May 14, 2007, - 11:58 am

Our “Moderate” “Ally” Jordan, The Greek Orthodox Church & Anti-Semitic “Fair Housing”

All adjectives are relative. And in the case of the Muslim Mid-East, when we call any nation “moderate” or an “ally,” it’s extremely relative.
Take Jordan. As , in Pew Global Research surveys, 100% of Jordanians have described themselves as anti-Semitic. 80% support Bin Laden, 88% support homicide bombings, 41% are self-described anti-Christian. 79% hate America.
So that’s the threshold of ally-dom, these days: Only 21% of its citizens don’t hate America.
Now, here’s a new measure of Jordan’s “moderation”: On Saturday, Jordan cut its ties with and withdrew its recognition of Jerusalem’s Greek Orthodox Church Patriarch Theophilos III (also spelled Theofilos) because Theophilos failed to annul a sale of church property (in Jerusalem!) to Israel.

Not Smiling Now: Jordan’s King Abdullah and Theophilos III

Yes, while fair housing is law here in the West, the opposite is a fact of life with our “moderate” “allies”. Anti-Semitic land restrictions still exist in only two places, the Arab and Muslim worlds and the covenants of all Kennedy family property.
But Jordan won’t even own up to their anti-Semitism . . . at least not in their English media. Petra–the official government-run Jordan News Agency–reports:

Jordan withdraws recognition of Jerusalem Orthodox Church
Amman, May 12 (Petra) The Jordanian government on Saturday decided to withdraw its recognition of Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem Kerios Theophilos III.
The decision was taken, during a cabinet session, because the Patriarch failed to fulfill the obligations he pledged to the government during his tenure, according to a statement issued by the Council of Ministers.

The mysterious “obligations” was a singular obligation to invalidate a land sale to the “evil Zionist” JOOOOOOOOS.
“7 Days” of the United Arab Emirates reports the real story:

Theophilos replaced Irineos I who was sacked over a controversial land sale, a multi-million dollar transaction in which Jewish businessmen acquired Church land on Palestinian land.

More from the Kuwait Times:

AMMAN – Jordan announced yesterday that it has withdrawn its recognition of Jerusalem’s Greek Orthodox Patriarch Theofilos III, saying he failed to act on a pledge to annul an unsanctioned church property sale to Israel. Jordanian recognition of the patriarch is necessary under ancient church law, which dictates that any patriarch must have the blessing of the Holy Land’s ruling powers-Jordan, the Palestinian Authority and Israel.
While Jordan renounced its claims to east Jerusalem in 1988, it retains custody of holy shrines in the city. . . . A [Jordianian] government official, speaking on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the issue, told The Associated Press that the Jordanian move was sparked by the patriarch’s “failure to act on the controversial east Jerusalem land deal with Israel concluded by his predecessor.” He declined to elaborate. Theofilos’ predecessor, Irineos I, was ousted in May 2005 over claims of being involved in the unsanctioned sale of church property in Jerusalem, including two hotels, to an Israeli company.
Irineos has denied the claims against him, saying a former aide signed the leases without his knowledge. The sales would bolster the Jewish presence in east Jerusalem, a traditionally Arab quarter that Palestinians hope to make their capital. The Greek Orthodox church abides by a 1958 Jordanian law banning the sale of any church land or property in Jerusalem, which Jordan ruled along with the West Bank until Israel seized the territories during the 1967 Middle East War. While Israel has annexed east Jerusalem, Jordan was given responsibility for overseeing the affairs of Christian and Islamic holy shrines in the hotly contested city under Amman’s 1994 peace treaty with the Jewish state.
Theofilos, the metropolitan of Tabor in Galilee, was elected in August 2005 by the church’s Holy Synod after serving previously as a Greek Orthodox Church envoy in Qatar. He reportedly has close ties to the Orthodox leadership in the United States. Theofilos has petitioned Israel’s Supreme Court for state recognition. Church rules require approval from all three governments where his flock lives.

In recent times, the Greek Orthodox Church has been all too supportive of Arafat, HAMAS, and Palestinian terrorism. One of its top officials was once caught transporting bombs for Palestinian terrorists in his church vehicle. And, as I’ve written, , a former Jerusalem Greek Orthodox Church’s Patriarchate spokesman, openly supports HAMAS and praises “martyrdom.”
Hopefully, Theophilos III is a refreshing change. But with this latest move by Jordan, don’t bet on it. I’m sure Theophilos–a friend of George Tenet–and the Church will “come around” to Jordan’s way of seeing things.
So where is King Abdullah, the Hashemite minority dictator of Jordan, on all of this? Why he’s 100% behind his yes-man Parliament in derecognition of the Church until they nullify the sale of land to Jews.
Yup, the very epitome of “moderation” and “friendship” in the Mid-East.

