July 4, 2018, - 11:43 pm
America’s Birthday: We’re Lucky to Be Here; Sadly the Enemy is Here, Too
So America turned 242 today, and as we approach our country’s sestercentennial (or quarter-millennial), we must ask ourselves these questions: is it too late? Have we lost our country? Yes, even with Donald Trump in charge and doing a great job, hasn’t America become a mediocre nation that is losing its moral bearing and sense of reason and sanity?
I’ve been away unexpectedly to fight the good fight, including representing a career female American Army veteran who was captured, raped, and tortured in Iraq (I am doing this pro bono), as well as representing Congressman Kerry Bentivolio, who is a disabled Vietnam and Iraq war veteran with over 27 medals and awards earned (and for whom I urge you to vote in the August primary, if you live in his district. And I’ve been working on some other stuff I hope to announce soon on this site. But I can’t miss our nation’s birthday and take stock in where we are.
As I’ve written before on this site, I often think about how lucky I am to be an American and how all the odds were really against that. My maternal grandparents were Holocaust survivors whose families were almost entirely wiped out by the Nazis. My father’s father left anti-Semitic Poland to escape its tremendous anti-Semitism. But what if they hadn’t seen the light, as was the case for millions of Jews?
My paternal grandmother Marilyn’s story also demonstrates the great odds against my being born an American. She came here against all odds. She was from a rural Jewish farming family and had 11 or 12 siblings. They were very poor. Her uncle and aunt, Chaim/Charles and Rose Dorman, were successful shoe store owners in Hamtramck, Michigan, a then-Polish-dominated suburb wholly surrounded by Detroit, and they could not have children. They wrote my grandmother’s parents in Poland and asked them to send one of their daughters to raise as their own. They would give her a good life, they said. All but one of my grandmother’s siblings were murdered in the Holocaust–yes, the horrible years-long genocide that bears absolutely no resemblance to America’s enforcement of immigration laws (not even close).
But I look at my immigrant ancestors who came to America and one thing is universal about all of them: they were nothing like the people we are taking in today and have been taking in for a few decades, now. My grandparents–all four of them immigrants–were smart, hard-working, industrious people who came here through the proper channels. They never got welfare or entitlements. They were never provided with bilingual education. They were forced to quickly learn America’s language (or what used to be) without any help from anyone. They were not given translators and enablers. They had to work, go to school, and become schooled in and adopt America’s values. Today, there seem to be no universal American values, not even a desire to protect freedom. And my familial predecessors who came here had to sacrifice. My maternal grandparents and my mother had one cramped room in a woman’s house. They were never offered public housing. Tbey wanted to become good American citizens and adopt to American culture.
But today–as Donald Trump correctly pointed out and was savagely attacked for doing so–we have people almost exclusively from s–thole countries arriving on our shores every minute. They contribute nothing. They take, take, take. They come from extremist countries and lifestyles where it is okay to kill people for being Jewish or Christian, harass them for selling or eating bacon or speaking against the false alleged prophet mohammed, or for dating the “wrong” person or for being raped. They demand that America bend over backwards for their every ridiculous religious and/or cultural adherence, including refusing to ring up frozen packages containing pepperoni pizza and wearing a headscarf or full-Ninja face-veil. And in many cases, they never even learn English. They don’t have to. We’ve made it too damn easy for them in every possible way. And when we try to do anything to make it tough, such as separating the kids and their parents, there is a non-stop chorus of shrieking from America-haters from within.
Tonight’s NBC July 4th festivities included a lot of emphasis on the songs and actors in the movie, “West Side Story.” That’s no accident. The network wanted us to think of immigrants and the cheery, beautiful, assimilated charmsters who sang catchy songs written by Jews. But most immigrants today are nothing like that. Not even close. Again , they don’t want to assimilate or become American. They want us to assimilate to them and their demands. It is not the love story of Maria and Tony. It’s often the nightmare of Americans raped and/or killed by illegals. It’s definitely the nightmare of a more than doubling of the number of mosques in America since 9/11. And it’s definitely the dramatic strain on public services and entitlements being taken by the majority of new immigrants from places like the Muslim Middle East.
