March 21, 2006, - 9:30 am
Hilarious Quote of the Week
I’ve written about–actually, against–Al-Jazeera’s new English language network, soon to be on the air ( and ). (Yes, the Arabic language version, but I’m no fan of the Terrorist News Network.)
Now comes this hilarious, deadpanned quote from Dave Marash, Al-Jazeera International’s new Jewish anchor (we’re sure his religion had nothing to do with his hiring, which is why Al-Jazeera is touting it ad absurdum; nope, it was his charming good looks):
I do not see Al Jazeera as the antagonist of the Jews or the Israelis. It is a friend of the Jews, a friend of Israel, a friend of peace and harmony in the Middle East.
Uh-huh. Keep telling yourself that, Dave.
Tags: Dave Marash, English language network, Israel, Middle East
Buying alliances is so easy. There are hundreds of enthusiastic applicants.
John Sobieski on March 21, 2006 at 12:59 pm