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11 Responses

Don’t worry, Jordan, you still have the Roman Catholic Patriarch of Jerusalem on your side. In April he called Israel “evil” and called the Palestinian cities in the West Bank “prisons.”
Then again, it took Rome until the early 90s to even recognize Israel’s right to exist (after setting up a PLO office at the Vatican in the early 70s).

bleechers on May 14, 2007 at 2:23 pm

Israel should expel all anti Zionist organizations from the country (including East Jerusalem). Don’t hold your breath for the Olmerde government though to grow a pair.

Ripper on May 14, 2007 at 4:24 pm

bleechersÖThe Catholic Church waited to recognize Israel ìofficiallyî because three conditions concerning the Palestinians and the Churchís status had not been met. Israel met those in the early 90s.
Godís vision of His Church and yours are so different.
The Catholic Church is Godís worldwide organization for the purpose of spreading the Gospel and ìfeedingî His flock. That ìmustard seedî has grown!
Weíre sorry weíre so big and authoritative and your “basement” church is so obscure~
IF THE Roman Catholic Patriarch of Jerusalem called Israel ìevilî a complaint should be sent IMMEDIATELY to the Holy See.
But then again youíve made stuff up beforeÖÖlike about Dr. James Dobson ~~
The Patriarch needs JORDANIAN recognition? I guess the Greek Orthodox Church has forgotten they have Apostolic Succession. Why would they bow their heads to transitory pagans or worseÖMuslims from a silly and make-believe religionÖwho hate everything and wish to tear down any advance of our civilization?
MUSLIMS are ìstupidî and stubborn which may work in the Middle East and seem like an unbeatable combinationÖbut the West will have to move horrifically against Muslim idiocy at some pointÖfor the down-to-earth purpose of plain survival, so Iran, Syria and Jordan would be a good place to start clearing house.
Rapid deployment of ground forces after *limited* nuclear first strikes, are what Iím seeing. Then divide the land amongst the Allies. Thatís cost effective and just plain effective. Muslims may wish to ruin our world, and The Lord Godís creationÖlike they ruin everythingÖbut sooner or later someone is going to have to be responsible and put their idiocy to rest.
HELL is basically, personal, thermonuclear pain experienced physically and unrelenting mental anguishÖforever! MUSLIMS are always playing games in this lifeÖbut they’ll soon see God isnít in the next.
I mean it will be their lot when they leave this world anywayÖGod will hold these ìvessels of hateî accountable.
But they arenít listening nowÖlike Japan wasnít listening then.
So limited nuclear strikes immediatelyÖso we can move on to solve the African mess.
It’s not all bad folks! HEY, look at how nice Japan became!
ënuff said ~

The Canadien on May 14, 2007 at 8:49 pm

A. What did I say about Dobson that is incorrect?
B. The Patriarch said what I quoted… which I quoted from the Zenit (Catholic) News Service.
C. The CC teaches that the layity must “bow will and intellect” to the bishops.
D. The “mustard seed” is a picture of a false growth in which the “fowls of the air” (i.e. evil) nest (see also: leaven).
E. The Catholic Church doesn’t tell people the gospel… quite the opposite… they teach that Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, atheists and agnostics can achieve salvataion via their sincerity practiced in ignorance. Telling people about Catholic doctrine can only damn them. The CC states that “there is no salvation” for those who either “leave or refuse to enter in” the CC… unless you’re an ignorant Muslim… this is why JPII never bothered to tell his pal, the Dalai Lama, that he wasn’t the 14th incarnation of some guru… the DL can get to heaven if he remains ignorant of RCism.
F. The CC formally teaches that Muslims worship and adore the SAME GOD that the CC worships and that they may “achieve salvation” through adherence to Islam.
G. In Peter Kreeft’s book (published by Ignatius Press) he states that Mohammad is in heaven (being a “crypto-Catholic” like Buddha).
H. Big doesn’t equal true. In fact, biblically speaking, the true remnant has always been small. Or do you prefer the 450 prophets of Baal to little ol’ house-church Elijah?
I. Your concept of “hell” is from Greek mythology.
J. I was trained under the auspices of John Cardinal Krol of Philadelphia and taught Religious Education in two diocese… I’ve read the Popes, Councils and catechisms… have you?

