February 6, 2006, - 8:57 am

Would You Like Your Driver’s License Exam in Modern Arabic . . . or Classical?

It’s, unfortunately, nothing new that most states offer driver’s license exams in other languages, like Spanish in Florida and California and Arabic, here in Michigan.
But did you know that in Alabama the state offers its driver’s license exam in TWELVE(!) languages other than English? And last week, Alabama Judge William Shashy upheld this multiple-language offering, in a lawsuit filed by ProEnglish.
Just to remind you, here is one of the Arabic street signs we have in Michigan:

We give kudos to Alaska, Maine, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, South Dakota, and Wyoming, all of which require residents to take their driver’s license exams in ENGLISH.
If we continue to have unfettered borders, unlimited/uncontrolled immigration, and absurd accommodations to language and cultural differences, the character of our country will continue to degrade downward. Judge Shashy and other spineless Americans like him are the cause.

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20 Responses

What happens when these turd-world barbarians drive and then encounter street signs, highway signs, road condition announcements, construction advisories, etc., in ENGLISH?
Do they pull over and consult their “Turd-World Language/English” dictionaries?
Celebrate diversity!

Thee_Bruno on February 6, 2006 at 1:02 pm

Bruno;Whoa, talk about white trash.You are there buddy.

danny on February 6, 2006 at 1:56 pm

“Do they pull over and consult their “Turd-World Language/English” dictionaries?”

lawman on February 6, 2006 at 2:15 pm

Danny, you know it, pal.
I dig all of those “Legalize Marijuana” t-shirts your wife strings up between the trailers waiting for the laundry to dry.
BTW, speaking of your wife, please keep the light in front of your trailer on at night. Your wife keeps banging on mine when she comes back from the “Babes Drink for Free” night at “Bubba-Joe’s Burlesque” every Friday.

Thee_Bruno on February 6, 2006 at 2:21 pm

Lameman;or Law-the muslim man-I understand where bruno is comming from.And he has a right!You and your’s have taken the free U.S.A. to a point that every Fu.king Muslin should and has to be looked into . Go ahead and cry that your right’s are taken as a american arab.You watch after the next attack on our soil.You think you don’t have rights now?Lameman crying he can’t go to the potluck for fear that your picture will be taken with others.

danny on February 6, 2006 at 2:28 pm

Bruno: my tee’s say “OKETZ” ,”PUPS FOR PEACE”and “Never AGAIN”.White trash …..

danny on February 6, 2006 at 2:34 pm

Bruno; we light candles on fri.You peace…..

danny on February 6, 2006 at 2:38 pm

We give kudos to Alaska, Maine, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, South Dakota, and Wyoming, all of which require residents to take their driver’s license exams in ENGLISH.
why thank you.
and i get critized roundly, in this red state, for having this opinion.
tulsa, oklahoma

louielouie on February 6, 2006 at 2:55 pm

Danny, you sound like the typically confused, doo-gooder LIBERAL.
You wear shirts like ‘OKETZ’, ‘Never AGAIN’, and ‘Pups for Peace’, yet you label anyone ‘white trash’ who rails against the very problems plaquing us using language that illustrates the truth about what’s going on in this country. You label them ‘white trash’ because you’re afraid that what they say might hurt somebody’s feelings. Your anger is misdirected. The very same people whose feelngs you’re so concerned about are the very same people who’ll walk into a mall wearing a bomb belt. The very same people who’ll take over your neighborhood, not speaking a word of English, and transform it into a slum. You don’t believe me? Then take a walk through South Central LA, Dearborn, MI, Detroit, MI, Paterson, NJ, Jersey City, NJ, Brooklyn & Queens, NY, Yonkers, NY, Miami, FL, any border town along the Mexican border, etc. Take a walk through those areas at your own risk.
Call me white trash as your neighborhood goes up in flames literally and figuratively.
Call those serving in the military who are sacrificing their lives fighting the barbarians who would gladly put a Jew in an oven white trash.
So spare me your self-righteous bull$hit.

Thee_Bruno on February 6, 2006 at 3:03 pm

Danny, why did you say Thee_Bruno is “white trash”?

