April 16, 2021, - 6:56 pm
No Filter With Debbie TV: VIDEO-More facts you didn’t know about Brooklyn Center/Daunte Wright, George Floyd & the Derek Chauvin trial, the facts refuting the “systemic racism” claim, CNN’s far-left agenda
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The criminals in charge continue to encourage hate, discontent, climate hustle and pandemic hysteria as a distraction while they silence all opposition and shred the Constitution and destroy American values before everyone’s eyes.
The corrupt politicians and their big business partners are changing Free Market Capitalism (private capital deployed to generate goods and services using limited government) into Crony Creditism (the government issues endless levels of debt and then picks economic winners and losers in conjunction with big corporations) in an attempt to control the US economy and herd all middle and lower income Americans into debt slavery.
Free market Capitalism was the basis our great economy and is now being systematically replaced with a dependent nanny state making the United States a much poorer country as she slides into a form of Woke Socialism and ultimately towards a Totalitarian state.
Robert Thomas on April 18, 2021 at 12:00 pm