March 17, 2006, - 12:29 pm

Medical Journal: Blacks, Hispanics, Women Got BETTER Health Care Than Whites, Men

Hmmm . . . . Maybe it’s time for affirmative action in healthcare for Men and Whites.
The mainstream media constantly whines about how minorities and women are neglected in favor of White men by doctors and the healthcare industry. Not true.
A new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine reports it’s the exact opposite. In fact, White males are the neglected in this two-year study of 6,712 patients evaluated by 439 indicators of healthcare and medical treatment. Among the 439 indicators measured were chronic and acute conditions and disease prevention.
The study says the 57% of women received top-quality healthcare versus a lower 52% of men. 58% of Blacks and Hispanics got top-quality healthcare versus a lower 54% of Whites.
We’re sure this extensive study will be conveniently forgotten just in time for the next sob-story profile about racist, bigoted, sexist doctors ignoring women and minorities. Count on it.

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One Response

That’s only because WE are disproportionately represented in YOUR prisons and army where health care is FREE…you fail to mention that us poor Nigros working the klantations DO NOT HAVE the health-care you cited above though!!!

EminemsRevenge on March 17, 2006 at 1:38 pm

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