January 18, 2006, - 1:30 pm
More MLK Day Leftovers: Spike Lee Attacks Bush
Check out what racist bigot had to say during his MLK Day visit to the Detroit area’s Oakland University.
Too bad Spike never listens to the title of his movie, “Do the Right Thing.” His “right” thing is to continue to attack the President Bush, and now he’s making money off it (through a propaganda “documentary”). As reported by The Detroit Spews, sounds like Spike’s been smoking the same thing as Kanye “George Bush Doesn’t Care About Black People” West:
Lee, now working on an HBO documentary on the effects of Hurricane Katrina, blasted the Bush administration for its response to victims. He said he repeatedly heard international friends commenting on how New Orleans “looked like a Third World country, like (in) Africa or India.”
“Dr. King would have been greatly upset about what happened in Katrina and the slow-as-molasses response to the people there,” he said.
“How did America leave its people hanging out to dry?”
We wonder how much of the money from his films Spike Lee will donate to the Katrina victims. How much did he give already?
Remember what we said about Spike Lee? Read all the facts you need to know about this professional race merchant and here.
Tags: Africa, America, Bush administration, Bush By Debbie Schlussel Check, Debbie Schlussel Check, Do the Right Thing, George Bush, India, King, Lee Attacks Bush By Debbie, New Orleans, Oakland University, President, Spike Lee
It’s amazing how you people always trot out the clowns when you’re trying to make a point…Spike Lee is as relevant to Black intelligentsia as Gilbert Gottfried is to Talmudic scholarship!!! Like Reverend Al “the people’s pal” Sharpton, HE has always been one of those bogarting fools thrust into the role of Black “leaders” by a white media…like Howard Stern has often stated—Black folk don’t go to Spike Lee movies.
Kanye was RIGHT on his assessment of GW…WHERE was Spike when Katrina was going down???
i have often heard that if you put TWO Jews in a room you’ll get THREE different opinions, yet Black folk are supposed to be monolithically goosestepping behind some clown who sits courtside at Knicks games? You’re gonna alienate all the Sambos who shuffle onto this site my JAP goddess…and for my haters…i just changed the re-direct to MY off-the-wall blog…LOL
EminemsRevenge on January 18, 2006 at 2:31 pm