June 6, 2007, - 11:52 am

Great News!: Al-Alien vs. Al-Predator Continues

Great news to report. File this one in the Feuds/Wars I Wish Would Never End (and probably will never end) & That Both Sides Would Lose Department. And as I’ve said before: Keep It Comin’!
According to Associated Press:
Palestinian Authority President (and Ph.D. in Holocaust Denial, no lie) Mahmoud Abbas a/k/a “Abu Mazen”

warned Tuesday that his people are on the verge of civil war and said the infighting is perhaps worse than living under Israeli military rule


Keep On Fightin’!: HAMAS v. Fatah

(“Perhaps”?!) This constitutes a “warning”? Nuh-uh. A warning is for something bad that’s about to happen. This, on the other hand, is great news.
No surprise to me, since we know these barbarians can’t live in peace with each other (and so why should we expect others, ie.-Israelis, to make peace with them?), and since we know that most Muslims living under Israeli rule wish quietly say they wish to stay that way.
Oh, and by the way, that “cease-fire” from two weeks ago. Broken yet again. Surprise, surprise:

In Gaza, fighting between the rival Palestinian factions, Hamas and Fatah, flared up again, two weeks after the sides had declared a cease-fire. Several fighters were reported injured in what news reports described as a gun battle lasting up to three hours near the sensitive Karni commercial crossing on the Gaza-Israel border.

So sad, too bad. Crocodile tears drip down my face.
But, anyway, HAMAS v. Fatah, Palestinian v. Palestinian, Sunni v. Shi’ite–so many conflicts in the Mid-East between Muslim Arabs, so little time to recount them all.
Alien vs. Predator: Palestinian Muslim Sequel #5244 . . . .

HAMAS v. Fatah

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33 Responses

I thought killing each other was against their Muslim re-lie-gion. Another fraud of Islam. The spirit of Hitler lives on in their hearts. Hate is their life’s blood. This cancer should be cut out of the world community.

FreethinkerNY on June 6, 2007 at 12:42 pm

I like what Israeli Ambassador to the UN, Dan Gillerman said: “We live in a world where when Christians kill Muslims, it’s a crusade. When Jews kill Muslims, it’s a massacre. When Muslims kill Muslims, it’s the weather channel. Nobody cares,”
Press coverage of the infighting is rather sparse, IMHO.
On another note, I think the Hamas-PLO blood feud underscores the thesis made by many Zionists: there is little basis for the Arab national claim to Palestine.

There is NO Santa Claus on June 6, 2007 at 12:48 pm

Great news to report.
No it isn’t because their are some innocents that are caught in this crossfire who will die as a result. If the only risk was the Fatah fighters and Hamas fighters would die, then that would be good news…
and so why should we expect others, ie.-Israelis, to make peace with them?)…
Who expects it? Here you go complaining again that everyone in the world is forcing this down Isreal’s throat. Last I saw it was IDF forcing people to leave the west bank, and PM Ohlmert who is hot on the…stupid…land for peace idea. Your views do not seem to reconcile with the views of Jews living in Isreal who apparently believe that giving up land for peace is a good idea..
So sad, too bad. Crocodile tears drip down my face.
They should be dripping down your face, because this represents only more instability in the region, and again…there are innocents that are killed in factional wars like this.
You are clearly one rejoicing neocon today, but given Isreal’s weakknee leadership further violence will only yield more trouble going into the summer. IDF fears a new Syrian missle system capable of massing Isreali casualties.
It’s time for American neocons and Isreali’s to quit rejoicing in the self destruction of muslims, quit blaming the rest of the world for forcing Isreal to give up land, and get on ISREALI leadership to quit negotiating land for peace…period! Give the arabs who secretly want Isreali leadership exactly what they need…permanent closure on the issue.

chucker on June 6, 2007 at 1:13 pm

Good question, FreethinkerNY. You probably know the answer, but others may not – so here it is.
Both the Qur’an and the Hadiths forbid Muslims from killing each other (BTW – ONLY each other – not infidels), but it also says to kill hypocrites and those who “turn regegades”.
So, it’s no problem really. Just declare your opponent to be a hypocrite for whatever contrived reason floats your falluca, then open fire.

stevecanuck on June 6, 2007 at 1:16 pm

Yet another example of the “superior muzlum mind” at work. These are the same people who are supposedly responsible for achieving great things throughout history (if you listen to muzlums and their apologists).

