May 22, 2007, - 6:29 pm

1st, Muslim Illegal Aliens, The Movie; Now, The TV Show

Earlier today, I told you about “” a/k/a “Crossing Over,” a movie which sympathetically portrays Muslim illegal aliens and the “callous, cold-heated” ICE agents who do their job and try to deport them.
But, the movie–which comes out this fall–isn’t the only propaganda piece on this subject soon arriving for your viewing “pleasure.” This fall, the CW–that hip teen network that brought you the reality show auditions for strip-tease group “The Pussycat Dolls”–brings you “Aliens in America.”
The show is all the rage at CAIR (Hamas front-group, the Council on American Islamic Relations). It’s about a Pakistani Muslim exchange student (played by Adhir Kalyan) who comes to live in America with a Wisconsin family. The reason: She’s importing a friend for her unpopular son. It’s supposed to be a comedy.

CW’s “Aliens in America”

But the only comedy is that perpetrated on America. Reportedly, the show will make fun of Middle America and positively portray Muslims here on student visas as far smarter.
To some extent that is true, as we allow so many Muslims from all over (but especially from the Middle East) to come here, and we never see them again. They are the smart ones. And we are truly dumb, though not in the Homer Simpson way that this comedy will portray Wisconsinites. But dumb in the sense that we allow this and look the other way when the students suddenly disappear in to the great American abyss to plan and perpetrate jihad against us.
So many Muslims here on student visas overstay never attend or even enroll in school and overstay their visas, disappearing into oblivion. But you won’t see that in “Crossing Over,” or in “Aliens in America.”
In both, we are either evil or stupid (or both), and they are the smart, sympathetic ones.
Here’s hoping–and predicting–that “Aliens in America” (which airs on Monday Nights at 8:30 p.m.) is a big flop. I predict it won’t last more than 5 episodes (even with the “Everybody Hates Chris” lead-in and PC executives of the CW Network pushing it).

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9 Responses

Picture this: “Ordinary Martyrs” – a Midwest family, after adopting a foreign-born Muslim, is forced, finally – after the Muslim kills himself in a martyrdom operation – to brave some uncomfortable truths about iself.

Jeremiah on May 22, 2007 at 9:34 pm

“Reportedly, the show will make fun of Middle America and positively portray Muslims here on student visas as far smarter.”
SOUNDS LIKE a smaller scale “rip-off” of CBC’s “Little Mosque on the Prairie”.
IF MUSLIMS are smarter, why then are 900 million of 1.1 billion of them illiterate?
And why is the Muslim student billoting in Wisconsin, INSTEAD OF sayÖNew York City?
Oh, yeahÖI forgot about the REAL MUSLIMS and about those September “incidents” and how not a single person residing in New York is going to be laughing at this showñ

The Canadien on May 22, 2007 at 10:52 pm

And people wonder why I watch nothing on TV except wrestling and sports and old school cartoons.
BECUASE OF S— LIKE THIS AND I CAN’T F—ING TAKE IT ANYMORE!! Suuure I’m suppose to be appealed to the CW becuase it’s marketed at us young people…um no, not all of us. Just the majority of us who’s minds were sold down the river to the death busters long ago. Thus they now have to know about this poop of a TV show.
First a movie about a man having sex with a horse and trying to make it mainstream…now this. Soon enough, we’ll have a show about some guy molesting little girls becuase he watched too much japanese anime.
We’re finished. Only we are the answer now to save america.

Squirrel3D on May 22, 2007 at 11:45 pm

Are those pork chops they’re eating? Wait till the kid in the beanie finds out. Hoo boy!

PRCS on May 23, 2007 at 12:50 am

Hi Debbie –
I thought I’d share this very important link with you illustrating the “peaceful religion.”
Warning: Gruesome images
PLEASE go there right away, if you haven’t already.

Acharya S on May 23, 2007 at 2:42 am

And then there’s the latest poll claiming that 36% of islam in the US says that homicide bombing is OK to ‘defend’ your psychotic belief.

John Cunningham on May 23, 2007 at 4:07 am

I must amend my figures, it’s not one-third it’s closer to one-fifth. Speaking of a fifth.

John Cunningham on May 23, 2007 at 5:20 am

I dunno, this might be pretty accurate. Most of the Wisconsinites I’ve met have been kind of stupid.

Stealthkix on May 23, 2007 at 3:05 pm

Acharya S: We all know how retarded and dangerous that cult is and everybody knows about the truth that is exposed in, but you are a well-established Christian and Jew hater. Surprising that you make posts here and other diametrically opposing sites as well.
Really, you should be posting only in libs’ forums instead of batting on both sides simultaneously!!

anonymous twit on May 24, 2007 at 11:35 am

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