Jeff_W on February 6, 2006 at 3:15 pm

Bruno; I label ‘you’ bruno.no one else today.Teach me about bombs belts Like you have a clue beyond the media.Teach me about where to walk at my own risk.Now sit there and type about the decay and tranformation of neighborhoods and how ‘THEY’+ ‘THEM’have …. you are not white trash? Teach me some more bruno.And teach me how I give a s..t about someone’s feeling.Save it .And my shirts are not bought at a fair for fun.But in your head you’ve got to make it fit.

danny on February 6, 2006 at 3:30 pm

True, Danny labeled me ‘white trash’ today, but he’s given that same label on other days to other people who don’t kneel at the altar of Political Correctness. Danny suffers from a misdirected feeling of guilt, anger, and self-righteousness. He thinks he can protect America by not offending its enemies and by throwing flowers at them in the vain hope that the people who were brainwashed at birth to slice our throats will become enlightened peaceniks like he is. LIBERAL politicians have gone that route in the past and it’s done nothing except embolden our enemies even further.
So, Dan, the next time some 7th century barbarian flies a plane into a building murdering untold numbers of men, women, and children, just gather a bunch of your like-minded peaceniks, wear your “Never AGAIN” t-shirts, hold hands, and sing Kumbaya.
BTW, your last post sounded as coherent as a wino who’s drunk on Thunderbird at 10:00 am.

Thee_Bruno on February 6, 2006 at 3:53 pm

In California, if they made everyone learn English and cracked down on illegal immigration then there wouldn’t be a problem. I’m not anti-Hispanic, I just don’t like it when people think Hispanics are somehow entitled to something special. The last time I checked, President James Polk won the war, and immigrants from Latin America (Mexico in particular) wouldn’t be a problem if they just got over it. Many of them already have, but a lot of them have been listening to radicals as an excuse to do whatever they want. But it’s an even more dire problem in Michigan, because Hispanic culture is at least a Westernized culture with what we’d call a sense of right and wrong. Arabic driver’s license tests? Did the people who run Michigan ride the short bus to school? That’s scary.

KnightoftheImpaler on February 6, 2006 at 4:04 pm

Like you have a clue looking out of those eyes ,past the cloudiness of white hate. only reason you put up with a jew or Israel is out of security issues or now your peracher say’s it’s time and calling me a peacenike or whatever.I know what I do every day to fight and watch ‘the muslim’ here in america.And if your the new coservative G-d help us.

danny on February 6, 2006 at 5:47 pm

Danny vomited;
“Like you have a clue looking out of those eyes ,past the cloudiness of white hate.”
You’re correct, I hate my enemies just as my enemies hate America and me, as they have well demonstrated since well before 9/11 and continue to this day. My enemies also include those who break U.S. immigration laws daily to invade the sovereignty of my country – the country that my ancestors helped to build.
You, on the other hand, just love the turd-world diversity that has infected my country and all that it has to offer such as; crime, poverty, illiteracy, disease, higher taxes, school overcrowding, higher costs for healthcare, higher cost of housing, more road congestion, and the dissolution of American culture. As an America-hating LIBERAL, you’re all for it. As an American, I AM NOT!
“only reason you put up with a jew or Israel is out of security issues”
I hate to break it to you but, it is the United States that guarantees Israel’s security. It is not Israel that guarantees U.S. security – so, as usual, you don’t have a clue as to what you’re talking about.
“…now your peracher say’s it’s time…”
I don’t have a ‘preacher’.
“…and calling me a peacenike…”
It’s peacenik – not peacenike – and, yes, you are a peacenik.
“I know what I do every day to fight and watch ‘the muslim’ here in america.”
Do you work for the CIA? The FBI? HSA? Tell us, Dan, exactly what DO you do to protect us from the Muslim.
“And if your the new coservative G-d help us.”
Well, just as God delivered the Jews from bondage in Egypt, He has already delivered Americans from the tyranny of LIBERALISM in America.

Thee_Bruno on February 6, 2006 at 8:32 pm

“Well ,just as G-d delivered the Jews from bondage in Egypt.He has already delivered Americans from the tyranny of LIBERALISM in America”.BRUNO.You are one bent puppy.

danny on February 6, 2006 at 9:21 pm

I completely agree, Debbie. This started getting out of hand long ago and the powers-that-wanna-be just look the other way, talk tough, allocate millions of dollars to it, and walk away.

arty on February 8, 2006 at 5:47 am


1811 on February 8, 2006 at 11:17 am

Dan sure loves his Thunderbird – and I’m not talking about cars.

Thee_Bruno on February 9, 2006 at 2:15 pm

Wow. You’re so lucky that you were able to choose where you were born and that you have the privilege of being a blond, thin, white woman. Entitled much?

Gretchen on February 23, 2013 at 10:53 am

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