March 27, 2006, - 11:40 am

Supersized Creep: Morgan Spurlock Strikes Again

Last year, I wrote in the Wall Street Journal (longer version ) about Morgan Spurlock and his phony F/X “documentary” show, “30 Days,” for which his people tried to enlist me (for more than one episode).
Now, he’s up to more mischief. Spurlock had a deal to promote his anti-McDonald’s “Supersize Me” fake-umentary in Wisconsin public schools. Apparently, he’s also taken his act to Pennsylvania, where he gave an F-word laced tirade “speech” at a Suburban Philadelphia high school. Oh, and he also made fun of mentally disabled, special-needs students and minimum wage workers (gee, right after he did an FX show “sympathizing” with them). Great guy, that Morgan.
That he’d be enlisted to speak at a “health fair” is a bad joke.
Sadly, the students who were so disrespected by the self-absorbed Supersized D-list celeb idiot, gave him a standing ovation and asked for autographs.

Morgan Spurlock: Supersized Creep Has Conspicuous Fans

They should note that he kept the F-words and insults about the disabled away from his speech when . The students should ask themselves why they lauded a man who gave extremist Muslims that support terrorists more respect than he did American high school students.
And, by the way, our friend Mike of Anti-CAIR informs us that CAIR-Michigan is also hosting Spurlock. One wonders if CAIR will get a touch of class and revoke their invitation to a man who insults the mentally disabled to their faces and uses the F-word at public school assemblies.
Nah . . . . He promoted extremist Muslims and CAIR in a nationwide TV show and Oprah appearance. And that’s all they care–and CAIR–about.
****UPDATE: Check out “Bowling for Morgan.”

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4 Responses Ahhhhhhh…the wholesomeness of McDonalds…..
i remember back in high school some friends of mine that worked @ McDonalds got drunk one night after closing and decided to piss in the shake machine to see if anyone noticed…LOL…and that was a generation ago!!!
Imagine WHAT kids are doing today.

EminemsRevenge on March 27, 2006 at 1:17 pm

It was in my local paper this Sunday, 3/26/06, “Bucks County Courier Times”,, about Morgan Spurlock’s speech. About halfway through his speech, the principal turned down the lights and threw spurlock out of the school.

smokey on March 27, 2006 at 8:15 pm

Of course the students gave him a standing ovation because they are idiots who identify with this idiot.
He has inspired me, though. I am going to make a documentary called, “I’m a Wreck!” I am going to buy a Chevy and for 30 days run into a wall and then blame GMC for my bad back and neck from riding in their car.

The_Man on March 27, 2006 at 11:38 pm

Debbie — what is the connection between Morgan Spurlock and fundamentalist Islamic organizations?

Doug on March 28, 2006 at 4:21 pm

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