June 8, 2005, - 3:48 pm

INS/Port Director: Will Smuggle for Home-Spa

By Debbie Schlussel
Need to get some drugs or illegals into the U.S. fast? You can buy off an Immigration official for just the price of a home-spa and car repairs on a ’94 Mercedes. That’s the scoop on Daphiney Caganap, who is now–incredibly–the port director for U.S. Customs and Border Protection at Detroit Metro Airport–in the heart of Islamic America. Caganap accepted $30,000 in cash, car repairs, and deluxe home-spa, when she was head of the INS’ intelligence unit and coordinating anti-smuggling operations at the San Ysidro port of entry (near San Diego). In exchange, she ignored and allowed the smuggling of illegal aliens and drugs from Mexico, for almost two years. Don’t you feel safe, now that she is in a position of higher authority in Detroit, home to little Ramallah (a/k/a Dearborn)? , also wrote something about this, but we , so I’m not linking here. Caganap rose high and fast in the former INS’ and now-CBP’s affirmative action program. At Metro Detroit airport, instead of stopping immigrants, she’s said to have concentrated on holding office candle parties. Hopefully, her next candle party will be in prison.

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