January 25, 2006, - 10:56 am
Pork Soup or Truth Serum?: French Muslims Are New Food Police
Are the Muslim food police coming to America? Imagine American police using permits to shut you down if you serve pork or any pig products.
That’s what’s happening in France. Here in the States we have the Center for the Study of Science in the Public Interest, which comes out with monthly reports assaulting movie refreshments, Asian food, Italian food–virtually anything consumable.
But they ain’t got nothin’ on French Muslims. Pursuant to Muslims’ demands, French police are using permits to shut down homeless soup kitchens that serve Pork soup, an age-old French dish. (Pigs are not Hallal–or “permitted”–under Muslim dietary laws.) In some French cities, Muslims have succeeded in an OUTRIGHT BAN on the soup. That should disturb all freedom-loving Americans.
For the record, my religion, Judaism, forbids consumption of any pig products–which was copied by Islam (along with many other Jewish and Christian tenets) when the religion was invented. However, we Jews do not believe in imposing our restrictive religious beliefs on others. That is a disturbing Islamic precept. And the use of the state to do it is openly urged by many prominent American Muslim leaders, such as Ibrahim Hooper and Omar Ahmad of –both of whom have stated that they want the Koran and Islamic law to replace the U.S. Constitution.
Here are more of the details of France’s Muslim food police and their statist attack on Pork soup, as reported by AP:
“One has the right to be charitable toward whom one wants,” said Bruno Gollnisch, the [French National Front] party’s No. 2. Moves to forbid soup kitchens offering pork reveal authorities’ “alienation” from the French people, he said.
Pork soup is an age-old staple of the rural heartland from which all the French, at least in the national imagination, are said to spring.
The groups dishing up the soup say their victuals are no more than traditional French cuisine and deny they are serving up a message of racial hatred – a crime in France – or that they would refuse soup to a hungry Muslim or Jew.
In Strasbourg, pork soup was banned this month after officials deemed it could disrupt public order.
“Schemes with racial subtexts must be denounced,” said a statement by Strasbourg Mayor Fabienne Keller.
More than a dozen police surrounded volunteers at a recent soup distribution at Paris’ Montparnasse train station. Once police determined there was pork in the broth, they ordered the 10-gallon container sealed because the group had no permit.
There has been no outright ban on pork soup giveaways in Paris, but police have been using the permit issue as a way to shut down the kitchens and avert racial tensions.
Tags: America, American police, Bruno Gollnisch, Center for the Study of Science, Council on American-Islamic Relations, Debbie Schlussel Are, Fabienne Keller, food, food police, food police coming, France, French police, Ibrahim Hooper, Mayor, Montparnasse train station, National Front, Omar Ahmad, Paris, pig products, Strasbourg, the Public Interest
The prohibition on pork does not make sense any more. It did make sense at the time of Moses, when they did not have breeding facilities for pigs and the pigs layed around in dirty areas.
With modern breeding facilities, pork meat is as clean and hygienic as any other meat.
lawman on January 25, 2006 at 11:21 am