October 5, 2009, - 10:49 am

Football “On Loan From G-d”?: Rush Limbaugh May Buy St. Louis Rams

By Debbie Schlussel

While I agree with a good deal of what Rush Limbaugh says, there are several areas of significant difference.  For instance, I’ve always wondered why Rush Limbaugh–while speaking out against most other forms of big government–has never said anything about taxes and millages and outright giveaways to sports teams.  If he has spoken out against it, I haven’t heard it.  In my opinion, that’s the worst form of corporate welfare, which creates the least amount of jobs, jobs which are mostly seasonal and which pay well below market rates.  Why should the average working stiff subsidize the palaces and offices of gazillionaire owners and millionaire players?


Now, we may have the answer on Rush’s views.  He may be about to become one of the part owners of the St. Louis Rams.  If you thought Rush was biased in favor of pro sports teams and athletes already, look out. On the other hand, if he becomes an owner, he may have to restrain what he says about pro football.  We’ll see. 

And maybe he’ll see that owning a football team is a lot different from wanting to be liked by guys who make millions to wear jockstraps and their coaches.  Though, minority owners rarely feel pain in football (nor, come to think of it, do majority owners).  He’ll be like Venus and Serena Williams, who are part owners of the Miami Dolphins.

After the horrible way he was treated by ESPN, though, it’s a smart move. Being an ESPN football commentator is chump change compared with being an NFL owner.  Good luck, Rush.

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18 Responses

Go Rush go!!

BB on October 5, 2009 at 12:27 pm

Wow. Biiiiig bucks. He has been somewhat critical of the National Felons League.

Joe on October 5, 2009 at 12:39 pm

As a multi-millionaire, he can afford it. Assuming he completes the purchase of the St. Louis Rams.

NormanF on October 5, 2009 at 1:52 pm

Yeah, but what will the owners, all of whom may have money, but lean left in politics, say? I think they are the ones who would have a vote. And do not forget Commissioner Goddell

Bob Porrazzo on October 5, 2009 at 5:47 pm

I bet Rush can’t wait to get into the Ram’s locker room. Do a Google search of Limbaugh+gay and you’ll see why.

Tip Top on October 5, 2009 at 6:36 pm

Rush is part of a group of investors making a bid for the Rams. He’s an unabashed capitalist who’s made millions in this great country … you could too if you had half the talent and drive…but you don’t

Tip Top's a Bottom on October 5, 2009 at 9:34 pm

Rush is tight with Jerry Jones, owner of the Dallas Cowboys. He has been his guest at Cowboys games on a number of occasions.

Bonzer Wolf on October 6, 2009 at 1:04 am

If he gets the team, think of the money he’d make by moving the franchise to LA. And call them the Los Angeles Rams? Has a nice ring!

Bob S. on October 6, 2009 at 4:05 am

Bob Porrazzo
Yeah, but what will the owners, all of whom may have money, but lean left in politics, say? I think they are the ones who would have a vote. And do not forget Commissioner Goddell

Goodell’s wife is Jane Skinner Co-host of 11 a.m. ET Happening Now (Fox News Channel).

Bob S. on October 6, 2009 at 4:08 am

AND if Limbaugh becomes an owner, the NFL players association(especially Donovan McNabb) will surely insist the same stringent drug testing rules and penalties be imposed on owners as are currently imposed on players.

Bob S. on October 6, 2009 at 7:11 am

Limbaugh made alot of money by turning his back on all the W. Bush scandals, tax increases and overall malfeasance in the Bush Whitehouse. However G.W. did help him out of his oxicotton scandal. Did he ever get a new housekeeper?

seahawker on October 6, 2009 at 8:56 am

Let’s get real here! Rush has never been a fan of ANY people of color and quite frankly and openly detests anything or anyone that’s not WASP. So with that said lets look at a typical NFL team. Safe to say that most are comprised of African Americans who believe it or not watch the news and communicate amongst each other. The McNabb issue years ago will surely come back to haunt him A: by players not supporting a team with him as owner, or B: by owners not wanting to be associated with his politics. Either way it is bad for football. I played football and the fundamental foundations for the most part are in juxtaposition to Rush’s politics.

Bottom line Rush = Divisiveness and Football as a whole does not.

Reality Bites on October 6, 2009 at 8:23 pm

Debbie, I love what Rush is setting on. He is pushing the limits of the PC world and the rich world. The PC world HATES Rush but they need $$$$$$ to survive. The professional Black Athlete say they hate Conservatives, but do they hate Conservative $$$$$? I think they like Benjis….err Dollah Bills Y’alll….errr Stacks and Stacks….sorry about the ghetto jargon. He will be allowed int the League because it is all about $$$$. Nooooo Doubt!!

As for Rush he has the $$$ to test the patience of the PC crowd. You are right. Pro sports is welfare. Corporate welfare. Locally I fought against taxpayer subsidized stadiums for the Padres and Chargers. Now the Chargers want a second stadium after having the one refurbished in 1996.

Speaking of sports? What happened to the Detroit Tigers tonight?? Michigan State gets crushed in the Final Four, Detroit Lions are the laughing stock of the NFL, Detroit Red Wings choked in the Stanley Cup Finals when they were favored, and now the saddest debacle the Tigers choked on the Twinkees after being up 7 games. And I was cheering for the Tigers tonight. Oh well? The Wolverines are playing well this year.

CaliforniaScreaming on October 6, 2009 at 11:56 pm

    CaliforniaScreaming – definitely agree with you about the Chargers stadium. I am also here in San Diego and have been to a Chargers game. The stadium is nice enough and we don’t need to waste taxpayers money an another stadium and the infrastructure associated with it. Qualcomm Stadium is in a good location and is semi easy to get to, compared to other cities I have lived in.

    Why would Rush want to invest in a loser team that will never win a Super Bowl? I don’t care who Rush thinks he is, there is no way anybody can help the Lions even have a winning season, let alone going to the playoffs. They could have the number 1 draft pick for the next ten years and never have a winning season.

    What do you find on the back of a milk carton in Detroit?
    A touchdown.

    Jarhead on October 7, 2009 at 11:45 am

If you thought Rush was biased in favor of pro sports teams and athletes already, look out.

I love Rush, but you’re right about his pro-sports bias being his Achilles heel. It’s the one thing that causes me to tune him out from time to time.

I remember during the Michael Vick flap, he couldn’t bring himself to criticize animal abuse! He didn’t defend Vick by any means, but he really went out of his way to avoid saying anything cricial of him.

R. Dittmar on October 7, 2009 at 12:02 pm

Reality Bites:
you spewed the following BS; “Let’s get real here! Rush has never been a fan of ANY people of color and quite frankly and openly detests anything or anyone that’s not WASP”

Care to post some facts proving that pathetic tirade?

I cannot believe your delusions of grandeur that Rush Limbaugh is a racist.

Guess what, he was right about the press and McNabb. How does that demonstrate that he is somehow a racist?

Some of his best friends are black and play golf with him frequently.

ScottyDog on October 7, 2009 at 5:32 pm

    Hey Scotty, because Rush plays millionaire golf with wealthy
    blacks, he’s not a racist?

    Harold Shalett on August 11, 2011 at 9:46 pm

Gee, Debbie, you’re so in love with the lying, obscenity spewing drug drenched racist! I’m kinda surprised..(no, I’m n ot).

Harold Shalett on August 11, 2011 at 9:43 pm

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