Thee_Bruno on June 6, 2007 at 1:30 pm

This is a choice the Palestinians as a whole has made, and they will have to live with the consequences. However, it must be stated that Israel supported, encouraged and assisted in funding HAMAS and its prior incarnations. Israel wanted HAMAS to be a strong opposition to the PLO; but instead helpeded create a monster. And as many of you know, HAMAS is more anti-Israel than Fatah. So if you’re glad these two groups are fighting, be warned that if HAMAS wins this “civil war”, there will be no peace for Israel EVER!

Norman Blitzer on June 6, 2007 at 1:40 pm

“we know these barbarians can’t live in peace with each other”
Barbarians is right. Uncivilized savages.
“HAMAS v. Fatah, Palestinian v. Palestinian, Sunni v. Shi’ite”
Could you even imagine a Catholic vs. Lutheran, a Methodist vs. Baptist, or even a Christian vs. Jewish war today in the US or any other Western country?
It’s too ridiculous to even think about.

Kelly A. on June 6, 2007 at 1:46 pm

Kelly A. douched:
[Could you even imagine a Catholic vs. Lutheran, a Methodist vs. Baptist, or even a Christian vs. Jewish war today in the US or any other Western country?]
Duh!?! We still have Northern Ireland, and yes I can imagine that happening today since that happened not long ago. So get off your high horses, Christians. You have no moral authority here.

Norman Blitzer on June 6, 2007 at 1:57 pm

Debbie said there’s so many conflicts it’s hard to cover them. Here is a helpful recounting of the main global conflicts involving Muslims: http://www.yoel.info/demographicjihad.htm#a0046TheBloodyBordersandInnards
Here is the section that covers Gaza: http://www.yoel.info/demographicjihad.htm#a0055PalestineWestBankandGaza

markjames on June 6, 2007 at 1:57 pm

Norman Blitzed ejaculated on his keyboard and typed;
“Duh!?! We still have Northern Ireland…”
What a dickhead. The Northern Ireland conflict is not a religious conflict per se. It’s a conflict whose origins are rooted in the fact that the North wants to govern itself. It (the predominantly Catholic North) doesn’t want the protestant South (with British backing) governing their affairs. It’s not a conflict of Christian vs Christian. What a moron!
So, you muzlum camel-fucker, nice try!

Thee_Bruno on June 6, 2007 at 2:11 pm

The point you’re missing is that Christianity has evolved, but Islam can’t. For example, the excesses of the Inquisition have been replaced by good works by groups such as the Salvation Army, Red Cross,and Samaritans Purse. Even the Irish have given up killing each other.
As an atheist, I can still see that the bible says, “thou shalt not kill”, but the Qur’an says, “Never shall a Muslim kill another Muslim”.
Christianity is evolving, but with Islam it’s same old, same old.

stevecanuck on June 6, 2007 at 2:20 pm

Thee_Bruno, you are a complete idiot. Read what Kelly actually posted:
“Could you even imagine a Catholic vs. Lutheran, a Methodist vs. Baptist, or even a Christian vs. Jewish war today in the US or any other Western country?”
So Norm’s reply was correct. Regardless of the root problem of the conflict in Northern Ireland, until very recently Catholics and Protestants were fighting.
Thee_Bruno learn how to read you stupid buffoon!

jaillibby2 on June 6, 2007 at 2:27 pm

You don’t know what you’re talking about. Yeah, Christians created Salvation Army, Red Cross,and Samaritans Purse, but they also created Nazi Germany and the KKK. And that’s a fact!
Christianity may be evolving, but the evil committed by Christians only ended in recent times. Christians have no right to say that they are better than Muslims. The Islamic world is going through turmoil and change just as Christianity did. The Islamic world will either evolve or be crushed; it has nothing to do with the Koran. And yes, there are Muslims who are progressive so Islam does have a chance.

