September 29, 2009, - 2:48 pm

Rosalinda Duron, the Worst Kind of Whore: Meet Terrorist “Sam” Smadi’s “Wife”

By Debbie Schlussel

Apparently, the worst kind of prostitution in America is the kind where sex never takes place.  It’s the kind in which Rosalinda Duron engaged to sell out her country:  fraudulent marriage to Islamic terrorists.  Sadly, as I’ve noted on this site, the American citizen half of these sham marriages is rarely prosecuted.  It’s treason, but they get away with it.


GuyBrow Islamic Terrorist Hosam Smadi Had Sham Marriage to Stay Here

Duron married Hosam Maher Husein Smadi, the Dallas Islamic terrorist (and “guybrow” terrorist) who wanted to blow up Fountain Place and who got here, according to his dad, on a student visa.

The man accused in an attempt to blow up a downtown Dallas skyscraper was married to a woman in Italy, Texas last year. . . .

Working at the Shell Texas Best Smokehouse located off Interstate 35E in Italy, the Jordanian citizen was living in the United States illegally. However, News 8 has learned he married Rosalinda Duron, last year. Both worked together at the gas station. . . .

“He offered her $5,000 to marry him and she said no,” said Gennro Duron, Rosalinda’s grandfather. “She said, ‘Give me $10,000.’ . . .

Just 18 at the time, Duron tried to convince her father to agree to the nuptials, her grandfather said. . . .

Mr. Duron said Smadi wanted to marry his granddaughter so he could be legal in America.

There are no records that show a divorce ever occurred.

On her MySpace page, there is a picture posted of what appears to be Rosalinda and Smadi but the Waxahachie woman has remained elusive. Smadi’s friends didn’t even know about the marriage.

Watch the disturbing video news report. Her grandfather tells it very  matter-of-factly and doesn’t seem to think there’s anything wrong with his daughter’s marriage fraud . . . so long as the price is right.

Like I said, I’ve repeatedly noted that American citizens–women AND men–are rarely prosecuted for engaging in marriage fraud.  And even then, it’s a slap on the wrist.

Christopher DelaDurantaye and his brother, Jean Paul DelaDurantaye, were never prosecuted for marrying Hezbollah FBI/CIA spy Nada Nadim Prouty and her sister-in-law, Samar Spinelli, illegal aliens from Lebanon who paid them off with Hezbollah money from the Hezbollah-front restaurant La Shish and its Hezbollah-financier owner Talal Chahine.

Nor was the woman who married one of the new-deported men involved in the Florida smiling terrorists “Just Fireworks” cell.

Now, there’s Ms. Duron.  Don’t look for the feds to go after her either.

And we wonder why Americans continue to commit marriage fraud with illegal aliens for the right price.  Maybe it has something to do with the penalties:  there aren’t any.  Crime pays when there’s all upside and no downside for the perpetrator.

Time to start prosecuting this sexless prostitution of America’s borders.  Yes, the worst kind of prostitution is where bodily fluids are not exchanged, but money still is .  . .  not to mention, the opportunity for an immigration status adjustment.

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9 Responses

Rosalinda “Duron”: ah, must be heiress to the Duron® paint fortun.

DS_ROCKS! on September 29, 2009 at 2:54 pm

Its called the “Green Card” scam after the movie with Gerard Depardieu and Andie MacDowell. The American spouse is rarely prosecuted for defrauding the country. All’s fair in love – and betrayal.

NormanF on September 29, 2009 at 3:32 pm

Debbie you hit it out of the park. These shenanigans are vile and disgusting. I will go one step further. I take it Duron is of Hispanic decent and most likely of Mexican decent. Of which I am. The problem that has occured in the last 30 years with people of Hispanic decent is that many they feel no loyalty to America. I am hoping she had no idea this guy was a terrorist, otherwise she should prosecuted for treason. Too many children of Hispanic decent are taught that the United States is stolen land. If you believe that La Raza victimization prologue BS then taking $10,000 from a terrorist wouldn’t bother you a bit. The Chicano-La Raza playbook is the Palestinian playbook. Because liberals make all people of color mindless zombie victims, for them this type of behavior is justified. For her to take all the benefits of the freedom, rights and privileges of America and if she acts in a way detrimental to her nation it is treason. Problem is if the Muslims take America, she is too stupid to recognize they would make all of Mexico and South America its b*tch as well.

CaliforniaScreaming on September 29, 2009 at 3:46 pm

This Duron bag of s*** makes me want to puke…….hey, what’s the solution from the left for these kinds of outrages? A bit of sympathy and the a mighty “It’s OHh KAAY”.

Not Ovenready on September 29, 2009 at 4:31 pm

geeez – can you get 2 uglier looking people – and hes a little shrimp! i hope the FBI has a nice “talk” with him in a deep dark cellar – him and his pansey muzzie brows.

BIG IRISH on September 29, 2009 at 5:32 pm

Goin to the chapel (mosque) and we’re gonna get married…
then we’re going to the dee-vorce court!!

BB on September 29, 2009 at 6:57 pm

When a person offers you a large sum to get married, it is clear that something very bad is going down.

Sorrow01 on September 29, 2009 at 11:13 pm

Lets see,, a rope,, a lampost will do, maybe a pigs foot shoved in moouth to top it off. Sooner or later we are going to have to deal with the traitors in our midst, and it won’t be pretty.

Drakken on October 1, 2009 at 1:57 pm

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