January 27, 2006, - 12:11 pm

BREAKING SCHLUSSEL EXCLUSIVE: Bomb Found on Detroit Plane Pre-Superbowl

***SCROLL DOWN FOR UPDATES from Northwest Airlines & Federal Air Marshal***
DETROIT–Just over a week before the Superbowl takes place here, reliable law enforcement sources say local and federal authorities are trying to keep quiet a story about a bomb found on a flight at Detroit Metropolitan Airport.
Sources say that a week ago, Thursday or Friday, a bomb inside a small black box was found on a departing Mesaba Airlines flight, after passengers had boarded (Mesaba is a commuter airline that partners with Northwest Airlines on connections). The bomb, found on a seat, contained shrapnel and ball-bearings, the sources said. Reportedly, passengers were deplaned after the device was found.
If this story is correct, it once again calls into question the ability of TSA screeners to prevent explosive devices from getting past airport checkpoints. It also raises questions regarding whether terrorists are testing the system just prior to the Superbowl, here.
*** UPDATE: Northwest Airlines Vice President of Government Relations Andrea Fischer-Newman called me to say that it was not a bomb but a kid’s science project. She said she will send me e-mails (with the names removed) proving it. Have not gotten them yet, but will post when I do. I have heard of other, previous similar incidents at DTW (Detroit Metro Airport) from reliable sources in a position to know, as were the sources for this one.
*** UPDATE: Northwest Airlines VP Andrea Fischer-Newman sent this e-mail from Mesaba Airlines security personnel, but asked that I remove certain names. So was there a bomb? Or wasn’t there? Hopefully, there was not. But, as FOX News would say, I report; you decide. It should be noted that Ms. Fischer-Newman was one of the University of Michigan Regents who allowed Islamic Jihad terrorist Sami Al-Arian to speak on campus (as well as other terror and murder supporters) at the 2002 “Divestment Conference” (in the name of “free speech”).

Sent: Fri 1/27/2006 4:31 PM
To: Ramsay, Scott B [Northwest Airlines Security]
Subject: Re: Suspicious Item on board XJ Flight 3521 in DTW 18JAN06
Wayne County determined it was not a threat. They tracked down the inbound passenger and found that it was part of a young kid’s science project for his school.
Director of Safety, Security and Emergency Management
Mesaba Airlines

*** UPDATE: Here is what a Federal Air Marshal in the know wrote in response, and I agree (but feel a tad safer knowing there are people like this person protecting us):

I trust NWA [Northwest Airlines] to give me the truth…not. DTW [Detroit] is as porous as it can be. We search every plane that we get on no matter how long it has sat. Then the crew are like, “Nobody has access to the plane but crew, cleaners and caterers.” Riiight. Caterers and cleaners with names like Habib, Jamal, Rafiq….

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18 Responses

Not to worry about TSA screeners, they see only what they want to see. I stupidly put a pair of $200 Oakley sunglasses in my checked bag on a flight out of JFK last week. Sure enough, they were missing when I touched down in Burbank!
It’s OK to let bombs go through the screening process.
Just make sure you grab those Oakleys that don’t belong to you!
I have nothing to worry about though. The very entity that stole my sunglasses will be investigating the theft!!
Criminals looking out for criminals. Sort of gives you that warm fuzzy feeling inside, doesn’t it?

NJBeachbum on January 27, 2006 at 12:35 pm

Assuming this story turns out to be true, it would surely indicate a screening problem, most especially in Detroit.
A bomb, found on a seat means only one thing, the would-be bomber had to carry the thing aboard, right under the nose of TSA screeners.
I know the people who are hired for these jobs are not rocket scientists, but somebody has to be either blind or stupid to let this one get by. Time to fire them all and start out from square one. These mopes are beyond rehabilitation.

Soc Et Tuem on January 27, 2006 at 12:47 pm

Lets wait a few weeks and see if the bomb was a training exercise for the TSA or bomb-sniffing dogs. An Fed agency was training dogs to find a bomb on a jet. It was plastic explosive and they said you need a jolt to blow up the plastique. Lets wait and watch.

KOAJaps on January 27, 2006 at 1:55 pm

Hi Debbie!
Having issues with “trackback” to your site, but we wanted you to know that we’re pre-blogging the Superbowl and borrowed content from you!
(what would a “From New Fallujah” blog be without some pre-Superbowl blogging?)

