism are also represented in this book -the girl’s crush is Christian, her friend is Jewish-, but you wouldn’t know that since you haven’t even read them.

Asdf on May 5, 2013 at 4:18 am

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