February 5, 2006, - 4:39 pm

NFL Super Bowl’s “Family Values”: Meet Larry Foote

We’ve written about the man we think is the REAL role model of the Super Bowl, of the Seattle Seahawks and the U.S. Air Force.
But meet the “new” kind of role model the NFL is promoting: Larry Foote of the Pittsburgh Steelers, who will play in today’s Super Bowl.
The NFL claims he’s a “hero” because he is taking care of his son. While that’s nice, it is hardly “heroic”. And there are some pretty jarring details in the whole unsavory story.
The 25-year-old Foote only found out about his kid, Trey-veion, a year and a half ago. The son is now age ten. That means Foote conceived this kid when he was about age 14. Splendid.
Then there’s these prize quotes from a USA Today profile of Foote’s “new, unexpected role of father”:

Confirmation from the [paternity] test took about three weeks. Foote, who was engaged at the time immediately took custody of Trey-veion. He never considered merely offering financial support. Trey-veion’s mother has five other children.

She is a single mother, and it’s a good bet the other five are from multiple different fathers. Ain’t life in the hood grand.
Then there’s this:

Foote doesn’t believe he has other children waiting to be claimed. “I hope not,” he said. “I’m quite sure that just with the publicity we’ve had, if there were, it would have come out by now.”

Like we said, meet Larry Foote, new NFL Super Bowl “role model.” Not too mention, , who is prominent in this weekend’s NFL and Super Bowl sponsor activities.
(We note, also, that Foote, is wearing a U.S. Marines shirt with medals in the picture accompanying the USA Today profile. Yet, he never served in the Marines. Hmmm . . . . Contrasts very nicely with Capt. Fisher who wears the uniform for the right reasons.)

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6 Responses

It’s not even a case of moral relativism anymore. It’s a complete reversal. Wrong is right. The hero is ignored while the thug is heralded. And then there are Trey-veion’s siblings. All will probably be making their own babies when they reach their early teens.

Interested-Participant on February 5, 2006 at 11:24 pm

I really have nothing against this guy because he made some mistakes and his past and he’s owning up to them, but I have a lot against the people who make him out to be a “hero” for that (it’s very unlikely that he started this hero business himself). This actually reminds me of one of Chris Rock’s most infamous monologues, he touched on this very issue about how low standards have gotten in the Black community when people are idolized for not being a deadbeat dad. As far as the Marines thing, well it’s good that he’s supporting them. But again, doesn’t exactly make him an outstanding hero. Overall I’d say Foote is not a hero or a villian, it’s the NFL that makes him out to be a hero who are the villians.

KnightoftheImpaler on February 6, 2006 at 1:38 am

As a Steeler fan I find it disturbing that Larry Foote is being heralded as a “hero” because he is now doing what he should have done long before now. Actually I find this disturbing as a trend anyway. Foote is not the first nor the last (unfortunately) to be so honored. I agree with KNightoftheimpaler on this. It is the NFL who should be ashamed of themselves.

JRob on February 6, 2006 at 9:29 am

Like so many of America’s traditions, Football has devolved into Thugball.
Celebrate diversity!

Thee_Bruno on February 6, 2006 at 12:56 pm

Yeah…WHEN you’re as silent as you are pretty, maybe THEN you’ll listen!!!
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4815441/ is the ONLY football player in the NFL that was for real

EminemsRevenge on February 6, 2006 at 3:57 pm

An interesting sidenote about him supporting the Marines though. Like I said, it’s a good thing to do but it doesn’t make him a hero. The fact that it puts him several notches above many in Hollywood says more about them than it does about him. But is it just me or are more and more of these Black thug types starting to turn on the very far left establishment that helped create them (and certainly helped elevate their ways to virtues)? This is an interesting phenomenon to keep an eye on.

KnightoftheImpaler on February 6, 2006 at 7:22 pm

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