Norman Blitzer on June 6, 2007 at 2:49 pm

The issue here is not about christian fighting each other, its about terroist groups bent on Israel’s destruction, doing the job that the IDF would eventually have to do! I agree with Debbie that this is good news, CHUCKER said its not good b/c of the innocent caught in the cross fire, what innocent? There is no Jihadist Jibalab out there that thinks there is an innocent person, they kill like the nazi’s indiscriminatley, even if it means taking out a few of them selfs in the process.

m4a1car on June 6, 2007 at 3:39 pm

Here’s your direct quote, “evil committed by Christians only ended in recent times.”
That’s exactly the point I was trying to make. The opperative word being “ENDED”. Get it???
And now for the part where you’re REALLY wrong. The evil of Islam has EVERYTHING to do with the Qur’an.
Quick question for you: Have you ever read the Qur’an or Hadiths?

stevecanuck on June 6, 2007 at 3:39 pm

Innocents? What innocents? There isn’t one innocent Palestinian who would’nt want Israel wiped off the map. F em

PHEDUPP on June 6, 2007 at 3:55 pm

Notice also, that I used the word “TODAY”.
Plus, how can you compare two political units who fought each for 3 decades (as a result of Britain splitting the country, not purely based on religion) to two sects of Islam who have been fighting each other for 14 Centuries?
Is Ali in the first caliph or the 4th caliph? I don’t know. Let’s fight about it for 1400 years.

Kelly A. on June 6, 2007 at 4:20 pm

stevecanuck posted:
[Here’s your direct quote, “evil committed by Christians only ended in recent times.”
That’s exactly the point I was trying to make. The opperative word being “ENDED”. Get it???]
Steve, you’re missing MY POINT!!! Christians have no moral authority on this issue. Christians should try to make peace whenever they can but they have no right to criticize Islam because CHRISTIANS DID THE SAME THING NOT TOO LONG AGO! As an atheist, you should easily understand this perspective.
As for the Koran, I’ve not read it entirely but I do have a copy of it. We can compare and contrast the Koran with the Old Testament in any forum you wish. If the Koran is evil so too is the Old Testament. Just go read 1 Samuel 15 to see my point.
Kelly A. posted:
[Notice also, that I used the word “TODAY”.]
This is what you initially asked:
“Could you even imagine a Catholic vs. Lutheran, a Methodist vs. Baptist, or even a Christian vs. Jewish war today in the US or any other Western country?”
I already answered your question with a ‘yes’ and explained why. Hey, did you hear on the news that a person refused to shake Mitt Romney’s hand because Romney is a Mormon? 37% of Americans won’t vote for a Mormon for president in a recent LA Times poll.
[Plus, how can you compare two political units who fought each for 3 decades (as a result of Britain splitting the country, not purely based on religion) to two sects of Islam who have been fighting each other for 14 Centuries?]
Political units??? 3 decades??? What history book have you been smoking? Protestants fighting Catholics is no different than Muslims fighting Muslims. The results are the same, terrorism and death.
m4a1car posted:
[The issue here is not about christian fighting each other…]
Kelly A. introduced that idea as an issue.