bleechers on May 15, 2007 at 9:51 am

Ö bleechers:
B. The Patriarch said what I quoted…which I quoted from the Zenit (Catholic) News Service.
::: Send me the whole piece at I will write the Pope myselfÖI have his e-mail address.
C. The CC teaches that the laity must “bow will and intellect” to the bishops.
::: Within reasonÖand without ìcatastrophizingî that requirement. MOTHER TERESA didnít have a problem with thisÖso whatís your problem?
D. The “mustard seed” is a picture of a false growth in which the “fowls of the air” (i.e. evil) nest (see also: leaven).
::: I DONí T recognize your unsatisfactory interpretation of this parable of Jesus.
G. In Peter Kreeft’s book (published by Ignatius Press) he states that Mohammad is in heaven (being a “crypto-Catholic” like Buddha).
::: Peter Kreeft HAS NO WAY of knowing this unless he received a direct, personal revelation from God.
Mohammad would still have to be saved through the work that was done on the Cross, by the Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.
Mohammad was obviously mentally deranged. I will leave him in the hands of a just and merciful God.
H. Big doesn’t equal true. In fact, biblically speaking, the true remnant has always been small. Or do you prefer the 450 prophets of Baal to little ol’ house-church Elijah?
::: I prefer the Church established by Jesus Christ, not Jerry Falwellís or any othersí creation.
The Church was established by Our Lord to replace the synagogue, and to be expansiveÖnot insular. To assume the Jews first, and then to accumulate the Pagans. Family led worship initiallyÖevolved to a national form by the time of the Kings through a series of covenants.
The Catholic Church now represents the international form and has received the final covenant. The Church is the final stage of salvation history.
I. Your concept of “hell” is from Greek mythology.
::: ALL DEEDS done in body and spirit will be rewarded in like manner. The greatest pain of Hell is the knowledge that one will forever separated from God, and that oneís actions, here on earth, were the cause of this separation.
J. I was trained under the auspices of John Cardinal Krol of Philadelphia and taught Religious Education in two diocese… I’ve read the Popes, Councils and catechisms… have you?
::: JUDAS ISCARIOT was trained under the auspices of Jesus of Nazareth and worked alongside the other disciples before he became a traitorÖwhat exactly is your point?
You have yourself a good day ~

The Canadien on May 15, 2007 at 7:40 pm

The point is, you have a corrupt concept of “the church” and you apparently are not well-schooled on the official doctrines of the Catholic Church.
JERUSALEM (Catholic Online) ? Lent is a time for Holy Land Christians to gather strength to be the leaven to ?a true resistance? that will end the EVIL of occupation in Palestine, said Jerusalem?s Catholic Latin-rite patriarch…
Yet today, [Sabbah] stressed, ?Jericho is a small prison city, like all the other Palestinian cities.?
[end excerpt]
Mohammad would still have to be saved through the work that was done on the Cross, by the Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.
Yes, but the CC officially and infallibly teaches that a Muslim (Hindu, atheist, agnostic, etc.) can achieve salvation via sincerity through ignorance. No baptism… no mass… no faith! Since Muslims worship the SAME GOD as Catholics worship (official CC doctrine), they may “achieve salvation” through Islam.
The ONLY way in RC theology to assure damnation is to reject RCism. You can reject God, the Bible and Christ… you can deny the cross and the resurrection AND STILL “achieve salvation.” However, if you believe in God, believe in the cross and resurrection and have faith in the work of Christ on Calvary there “IS NO SALVATION” if you “either willingly leave or refuse to enter in the CC.”
I don’t have to go to Kreeft for that… that’s straight from the Council. Of course, it utterly contradicts two other Councils and multiple Papal decrees, but nobody seems to care.
By the way…leaven in scripture is a picture of evil. In your letter to the Pope, you might want to correct Sabbah on that as well.
See also:

