June 14, 2007, - 12:21 pm

Rot in Hell: Buh-Bye, Kurt Waldheim

Reader & Blogger Barry A. Popik alerts me that Arnold Schwarzenegger friend, Nazi War Criminal, former Austrian President, and former U.N. Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim died today at age 88, which was not soon enough.
Waldheim lived a long life full of achievements, while the many Jews he helped murdered had their lives cut short and died brutal deaths:

While serving with the German army in World War II, his unit was guilty of war crimes.
In 1987, after Waldheim was accused of participating in the deportation and killing of tens of thousands of Jews in Yugoslavia, the U.S. barred him from entering the country following a one-year investigation.

The U.S. inquiry found Waldheim “assisted in the smooth operation of a Nazi military organization which committed numerous and direct acts of persecution against Allied nationals and civilians,” according to the investigators’ 232-page report.

CIA files confirm that Waldheim was a Nazi intelligence officer for the Wehrmacht.
More from reporter Timothy Noah:

He had participated in Nazi atrocities during World War II. Waldheim had always maintained that he had served in the Wehrmacht [DS: known for its many brutal atrocities] only briefly and that after being wounded early in the war, he had returned to Vienna to attend law school. In fact, Waldheim had resumed military service after recuperating from his injury and had been an intelligence officer in Germany’s Army Group E when it committed mass murder in the Kozara region of western Bosnia. (Waldheim’s name appears on the Wehrmacht’s “honor list” of those responsible for the atrocity.) In 1944, Waldheim had reviewed and approved a packet of anti-Semitic propaganda leaflets to be dropped behind Russian lines, one of which ended, “enough of the Jewish war, kill the Jews, come over.” After the war, Waldheim was wanted for war crimes by the War Crimes Commission of the United Nations, the very organization he would later head.

Despite this, Arnold Schwarzenegger remained a great friend of Waldheim and even invited him to his and Maria Shriver’s wedding. Waldheim, of course, couldn’t come because he was on the no-fly list due to his Nazi criminal past. When Schwarzenegger opened the gift Waldheim sent him, he praised Waldheim to shocked guests. (Hmmm . . . where was his liberal bride Maria in all this? Well, her mouth never opened to condemn Waldheim.)
Notes Tim Noah and author/Schwarzenegger biographer Wendy Leigh, Schwarzenegger said:

My friends don’t want me to mention Kurt’s name, because of all the recent Nazi stuff and the U.N. controversy, but I love him and Maria does too, and so thank you, Kurt.

Best book on the real Kurt Waldheim: “Betrayal: The Untold Story of the Kurt Waldheim Investigation and Cover-Up,” by Eli Rosenbaum (of the U.S. Justice Department Office of Special Investigations, which investigates Nazi war crimes) and William Hoffer.
Kurt Waldheim, Rot in Hell.
You didn’t get justice from us while you were here on earth. But, now, you will get it from G-d.

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6 Responses

This is a bit personal for me. My grandparents from my mother’s side come from the Kozara region. They were lucky since they both joined the partisans , the late grandpa as a combat soldier(ended the war with the rank of a captain) and grandma as a nurse. But my grandfather lost a lot of his relatives, practically all his family.
Needless to say, I concurr: rot in hell, Waldheim.

Witch-king of Angmar on June 14, 2007 at 3:43 pm

“Liberal bride Maria” Wasn’t her grandfather, while ambassador to England, known to say that the United States could do business with a Nazi Europe?

John Cunningham on June 16, 2007 at 6:50 am

“Rot in Hell: Buh-Bye, Kurt Waldheim” was a terrific
blog post, can not help but wait to look at a lot more of your posts.
Time to squander a little time on the internet lol.
Thanks for your time -Zelda

http://tinyurl.com/primeagle09375 on January 22, 2013 at 7:26 am

“Rot in Hell: Buh-Bye, Kurt Waldheim” womenentrepreneurshappyhour genuinely causes me contemplate a
little bit further. I personally appreciated each and every single part of it.
Thanks for your time ,Tia

Concepcion on February 27, 2013 at 5:52 pm

I am a liberal Jew, May all the Nazis rot in hell, and if some are.still alive, may they get justice on earth! To all the people saying “but he’s an old man” whenever we find a Nazi, I don’t care, my family was lucky, we immigrated 40 years before Hitler took over, that means that anyone in my family who stayed in Germany may have died! I hate the Nazis!

Robyn on January 1, 2016 at 12:14 pm

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