January 24, 2006, - 9:53 am

Canadian Bacon Sees the Light

On this site, we critiqued and Canada’s anti-Americanism .
We’re glad to see, however, that in yesterday’s Canadian elections, our neighbors to the north have finally seen the light. They said no to Martin’s anti-U.S. rants and shooed him out of office, electing conservative Stephen Harper as their new Prime Minister. Conservatives now dominate Canada’s Parliament with 124 seats.
We hope this means they have turned the corner and that the days of anti-U.S. Canuckistan are thawing.

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6 Responses

So when “our” beloved Reichskanzler gets the okay to open up the re-education camps, the Canadian option is now closed!!!

EminemsRevenge on January 24, 2006 at 11:06 am

Two quick comments:
1. Hopefully, this election will put to be your thesis that canadians are nothing but a bunch of anti-Americans. The Liberals spent an inordinate amount of energy portraying Mr. Harper as a USA wannabe. What happened? He won. Do not mistake the views of the Toronto white wine literati for the opinions of all Canadians, otherwise I will have to chack out the New York Times to get the views of Mainstreet America.
2. Mr. Harper comes into office (as did Mr. martin) with the expectation that Canada-US relations can be improved. There are a lot of things on the plate. One will be whether the US will finally accept the decision of NAFTA’s Extraordinary appeals panel on softwood lumber. Mypoint is that, with all the goodwill that Mr. Harper comes into office with,if relations don’t improve between our counries, maybe the problem isn’t us….

Blaise on January 24, 2006 at 4:55 pm

From the CBC:
“In the early weeks of the campaign, Martin spokesman Scott Reid said parents would spend Harper’s child-care subsidy on “beer and popcorn.” Later, the Ontario vice-president of the party resigned after he compared NDP candidate Olivia Chow to a dog.
Martin was also questioned about a series of attack ads, in particular one that suggested Harper would post armed soldiers on the streets of Canadian cities.”
Hah! Canadians know how to have an election! They don’t pull any punches up there! I’m sorry I wasn’t paying closer attention to the race, it must have been a real doozy. To have such politics in the United States!

jjames on January 24, 2006 at 6:44 pm

Debbie isn’t exactly right when she states “Conservatives now dominate Canada’s Parliament with 124 seats.”
It’s what is known as a minority government… the same thing the Liberals just had. The Conservative party (124 seats) will have difficulty passing any initiatives versus the Liberals and NDP (132 combined seats). Unless of course they sell their souls and give Quebec some goodies to get the Bloc Quebecois to vote along with the Conservatives.
Anyone who says the Conservatives “dominate” Canada’s House of Commons clearly doesn’t understand parliament and Canada’s political parties. The Conservatives could be brought down easily with a non-confidence vote and another election just like the Liberals were.

James Scearce on January 24, 2006 at 9:04 pm

James; you are one pompous ass

danny on January 24, 2006 at 10:14 pm

Sorry for being a pompous ass… for pointing out a dumb ass.

James Scearce on January 25, 2006 at 8:38 pm

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