December 22, 2005, - 11:33 am

CORRECTION (Correct Phone #)–Justice for Robert Stethem: CALL German Embassy on Hezbollah Terrorist Release Outrage

*** CORRECTION: Earlier, we gave the wrong number for the German Embasssy. THE CORRECT NUMBER IS (202) 298-4000. (Our apologies for the mistake.)
Time to take action on Germany’s absurd in exchange in Iraq, both stories broken by this site (and then ripped off by other media).
Our friend, radio talk show host, Tom Marr, of WCBM-AM 680, informs us that the phone number of the German Embassy in Washington is:
(202) 298-4000.
Call this number and ask the German officials why they released this terrorist/murderer and why they traded terrorists for hostages.
Ask them why new German Chancellor Angie Merkel lied when she said, regarding the terrorists who kidnapped the German Muslim: “This government will not allow itself to be blackmailed.”
Thanks to Paul Bleicher, a reader of this site, for tipping us off to that quote!

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2 Responses

Keep up the heat on those rat Germans.
BOYCOTT Products From GERMANY >t shirts, bumper stickers >
GERMANY released KILLER > t shirts, posters, stamps >
You can’t put the Genie back in the bottle and you can’t cry over spilt milk BUT we Americans should BOYCOTT PRODUCTS FROM GERMANY (VW, BMW, MERCEDES, PORSCHE, BOSS Clothing [designer of SS uniforms], German Wine and Beer, etc.)
This is BOYCOTT should begin immediately.

PP3 on December 22, 2005 at 2:11 pm


KOAJaps on December 25, 2005 at 6:05 am

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