September 24, 2009, - 3:09 pm

The Najibullah Zazi Handbook: Make WMDs with Beauty Supplies; Dumb Feds Alert Jihadis; UPDATED

By Debbie Schlussel


More information is coming out about jihadist and terrorist Najibullah Zazi.  And some of it, in my view, falls in the TMI category.  Too Much Information.


Yes, if someone wants to kill, they’ll find a way.  But I’m not sure of what benefit it is to announce to the other would-be jihadis, criminals, and kooks out there, how Zazi went to beauty supply stores to get the basic ingredients for his planned Weapons of Mass Destruction.

But the feds made this info public, anyway. And, in the process, they stupidly alerted Islamic terrorists, so they can be more clever the next time.

An Afghan immigrant plotted for more than a year to detonate homemade bombs in the United States, had recently bought bomb-making supplies from beauty supply stores and was looking for “urgent” help in the past two weeks to make explosives, an indictment charged Thursday.

Najibullah Zazi — a 24-year-old airport shuttle driver who authorities said received explosives and weapons training from al-Qaida during a trip to Pakistan last year — was charged in New York with conspiracy to use weapons of mass destruction. . .  .

The two-page indictment of Zazi — who appeared in a Denver court on Thursday — offers few details, but a separate document — a government motion seeking to deny bail — lays out evidence gathered by investigators. . . .

The document says that on Sept. 6 and 7, Zazi tried to communicate with another individual “seeking to correct mixtures of ingredients to make explosives.” . . .

In July and August, Zazi bought unusually large amounts of hydrogen peroxide and acetone — a solvent commonly found in nail polish remover — from beauty supply stores in the Denver metropolitan area, the document says. . . .

Beauty supply store employees in New York and the Denver suburbs said authorities had been there recently asking whether large quantities of hydrogen peroxide or acetone supplies had been purchased.

At Hidden Beauty in Queens’ Flushing neighborhood, a quick walk from the apartment where Zazi stayed this month, a plainclothes officer stopped by and asked whether anyone had been there to buy a large amount of acetone, store employee Sam Chin said Thursday. The manager told him that no one had, Chin said.

John Choy, a salesman for 707 Beauty Supply and Fashion Plus in the Denver suburb of Aurora, said FBI agents went to his store about two weeks ago and asked him whether he sold hydrogen peroxide to anyone recently. Choy said that the store sells only a few small bottles a year and that no one who bought it fit the description of Zazi.

So, the lesson for us here is beware of Muslim men looking for nail polish remover and hair bleach.

And the lesson for Muslim men: start hiring women to go to those stores to buy the ingredients. The “clever” feds have just announced to the world they’re on to you. So, now you can plan how to evade them.

**** UPDATE: More on the beauty supplies.  For every jihadi who’s wondering, the feds provide you a “cookbook”:

The court paperwork lists several chemicals Zazi and his associates were using to make the explosive “Triacetone Triperoxide” or “TAPT,” which is the explosive used in the 2005 London train bombings and intended to be used in the 2001 “shoe bomb” plot by Richard Reid.

The government alleges Zazi and others associated with him purchased unusually large quantities of hydrogen peroxide and acetone products from beauty supply stores in the Denver metropolitan area.

The indictment states there are surveillance videos and receipts that Zazi purchased six bottles of “Liquid Developer Clairoxide” from a beauty supply store in Aurora on July 25.

The document goes on to describe how videos and receipts also show that on Aug. 28 Zazi purchased 12 32oz bottles of “Ms. K Liquid 40 Volume”, another hydrogen peroxide based product form the same store.

Records cited by the government in the indictment also show Zazi stayed at a nearby hotel suite in Aurora on Aug. 28 that was equipped with a stove to practice working with the chemicals.

Others associated with Zazi made purchases at beauty supply stores, according to the indictment. One person purchased a one-gallon container of a product containing 20 percent hydrogen peroxide. A second person purchased an acetone product during the first week of September. Yet another person purchased 32 ounce bottles of “Ion Sensitive Scalp Developer” a product with high levels of hydrogen peroxide on three occasions over the summer of 2009.

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16 Responses

Will someone get extra credit for this if all the details are revealed. Or is it boasting of sorts?

Otherwise, I don’t get it.

Considering all the stuff NOT covered by the media, they always seem to be very keen on secrets and as Debbie says: “TMI.”

It seems to be a macbre dance of Look at me(!) and Look at them!

Sam Adams on September 24, 2009 at 3:41 pm

Also this strikes me from the article:
“The airport shuttle driver began plotting to “use one or more weapons of mass destruction” between Aug. 1, 2008, and September 2009 against the United States, the papers say.”

Muslim terrorists seem to be very attracted to jobs at or near airports. Dulles airport now seems to be at least 50% Muslim employees at security. . .and yet we are supposed to believe that they just want the jobs to make security better for Americans? Sadly, our country will not wake up until it feels pain, which is, as one commenter said before, a sign of stupidity.

