January 26, 2006, - 9:45 am

Patriotic Arab American: Mayor Allan Mansoor Stops Alien Invasion – Abu Moskowitz Update

On this site, we’ve written about who’ve taken it upon themselves to enforce immigration laws, like Maricopa County, Arizona Prosecutor Andrew Thomas.
They’ve chosen to do this, since top federal officials, like ICE’s (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) , are too busy with more important things . . . like transforming federal agents into the auxiliary trademark police subsidiary of NFL and Major League Baseball Properties and doing jock-sniffing activities, like getting their mugs on ESPN.com. When they aren’t doing that, they’re kowtowing to and .
The latest courageous local official is Costa Mesa, California Mayor Allan Mansoor, whose city will now become the first in the country to authorize its police officers to begin enforcing federal immigration laws by checking the immigration status of people suspected of serious crimes and gang activity. Because of his courageous stance, illegal alien advocates are trying to recall him.

Mayor Allan Mansoor (left) Enforces Immigration Laws

That ICE’s Abu Moskowitz (right) Won’t

Read the whole USA Today article about Mayor Mansoor and his patriotic activities to end the invasion.
Allan Mansoor, a patriotic Arab American we can be proud of.

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6 Responses

Did Abu get that big promotion? I just don’t understand why he still has a job.

John Sobieski on January 26, 2006 at 11:08 am

It’s no secret that COMMON SENSE isn’t common. It’s a damn shame that such a practical idea of enforcing the law and protecting the community is practically heralded as a visionary by DOING THE JOB THAT OTHERS ARE SUPPOSED TO BE DOING!!! The only people that need to worry about this are those that are here ILLEGALLY and BREAKING THE LAW!

Yiddish Steel on January 26, 2006 at 2:56 pm

Here is a good article by Serge (or Srdja) Trifkovic:
I’m not a big fan of Chronicles but this particular author is a genious who is widely admired outside of questionable circles he associates himself with. He defintely needs his own website, as he is in a unique category of his own.

KnightoftheImpaler on January 26, 2006 at 6:35 pm

I’m sorry Debbie, I admit I didn’t read this actual blog, but from the title and our common love of using sarcasm I just assumed it was an appropriate place to put an article I was just itching to post. Now that I actually re-read what the blog is about instead of just skimming it, I feel stupid. If you get around to it, you can delete the post and this one too. Maybe I’ll post it in a more appropriate blog. Sorry, I get impulsive about these things sometimes.

KnightoftheImpaler on January 26, 2006 at 10:54 pm

See, critics, Debbie is not a “unabashedly pro-Jewish”, “unabashedly anti-Arab” bigot after all….just rightly calls it as she sees it.
Debbie, kudos for proving the critics wrong and calling a bum a bum (Abu M) and a hero a hero (Mr. Mansoor). I hope he survives the recall…

hairymon on January 27, 2006 at 1:27 pm

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