June 14, 2007, - 2:10 pm

Study: Congressmen w/ Daughters More Likely to be Pro-Abortion . . . or Pro-Choice Congressmen More Likely to Have Slutty Daughters

In a bizarre liberal study marking Father’s Day, Yale researchers found that male Congressmen with daughters are more likely to vote for “reproductive rights”–the sanitized phrase for abortion:

The findings, an update to a study published last year by the National Bureau of Economic Research, also show that the more daughters a congressman had, the more likely he was to vote for reproductive rights, says Ebonya Washington, an assistant economics professor at Yale.
Her new research, not yet published, expands on an analysis she did of roll-call votes during the 105th Congress in 1997-98 when she examined family composition and compared the data with voting records compiled by other groups. She used rankings by the National Organization for Women, based on votes on 20 women’s issues such as equal rights, women’s safety, economic security, education, health and reproductive rights. She also reviewed voting data from the National Right to Life Committee.
Her new analysis included congressional votes through 2004 and added information from another group: the American Association of University Women. She again found voting record support for a daughter-to-father influence.

The conclusion they want you to get from this is that pro-life Congressmen are insensitive to women and don’t have contact with any.
But I’d draw a different conclusion: Congressmen who are liberal are more likely to have slutty daughters. And therefore, they are more likely to support abortion for selfish, personal reasons.
Another conclusion: If you are pro-life, don’t vote for candidates with daughters.
Yale’s contribution to society.

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19 Responses

Ebonya? What’s going on at Yale?

lexi on June 14, 2007 at 2:28 pm

Using THAT kind of logic i might as well ask Brad and Angelina who i should vote for.

EminemsRevenge on June 14, 2007 at 3:45 pm

I don’t know what’s going on at Yale, but I googled “Ebonya”, so now I want to get up there and find out! She’s cute and has a PhD from MIT….I may have to marry that woman!

JibberJabber on June 14, 2007 at 3:55 pm

Why do daughters hate America so much? Dick Cheney’s daughter is a lesbian, and she loves America. Why can’t the stupid liberal daughters love our country as well? They should all leave.

Obama Bin Laden on June 14, 2007 at 4:48 pm

“But I’d draw a different conclusion: Congressmen who are liberal are more likely to have slutty daughters. And therefore, they are more likely to support abortion for selfish, personal reasons.”
Impossible to say it any better than that!!! Bravo and right on Debbie.

BB on June 14, 2007 at 8:57 pm

I think you’re reading too much into this. I bet it’s as simple as people with daughters having more of an emotional reaction to this issue. “Well, gee, what if my daughter was in XYZ position? I wouldn’t want that to happen…” I doubt it’s any sort of conscious decision.

LibertarianBulbasaur on June 14, 2007 at 10:46 pm

When I was growing up in the DC suburbs, Eleanor Mondale had the unfortunate nickname of “Easy Eleanor.” I thought that this was hung on her by some high school guys who tried but couldn’t get anywhere with her. However, when I went to college, I met up with some Minnesotans who said that she also had the nickname back in MN for alleged escapades.

chsw on June 14, 2007 at 11:40 pm

If you’d read the actual study, you’d see that the pattern holds for both Republicans and Democrats: more daughters, more pro-choice voting records.

Kristin on June 15, 2007 at 8:40 am

This is a purely correlational study, and as we all know, correlation does not imply causation. But at least in this case, the two factors are quantifiable…the number of daughters a congressman has and his voting record.
How, exactly, do you measure a daughter’s sluttiness? The number of sexual partner she has had? A simple boolean value based on her virginity? The number of abortions she’s had? Or if she uses contraception?
And can you actually provide evidence of this? I think not. Anything that purports to be evidence of someone’s promiscuity is often nothing more than anecdotal, and stories do not make for science.
It’s one thing to attack a congressman for his political views. And although it shows poor judgment, attacking a congressman personally doesn’t nearly measure up to imputing a want of chastity to one of his family members. Liberal or conservative.

