January 6, 2006, - 10:16 am

Buffalo Bills Give New Hope to Senior Citizens

Is 80-year-old Marv Levy returning to the Buffalo Bills? YES!
That’s the story coming out of the frigid city. With recent firings of team management, Levy–the Bills’ winningest coach and a Pro Football Hall of Famer–is the team’s new GM. This is one employer no-one can accuse of age discrimination.
Gives hope to the older set that even in the NFL–where youth is king–you can return as a senior citizen in some capacity . . . and even run the show.

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3 Responses

Despite losing all those Super Bowls, I always admired and rooted for good old Marv (despite my being a Jets fan LOL); a combination of some family (not myself though) being from the Buffalo area and just simple “Jewish pride” in the guy.
I was so glad to hear he’s back at GM, maybe now they’ll win one for him. Welcome back!

hairymon on January 6, 2006 at 11:22 pm

But…nobody needs to hire an old Jewish guy to run things as much as The Detroit Lions,the most boring,geriatric franchise in any business-and run by the Ford family,descended from Henry-America’s most famous Jew-hater;according to Pat Robertson,this is why God is punishing The Lions.

jaywilton on January 8, 2006 at 4:11 pm

But…nobody needs to hire an old Jewish guy to run things as much as The Detroit Lions,the most boring,geriatric franchise in any business-and run by the Ford family,descended from Henry-America’s most famous Jew-hater;according to Pat Robertson,this is why God is punishing The Lions.

jaywilton on January 8, 2006 at 4:12 pm

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