Norman Blitzer on June 6, 2007 at 4:54 pm

OK Norm, concentrate. The reason Christians DO have the moral high ground here is because they have allowed the influence of civilization to override anything in the bible that would be considered hateful.
Muslims to this day call Jews apes and swine because of what’s in the Qur’an, and it’s as meaningful to them now as on the day it was excreted by Mohamed.
Muslims hate all infidels because of verses like these:
2:96 – Öyou will find (Jews), of all people, most greedy.
2:98 – ÖGod is the enemy of Infidels. (This one alone explains a lot.)
3:20 – Öif misfortune overtakes (Muslims), (infidels) rejoice.
3:32 – ÖGod does not love infidels.
4:76 – ÖInfidels (are) friends of Satan.
4:101- ÖInfidels are unto you open enemies.
4:160- Öthe iniquity of the Jews.
5:14 – ÖJews, because of the breach of their covenant, (God) cursed them.
5:44 – ÖJews, men who will listen to any lie.
5:54 – ÖOh (Muslims), take not Jews and Christians for allies, for they are but allies to each other.
5:63 – ÖJews, He transformed into apes and swine.
5:75 – ÖThey do blaspheme who say Christ is God, son of Mary.
5:85 – ÖThe strongest enemies of Muslims are Jews and Pagans.
8:55 – ÖInfidels are the worst of beasts in the sight of God.
9:30 – ÖGodís curse be on them (Christians and Jews).
19.88 – ÖThey say God has begotten a son. Indeed they have put forth a thing most monstrous.
25:21 – ÖInfidels have an arrogant conceit of themselves.
32:22 – ÖAnd who does more wrong than (infidels)?
43:78 – ÖMost (infidels) have a hatred for truth.
58:18 – ÖInfidels are but liars.
60:2 – ÖInfidels desire that you (Muslims) should reject the truth.
If you want to trot out hateful passages from the bible, go right ahead. But, don’t try to convince us that Christians read and absorb such verses they way Muslims do with the Qur’an.
I was once on a train between Luxor and Aswan during Ramadan, and there was an Egyptian Muslim facing me a couple of rows away. He spent the whole trip alternately reading his Qur’an and staring at me with pure hatred. He looked as though he would like nothing better than to slit my throat. All the hatred he fealt came from what he was reading.

stevecanuck on June 6, 2007 at 5:29 pm

Arab people are rejected and cursed sons, like negroes according to the Bible.
Thus, their Muslim behaviour reflects most appropiately their express hatred of Jews. But this civil war really exceeds my expectations.

ReallyReallyStupid on June 6, 2007 at 6:18 pm

Norman has a problem with accuracy and making distinctionsÖbut heís just a paganÖso reallyÖwho cares what he thinks ~
Fight the plague KNOWN AS the Koran!

The Canadien on June 6, 2007 at 6:51 pm

*SIGH* Steve, did you even bother to read 1 Samuel 15?
And the stuff you took from the Koran has nothing to do with murder. And two of those quotes are legitimate opinions:
5:75 – Ôø?They do blaspheme who say Christ is God, son of Mary.
19.88 – Ôø?They say God has begotten a son. Indeed they have put forth a thing most monstrous.
[If you want to trot out hateful passages from the bible, go right ahead. But, don’t try to convince us that Christians read and absorb such verses they way Muslims do with the Qur’an.]
You’ve just made my point. The problem isn’t only the Bible or the Koran since both books contain hateful passages, it’s the followers. Not long ago, Christians were doing essentially what Muslims are doing now. FFS, Mel Gibson, the holy actor/director who made the Passion of the Christ, drove drunk and blamed all world’s wars on the Jews. So how can a devout Catholic like Mel Gibson
ever criticize Muslims for anti-Jewish views? Are you now getting it Steve?

Norman Blitzer on June 6, 2007 at 9:53 pm

Please post again when your’e not drunk. Your last post is as incoherent as your false prophet, and a testament to initiate a movement dedicated to stop those who waste bandwidth posting inane, uneducated, uninformed, childish tripe. You are completely ignorant of the origins of the conflict in Northern Ireland. You’d like to portray it as a Christian conflict to justify islamic barbarism but reality dictates otherwise.
BTW, the next time you pray to your false god, allah, in addition to blowing the mucous from your nostrils onto the floor, and cleaning the toejam from between your fungus infested toes…try wiping your filthy ass with the qur’ an so the guy behind you doesn’t have to smell your dirty ass as you pray to Satan on all fours at your mosque.
BTW, how can you tolerate the smell of the dirty ass in front of you as you pray, bottoms up, to your false god?
Take my advice; before you go into your mosque to pray to Satan, do your fellow muzlums a favor…tear some pages from your qur’ an and wipe your ass with them so that you can cut down on the stench in that fucking place.