And, above all, I see that today we are taking in the people who openly want to mass murder the Jews, just like the Nazis did. We regularly hear this in the statements and sermons of Muslim leaders and clerics and their flock throughout America. As longtime readers know, I, myself, have been on the receiving end of much Muslim Jew-hatred and death, rape, and torture threats. Why would we have no limits on bringing these people here? Even Trump’s travel ban/halt barely targets a few Muslim countries, and that’s it. So what’s the point? And people are actually harassing Trump officials at restaurants because we dare protect our country’s future–because we dare take action to make sure there still is an America in the near future. WTF?! Only a moron would protest legitimate immigration enforcement, only a moron would champion unfettered easy admission for those who want America to end and to replace our Constitution with the koran.
As I watched the proverbial news coverage that we get every July 4th of a myriad of citizenship ceremonies, I wondered, how many of these people are Muslim? How many think jihad and honor-killing is good? How many support beheading gays and setting churches on fire? Now many want to take away our freedoms, lest they be offended or lest it offend Islam? Of course, we’ll never know the exact answers. But here’s my answer: far too many, and we don’t vet them for any of that. They are never asked these questions or the ACLU and Southern Poverty Law Center would sic its army of lawyers on everyone. And that’s the problem. We are letting people into America that we know are going to do us wrong, that we know want to take us away from our freedom and our liberal democracy. Clearly, nothing was learned on 9/11. Or the dates of the Boston Marathon bombing, the For Hood massacre, the San Bernardino Christmas party massacre, etc., etc., ad nauseam.’
And among those who are not jihadists, these people coming to America are mediocre, and they make America more mediocre, too. But America was already mediocre enough. Even with Trump beginning to reverse and crack down on Obama-era affirmative action policies, information in a pending lawsuit against Harvard shows that affirmative action is alive and well and a detriment to American achievement. The internal Harvard data showed that if there wee no affirmative action and admissions were based only on merit, 45% of the school would be Asian. That made me wonder what percentage of Harvard admissions would be Jews. I’ll be writing more about this, but my point is that even with Trump as President, we’ve become so mediocre, and so obsessed with irrelevant things like race-based “diversity,” that our county has become mediocre beyond repair. Yes, it’s still a great country, but not nearly as great as it was or could be, if people were admitted, hired, and promoted based on merit-based objective standards.
And we’ve become mediocre in others ways. For decades we did not strictly enforce immigration law. Now, as our country is overrun with illegals and ICE takes relative baby steps to enforce the law, we hear the non-stop shrieks of leftists that this is like the Holocaust. And we see spineless Republicans, like Ted Cruz, pressure Trump to cave on this issue, which he ultimately was forced to do. You have to make it difficult for illegal aliens, not attractive. And that includes splitting up their families. No, that doesn’t make it Auschwitz, dumbasses. Again, there must be standards and procedures in place to make it more difficult and dissuade these people from coming here.
We cannot let in every illegal alien asserting asylum claims, or even a small fraction of them. In the Muslim world, for example, Shi’ites commit violence against and persecute Sunnis. And Sunnis commit violence against and persecute Shi’ites. And both sects attack Christians, Jews, etc. If we had to take all of these Muslims in, we wouldn’t have a country left . . . and the Middle East would be empty. Same with Latin America. If we took in every person claiming to fear gang violence, we’d be taking them all in, and our streets would be lawless.
Yes, on this 242nd American birthday, America is sharply divided. But it’s not–contrary to frequent claims–the most divided time in American history. Americans have been divided many times over the years. The difference here is that, before, it was about reasonable disagreements between those who love America on what is best for it. Today, the disagreement we have is with many on the left who truly want to destroy America, and have such a bad case of White guilt or minority supremacy, that they want to destroy this country.
And they are doing a great job at it from within. At this point, Donald Trump cannot right the course of pop culture. Our society long ago descended to hell and adopted the low culture and warped lifestyle of hip-hop and other sorry cultural norms. There is no greatness or legit purpose there. It’s all about eroding American society on behalf of the enemy from within, where marriage is extinct, kids are had out of wedlock with multiple partners, and so on. And the breakdown of the American family, once our backbone, is nearly complete. Even Republicans and conservatives blindly gushed over Kanye West merely because he mildly supported Trump in order to sell a new album. Suckers.
So, yes, you and I are lucky to be Americans, lucky to be here. But enjoy it while you still can. There has been such a sea change in America culturally and politically, that we could easily and quickly lose it all–lose our freedoms and what made America great–at any time.
We’ve failed to be vigilant, and therefore, the enemy has been inside the gates for years.
Tags: 4th of July, Fourth of July, Independence Day
Thank you for this Debbie! Glad to hear from you (I had been concerned about you!). ?
MomInMinnesota on July 5, 2018 at 5:07 am