January 23, 2006, - 10:02 am

ME in Friday’s Washington Times

Friday’s Washington Times cited and excerpted my column, “” in the “Inside Politics” column, by Greg Pierce. Here’s what he wrote:

Pants on fire
The American Civil Liberties Union has filed a lawsuit against the federal government over the National Security Agency’s monitoring of terror suspects’ communications, and commentator Debbie Schlussel has some interesting details about the ACLU-backed plaintiffs at her site, www.debbieschlussel.com.
“I’m referring to ACLU lawyers Noel Saleh, Mohammed Abdrabboh, and Nabih Ayad … attorney William Swor, a member National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, and Nazih Hassan–all named in the lawsuit,” Miss Schlussel writes. “They are exactly the kind of people whom the federal government SHOULD be watching, but probably isn’t.”
Miss Schlussel had written a column about Mr. Abdrabboh’s work as a lawyer representing terrorism suspects. She said that in a grievance filed against her last year “designed to deny my right to free speech,” Mr. Abdrabboh wrote: “Without hesitation, I affirmatively state that I have never represented anyone accused of terrorism or money laundering. I can also affirmatively state that I have never represented or consulted with anyone accused/suspected/indicted of money laundering, let alone money laundering to finance al Qaeda.”
That’s a flat lie, Miss Schlussel says: “In fact, Mohammed Abdrabboh represented Gamil Manea Ahmed Al-Najar, arrested in December 2002 … for operating a money-laundering business, Najjar Money Transfer … one of six businesses believed to have transmitted as much as $50 million per year to Yemen, in violation of the Patriot Act and other reporting requirements.” And federal officials told her that, indeed, they suspected the laundered money was going to al Qaeda-connected terrorists.

BTW, Mohammed Abdrabboh represented another Muslim Arab, also accused of operating a money-laundering business and caught in the same raid that netted the arrests. What a liar!

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One Response

The Washington Times?

jjames on January 23, 2006 at 7:10 pm

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