March 29, 2006, - 6:46 pm
Richard Convertino: The Public Lynching of a Terrorism Prosecutor & American Patriot
Osama Bin Laden & Company must be having a very good laugh at the mean-spirited incompetents populating American government, especially the Justice Department.
While members of the Detroit Al-Qaeda Terror Cell are free, today their Prosecutor, former Assistant U.S. Attorney Richard Convertino, was indicted today, for daring to go after them and actually getting a guilty verdict (Al-Arian prosecutors take note). on what’s behind the indictment of American Patriot Rick Convertino (a longer version of what I originally wrote in the New York Post).
All of this at the hands of the Justice Department and the U.S. Attorney’s for the Eastern District of Michigan (based in Detroit). All motivated by jealousy, ambition, pandering to Islamo-fascists for votes and power.
Go after terrorists, and the government will make your life miserable. Be a terrorist going after Americans, and you are the darling of half-wits that claim to be seeking justice in the name of us Americans. Whatever. War on Terror? Not really. More like War on American Patriots on behalf of terrorists.
Your tax dollars at work.
Tags: Al-Arian, al-Qaeda, American government, attorney, Debbie Schlussel Osama Bin Laden, Department of Justice, Detroit, Michigan, New York Post, Osama Bin Laden & Company, prosecutor, Richard Convertino, Rick Convertino, Terrorism Prosecutor, the New York Post, U.S. Attorney
All that over a photograph that may not be relevant to the outcome. How many millions did our govt. waste on that witchhunt?
John Sobieski on March 30, 2006 at 12:42 am