poppy on June 15, 2007 at 4:34 pm

This study is based on the voting behavior of the
congressman v. the number of daughters he has. NOTHING about the behavior of his daughters, sexually or otherwise, is included. In fact, as it is economic research, the focus of the study is likely the fathers’ interest in opportunity in the workplace for their daughters and how it is affected by access to contraception and abortion and daycare as well as pregnancy and gender discrimination. To call these women and girls slutty based on no information at all is nasty. Many of them might even be pro-life. You have no idea.

volantia on June 15, 2007 at 11:37 pm

you said:
you also said:
Another conclusion: If you are pro-life, don’t vote for candidates with daughters.
…because girls make their parents pro-choice. thanks for the tip. that’s the best news i’ve heard yet. i guess soon pro-life people will die out as their sons marry those slutty girls and become pro-choice.

uncle osbert on June 16, 2007 at 3:03 am

As others have pointed out, regardless of whether is pro or anti life, the conclusion that “Congressmen who are liberal are more likely to have slutty daughters” is bad logic. Debbie appears to realize this to, as she subsequently states “SO. WHO SAID THAT GOP PRO-CHOICERS DIDN’T HAVE SLUTTY DAUGHTERS? SLUTTINESS SPANS PARTY LINES.” But assuming that Dems = liberal and GOP = conservative, then that’s exactly what she did say. But that’s just for starters… As others have observed, the study says nothing about the daughters’ behavior. It’s entirely possible that, the more daughters a congressman has, the more pro-life *they* are — that would be another study.
Pro-life, Pro-family, Pro-logic.

Blimfark on June 16, 2007 at 7:39 am

All one has to do is look at the skanky Bush twins to know who has slutty daughters.

Shelby on June 16, 2007 at 2:34 pm

Definition of Sluttiness: Women who use sex as recreationÖdivorced from itsí UNITIVE and PROCREATIVE purposes. They opted out of the DIVINE PLAN for mankind, issued forever, since Genesis.
Who cares anywayÖsluts are fragmented, sensate typesÖthe spiritual has no hold on them ~
SLUTS are unlikely to hold life as sacredÖtheir own, or the unborn. And THE LAW long ago abandoned the unbornÖso the ìcrooksî are in charge, and give assent to murder by the whores ~~

The Canadien on June 16, 2007 at 4:43 pm

Ummmmm. I thought bush was pro-life….and his daughter’s give slutty a new meaning…

pearl on June 19, 2007 at 9:15 am

I’m going to ditto Popply. Correlation is not the same as causation.
You have to make some serious assumptions to go from having more daughters to having more slutty daughters. A much more rational conclusion is that men who have more daughters are in touch with the issues young women face. They perhaps want their daughters to have the right to make decisions about what they do with their own body.
But y’know OBVIOUSLY being rational is overrated, especially if being an intellegent human being who makes decisions for yourself means you decide to have sex. Because that means you are a slut, and really, what’s worse than being a slut?
(My answer, being someone who never gets laid.)
Why don’t you just all convert to islam and sharia law and move to Saudi Arabia if you’re this desperate to control women’s bodies. Disgusting.

Shinobi on June 19, 2007 at 10:50 am

You know, when I first found this site, I thought it was satrical. It just absolutely amazes me that someone can be *so* incredibly reatarded.
You, ma’am, are ignorance embodied! What a discredit to the human species.

Unbelievable on June 19, 2007 at 12:42 pm

The Yale study is about a correlation between family composition and voting records–voting records on a narrow field of subjects. Your, uh… argument… is about a correlation between partisanship (or, at best, ideology) and voting records. The excerpt from the study referenced in your blog and in most news sources doesn’t even MENTION party alliance. And, as someone else said, if you actually take the time to read the study itself–clearly you haven’t, or else care only about putting a spin on it–you’ll find that the pattern holds across party lines.
You’ve committed a spectacular fallacy, and either you’re not even capable of noticing it, or you’re so interested in vapid rhetoric that you don’t even care. I’m not sure which is more pathetic.

Tock the Dog on July 9, 2007 at 11:14 pm

“Congressmen who are liberal are more likely to have slutty daughters”

O RLY? Two Words, Debbie: Bristol Palin.

Anon-e-moose on October 5, 2009 at 10:55 am

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