bleechers on May 16, 2007 at 10:51 am

I DONíT NEED to write the Pope because after reviewing the article, myself, I see that you misrepresented the Patriarch.
You failed to mention that he blames the Palestinians and the international community as well.
I do think that he came down too heavily on the Israelis. Without the Israeli presenceÖPalestine would be another Iraq. And as for all the restrictionsÖ100% necessary!
I think it is a form of cowardice when you chastise a group (Israelis) you know will not retaliate against you, and virtually ignore the sins of another (Palestinians) which is explosively volatile! But perhaps he is thinking of his flock and protecting them. Really though, he should be fairÖor say nothing. He’ll win no Arabs over by vilifying the Israelis. It is naive to think otherwise.
And I prefer an ancient, no-nonsense saint, like Ambrose.
SABBAH is right in one regard, the international community is USELESS.
And as for me being not ìwell schooledî in the official doctrines of the Catholic ChurchÖwell Iím the believerÖyouíre notÖitís not me who is the Sedevacantist.
That must have been somethiní else in PhillyÖyou the unbeliever teaching Religious Education in those two dioceses. Actual religious instruction is dispensed and received, often intuitively from the very soul of a man. What mess and mixed messages, confusion or other stark horror were you projecting onto those ìblank soulsî at the time?
You should probably write a formal apology to your victims, especially the ones who now join you at Good Book Baptist.
YupÖbetter to have those kids remain pagans brother, than to have let the ìwaterboyî lead the wayÖat the time!
Good grief.
ìYes, but the CC officially and infallibly teaches that a Muslim (Hindu, atheist, agnostic, etc.) can achieve salvation via sincerity through ignorance. No baptism… no mass… no faith! Since Muslims worship the SAME GOD as Catholics worship (official CC doctrine), they may “achieve salvation” through Islam.î
::: Caricature of the FaithÖagain. There are serious restrictions on these truths. HEAVEN is a perpetual MassÖso how can you sayÖno mass etc?!
You can reject God, the Bible and Christ… you can deny the cross and the resurrection AND STILL “achieve salvation.”
::: Nope.
ìHowever, if you believe in God, believe in the cross and resurrection and have faith in the work of Christ on Calvary there “IS NO SALVATION” if you “either willingly leave or refuse to enter in the CC.”
::: Yup and YOU FOUND a way to achieve this, right?!
ìI don’t have to go to Kreeft for that… that’s straight from the Council. Of course, it utterly contradicts two other Councils and multiple Papal decrees, but nobody seems to care.î
No Council contradicts another. And you donít seem to understand or care that you donít.
AND YOU also sound like a disciple of Loraine Boettner. His amateurish book on Roman Catholicism was a laugh riot but Iím sure you ìdrank it upî.

The Canadien on May 17, 2007 at 10:59 am

If directly quoting is equal to a “caricature”, then I guess you’re correct. Benedict recently stated that complex and difficult doctrines are anti-Christian. I believe the Councils have been quite clear.
Your nuance of “mass” is laughable and tragic. Why not skip mass this Sunday under that pretext? Why not? Because you’d be committing a “grave sin” and therefore must have it absolved before death.
The Muslim gets to have his masses in heaven. Yeah, that’s exactly what the decrees of Trent really meant!?!
You might want to read Leo XIII and Vatican I on “reinterpreting” Catholic doctrine some time.
Don’t reference the Councils until you’ve studied them. For the record, I claim no denomination, so you can stop your vicious, unsubstantiated attacks on the Baptists.
You can’t address the contradictions so you obfuscate, nuance and attack the messenger. At least the sedevacantists are consistent:
I respect them (even though I have no hope according to their theology… I tried to get excommunicated in the Vat 2 CC, but I couldn’t get my diocese to do it!). Hey, I requested excommunication and the CC didn’t do it…
Sabbah called Israeli control of the West Bank “EVIL” and he said that Israeli-controlled Palestinian cities are all “prisons.”
The Vatican and her bishops are anti-Israel, America-hating leftists (and have historically been so – See Gregory XVI’s Marari Vos). Look who’s leading the way on “open borders.”
“::: Yup and YOU FOUND a way to achieve this, right?!”
Yup, I believe in the Bible (all of it), in Christ’s deity, in His sacrifice, in His resurrection, in His ascension, in His promised return… yet I hope in Him alone apart from any church… “hense, there is no salvation” for me (Vat 2).
Achmed denies all those things, but he’s a good Muslim who worships the SAME GOD that the Catholic Church worships (Vat 2), so he can “achieve salvation” through Islam.
Call home the missionaries… the biggest obstacle to salvation on the planet is the knowledge of the Catholic Church.
I guess that’s why the Pope never told his pal the Dalai Lama that the DL isn’t a deity… why screw up his salvation?

bleechers on May 17, 2007 at 2:29 pm

Yup, I believe in the Bible (all of it), in Christ’s deity, in His sacrifice, in His resurrection, in His ascension, in His promised return… yet I hope in Him alone apart from any church… “hence, there is no salvation” for me (Vat 2).
::: Ah, no you donít, or youíd be a Catholic. Primacy of Peter, the Eucharist, the Virgin Mary etc.Öyou know ALL OF the biblical truths. Youíre at least a ProtestantÖcause youíve already switched your denomination, at least once. But you donít approve of them reallyÖso I guess youíre just the Michael Scotto sect.
One guyÖone manís crippled Christian vision.
I would delve into your other errors mentioned aboveÖbut after listening to your “cheesy” ìbandsîÖsheer garbage by the wayÖI think Iíve had enough.
But thanks for the laugh, and stay on your meds!

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