JM on September 24, 2009 at 3:52 pm


Why was he arrested?

He said he needed “urgent” help in making explosives.

That meant JOBS for unemployed Americans!

Not only that, the new hires would have received advanced specialized training, as they entered a new career field.

I think the FBI is stifling our economy.

On the other hand, what if he was not making bombs, but was frequenting beauty shops because he’s a closet homosexual who likes to make himself look pretty?

Thank you.

John Robert Mallernee
Armed Forces Retirement Home
Washington, D.C. 20011-8400

John Robert Mallernee on September 24, 2009 at 4:03 pm

More stuff to look for…

Undaunted on September 24, 2009 at 4:04 pm

Of course this information was leaked. Would you expect anything less from Obama and Janet Napolitano? They can’t keep anything secret when it comes to O-stupid’s terrorist buddies. You can be sure these punks won’t go to Gitmo, Obama will send them back to Afganistan so they can receive more terrorist training, even if they are convicted.

Jarhead on September 24, 2009 at 4:28 pm

So, does this mean I’m going to be limited to one bottle of hydrogen peroxide a month? Is the government going to scan my drivers license when I purchase a bottle of nail polish remover?

I have to suffer with a cold and now I’m going to have ugly nails. This stinks!

cirrus1701 on September 24, 2009 at 4:39 pm

Beauty Supply stores have V40 developer (12% purity)H2O2 explosive makers need far purer chemials, we’re lucky our opposition is so incompetent.

Smitty on September 24, 2009 at 4:53 pm

He has been indicted and is out on $1.5 million bail.

I just called the judge insisting that his bail be revoked immediately, and he be remanded.

Gee, I hope I haven’t offended any muzzies.

goldenmike4393 on September 24, 2009 at 6:11 pm

    How the hell does an airport shuttle driver make $1.5 million bail? Who posted his bail? CAIR, HAMAS, … who knows. What we need is someone like Jack Bauer from one of our secret intel agencies to take care of this punk, but only after torturing him long enough to find out some valuable G2.

    Jarhead on September 24, 2009 at 6:54 pm


      Muzzies like to work at or near airports.

      Gee, I hope I haven’t offended any muzzies or pallies.

      goldenmike4393 on September 24, 2009 at 7:01 pm

Debbeie I disagree with you. Every terrorism expert I
Have read or heard states that keeping this information
a secret is far less beneficial than informing the
American public about what is possible so that public
Pressure can be brought to bear and the right policy
decisions can be made.

Anyone who wants to can, simply by using information that
is already out there, figure out how to cause some major
Damage rather easily.

IAM: We’ve had 8 years since the 9/11 attacks in which Americans should have brought pressure to bear for the right policy decisions. And yet, Bush did not enact them, and then Obama was elected. Instead, we increased the Muslim immigration population and bent over for them. Plus we created a giant do-nothing bureaucracy and handed terrorism investigations to a bloated, inept bureaucracy (the FBI). We are less safe than we evere were on 9/10 and before. While the info may already be out there, the jihadis didn’t know we were on to it. Now, they do. DS

I_AM_ME on September 24, 2009 at 6:49 pm

I want to re-tract my posts.

It’s obvious the JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOS are planning it, right muzzies?

goldenmike4393 on September 24, 2009 at 7:03 pm

Dear Ms. Schlussel: I believe you mean “they’ll find a way.” Hatima Tova.

Miranda Rose Smith on September 25, 2009 at 1:43 am

Smitty wrote: “…we’re lucky our opposition is so incompetent.”

Don’t be so dismissive of their capabilities and intelligence. They knew what they wanted and got it. Not all material obtained is usable in its purchased form.

Even if 99% of attempts are unsuccessful, then sooner or later an attempt will succeed. As the IRA were quoted as saying, “Tonight you were lucky. You have to be lucky every time. We only have to be lucky once.”

Bill on September 25, 2009 at 2:36 am

The whole bust in NYC was premature. They got some people, and a couple dozen empty back packs. Just makes one wonder which safe house in the city still has the explosives?

Ross Calloway on September 26, 2009 at 5:21 pm

The FBI used to be to topflight this seems to be very strange. For one thing hydrogen peroxide is mostly water even in the most concentrated forms and the forms of acetone you buy at a beauty care are also weakened. They are loaded with conditioning agents that make them more tolerable for use on human beings. there are billions of ways to hurt a group of people burn down buildings and other such things that don’t require going through any difficulties. This doesn’t seem logical except to stage more fear mongering. I mean 3 bottles of peroxide over the summer? Peroxide doesn’t last an hour(it breaks down chemically) when exposed to heat people commonly have to replace their peroxide especially during the summer. This entire thing smells of treason and not on the part of Mr. Zazi.

James on September 29, 2009 at 6:43 pm

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