Thee_Bruno on June 6, 2007 at 10:07 pm

Norman Blitzed is a pathetic soul…he always, ALWAYS engages in lies about the Bible in order to justify the evil written in the qur’ an.
As we all know…there is no evil in the Bible, however, the qur’ an is ALL about deception, intimidation, thievery, misogyny, adultery, mayhem, and murder.
Norman Blitzed, as I’ve said before, is a muzlum using a Jewish handle in order to deceive the infidel into thinking islam is peaceful by trying to portray Judaism and Christianity as violent and evil. He says that the Bible is full of evil and violence, yet he can’t state anything close to anything that resembles the evil written in the qur’ an.
Let Norman Blitzed try to post some passages in the Bible portraying it as violent and I will post EXTENSIVE passages in the qur’ an to PROVE that it is an instrument of evil.

Thee_Bruno on June 6, 2007 at 10:17 pm

This argument is going nowhere! as a YID we were given a clear directive from the Bible what to do with the “infidel”.an explicet comendment was sent down from g-d to to wipe “amaleik” from this earth! even the king of the jews (saul) disobeyed a direct order from G-D! he figgured sacrafice in the name of G-D over the future of the entire nation of Israel! 2000 years later the State of Israel came to life through that error! (not that i am anybody to say that saul made an error) we live in a constant state of terror! if the so called “palestinians” wish to destroy themselfs then so be it! i give them my blessings, may they annihilate each other into non exsitences!!! (once again, argue christianity but that is not the issue!)

m4a1car on June 7, 2007 at 12:03 am

this is a beautiful thing.
hope they fight to the last man, er, muzzie.

Muslims Are Vermin on June 7, 2007 at 12:54 am

Blitzer…What’s wrong with the KKK??? As much as dumb shits like you try to “smokescreen” the fact, they (KKK) fulfilled a critical need at the time…namely dealing with certain “lawless” predator elements in southern society who were given license by certain sadistic yankee elements to prey on the helpless and vulnerable.
With the rise of global jihad Blitzer, I’ve noticed a significant rise in the level of sadism in society among you islamofascist “apologists”, civil authorities, etc.
Don’t be surprised if some level of KKK activity returned as a result of increased jihadist pandering and ass kissing by civil authorities as we see every day.

joesixpack31 on June 7, 2007 at 1:57 am

joesixpack31, you just hit me with the 2×4 between the eyes. The islamo apologists do resemble the carpet baggers and skalawags. I’m not a masochist.

John Cunningham on June 7, 2007 at 8:17 am

Yes, Norm. I’m getting it – You’re a lost cause (or more likely, you’re a Muslim pretending not to be). Good bye, and bad luck.

stevecanuck on June 7, 2007 at 9:43 am

The Koran IS a plague, Canadien, it’s the Black Death for western civilization if we don’t fight it.

steve ventry on June 7, 2007 at 3:34 pm

It looks like Norm ripped Steve a new one.

jaillibby2 on June 7, 2007 at 4:19 pm

Yeah whatever, jaillibby.
The point I successfully made, and Norm accidentally agreed with, is that if you want to list atrocities committed in the name of Christianity you have to look in a history book, but those of Islam get delivered to your doorstep every morning.
If you want to call that “ripping me a new one”, then go right ahead and continue to show that you have no idea what constitutes a real arguement.

stevecanuck on June 7, 2007 at 9:43 pm

I “ripped you a new one” because you continually show you have no idea what you’re talking about. I didn’t accidentally agree with you. You took half my sentence and twisted it. You made no successful points since I rebutted them all and you eventually proved my point. You then run away and accuse me of being a Muslim. Yeah, that was very smart and mature… NOT.

Norman Blitzer on June 7, 2007 at 10:47 pm

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