DetroitPatriotette on January 27, 2006 at 3:21 pm

KING OF ALL JAPS: hearing you give any advice on bombs.? STICK with your love of Arite(THE DRUGGIE FELON DRUNK 3rd rate Comic)and tell us how he makes you laugh.

danny on January 27, 2006 at 4:27 pm

To all the rest; someday when you and your’s really care about security.The -EL-AL – teaching’s will be taken. When a -EL-AL- person goes to work, you know today is the day they are going to attack us and watch all.

danny on January 27, 2006 at 4:33 pm

Wingnuts love ghost stories!
Question: Why didn’t the bomb story get more news coverage?
Answer: Because there was no bomb.
It’s simple, really.

The Liberal Avenger on January 27, 2006 at 6:51 pm

…ghost stories? Did you mean conspiracy stories?
Did you here the one about the two liberals who got blown up?
Who cares.

code7 on January 27, 2006 at 9:42 pm

Riiight. Caterers and cleaners with names like Habib, Jamal, Rafiq…
No furtive attempts to conceal the fact that this is a racist, anti-Arab website here!
You folks warm my heart.

The Liberal Avenger on January 28, 2006 at 12:24 am

There should be a reason for concern and a heightened awareness due to the large number of people attending the Super Bowl. We know from history that terrorists like to practice with ‘dry runs.’ Add the fact that Michigan has one of the largest Muslim communities in the US, including significant numbers of Iraqi, Lebanese, Yemeni, and Palestinian Americans, and the concern is justified. Liberals always seem to forget history or current demographics-listening to them is like watching a bad episode of Pee-wee’s Playhouse with all the dancing around “la la la-la la la”.

todd_70 on January 28, 2006 at 2:59 am

Danny, you are great too bro! Oh and F-them Towel Headed terrorists

KOAJaps on January 28, 2006 at 5:21 am

KING OF ALL JAPS: hearing you give any advice on bombs.? STICK with your love of Arite(THE DRUGGIE FELON DRUNK 3rd rate Comic)and tell us how he makes you laugh.
Posted by: danny at January 27, 2006 04:27 PM
Sure, I’ll tell you how. The goofball makes fun of everyone. And don’t you think that if Debbie really hated Artie, she would be on the Howard Stern Show? I read your past posts discouraging Deb from going on Howard’s show because when Debbie speaks, Artie says eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. If Debbie is offended, do you think she would go on again? Or are you being the big brother who is so concerned about Debbie’s well being, that if you had the opportunity, you would block her from going in? Doesn’t Deb have her own mind to do her own thing or should she stay in this safe environment? I would love to see Deb go up against Daniel Carver or the other Wack Packs, let her speak her thought and show them that she isn’t a push over. Hell, she was on Tom Leykis’ Show too. She is a powerful woman and I’m glad she does go to these shows.
As for the bombs, I may have to change my theory. Maybe they won’t even report it. Sort of sweep it under the rug. That when Deb comes out and post it or goes on the Howard Stern Show and tell Howard about it…or is Artie a bad, drug addicted boogeyman and going on there would be dangerous for her? That is so condescending to Deb. But I have to admit Danny, you are the best!

KOAJaps on January 28, 2006 at 5:39 am

I so hate to admit this is one of the few times I agree with the King of all Crap. Debbie can handle herself in any discussion or on any show, especially against a mental lightweight like Artie Lange.
But, who is Arite?

The_Man on January 28, 2006 at 9:21 am

If the box contained either explosives or shrapnel and ball bearings, it was NOT a kid’s science project.
Did it or did it not? If so, the PR flacks are as mindless as the TSA “inspectors.”

johnpeach on January 28, 2006 at 12:37 pm

King of all JAPanese as you call yourself: So did you let him know, you wear kee-pads + swallow?

danny on January 28, 2006 at 2:35 pm

King of all JAPanese as you call yourself: So did you let him know, you wear kee-pads + swallow?
Posted by: danny at January 28, 2006 02:35 PM
First of all, no, I’m not a fag and secondly, what has that got to do with: BREAKING SCHLUSSEL EXCLUSIVE: Bomb Found on Detroit Plane Pre-Superbowl?
Oh and it’s kneepads not kee-pads, because kneepad or in your case kee-pads is not a compound adjective, you don’t need to put in a hyphen. But you are the best Danny!
“I so hate to admit this is one of the few times I agree with the King of all Crap. Debbie can handle herself in any discussion or on any show, especially against a mental lightweight like Artie Lange.
But, who is Arite?
Posted by: The_Man at January 28, 2006 09:21 AM”
Thanks the_Man but it’s Japs, but crap is funny.
As for this post on January 27, today being the 31, nothing on the news about this so far. Thanks for the information Deb, at least the truth is coming from somewhere.

KOAJaps on January 31, 2006 at 6:12 pm

Deb – any more Follow-up to this story?

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