October 23, 2017, - 5:19 pm
Joshua Boyle, Caitlan Coleman: Why Did We Rescue Muslim Convert Al-Qaeda Couple?

No tears for Joshua Boyle and Caitlan Coleman. I wish they hadn’t been rescued. They’re the “Canadian-American” couple who spent five years as hostages with the Taliban and were freed while I was away for the last of the Jewish holidays. Sympathetic news about and interviews with them continue to come out, none of it mentioning the real story about this treasonous couple. You should be upset that American resources were used to free these cretins.
Over the years, I’ve made clear my feelings about the pinata of leftist, America-hating “Americans” and “Westerners” who get caught by Iranian, North Korean, Syrian, ISIS, and other evil forces while they are “vacationing,” “hiking,” “reporting,” and/or “backpacking.” If you’re dumb enough to go to these places, you know–or at least, should know–that you’re going there at your own risk.
I had that view about Al-Gore-employed “journalists” Laura Ling and Euna Lee, who were captured and held in North Korea. I said the same about Shane Bauer, Sarah Shourd, and Josh Fattal–three more fake “journalists” who were caught “hiking” in Iran and imprisoned. I said the same about various so-called “journalists” and “relief workers” who hated America (and some of whom converted to Islam) but were suddenly “Americans!” when they were about to be beheaded by their beloved ISIS, whom they’d traveled to Syria to cover as the “liberal democrats” of Islam or whose wounded they traveled to help. The included James Foley and Steven Sotloff. And I said the same about American Otto Warmbier, who was detained in North Korea and died as a result of torture there. Who the heck goes on a “tour” of North Korea? You have to be a complete idiot to do so.
Who told them to go there? I call these people, “Stupid Americans & The State Department That Loves Them.” They’re actually useful idiots. Or worse. They know what they are doing, and we should leave all of these people on their own.
And I definitely feel that way about Boyle and Coleman. They went to Afghanistan to help Muslim extremist families there, in towns to which even U.S. troops wouldn’t venture because they were so dangerous. Boyle and Coleman were captured by the Taliban when they were “backpacking.” You have to be a complete moron (or America-hating Islamic extremist) to travel to the middle of Afghanistan to live and then go backpacking. I mean, what could go wrong? But Boyle and Coleman aren’t just stupid. They’re evil, and they hate the West. We know this because their statements and activities have been documented, though completely omitted by mainstream sources reporting on their rescue and return to North America.
There are more than a few things the media isn’t telling you about these people that are glaring omissions and very disturbing. To wit:
* Boyle, a Muslim convert, was married to Zaynab Khadr, the burqa-wearing daughter of Ahmed Khadr, a major Al-Qaeda financier and terrorist and sister of four Al-Qaeda terrorists. Those terrorist brothers include Abdullah Khadr, who admitted buying weapons for Al-Qaeda, and Omar Khadr, who murdered an American soldier (Sgt. Chris Speer) and blinded another (Layne Morris). The former Mrs. Boyle, Ms. Khadr, praised and defended the 9/11 attacks, and she and her entire family lived with Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan and Bin Laden attended Ms. Khadr’s second wedding (she was married 4 times; Boyle was hubby #3). Her mother is Palestinian, by the way.
* Boyle served as spokesman for the Khadr terrorists, defending their Al-Qaeda terrorist activities, including the murder and injuries caused by Omar Khadr in his attacks. (As you may know, Trump friend Justin Trudeau recently gave Khadr $10 million. Trump was informed about this move ahead of time and did nothing to stop it.) Boyle also praised and defended his then-wife’s pro-9/11-attack comments. And he’s friends with Moazzam Begg, another Gitmo Al-Qaeda terrorist. Boyle’s despicable.

Muslim Convert & Al-Qaeda Bride Caitlan Coleman with One of Her Sons @ Canadian Hospital Last Week
* Caitlan Coleman was well aware of her husband’s statements, behavior, and activities on behalf of an Al-Qaeda family, when she converted to Islam and married him. Yes, she’s essentially an Al-Qaeda bride. And she enjoys it, apparently. She still dons a hijab–the Islamic female headscarf–and refused to board an American plane or land in America, even though it was American information that resulted in her rescue. She was seen wearing a beige hijab on the plane back to Canada. And her most recent photo, in a Canadian hospital, also shows her wearing the Islamic headgear. She’s one of them. NOT one of us. That’s the only kind of person that marries an Al-Qaeda spokesmodel and moves to Taliban territory to–ya know–“help the people.” (By the way, the pan-jihadist couple met on Star Wars fan sites, which goes to show you, as I’ve always argued, that Western pop culture does nothing to stop jihad or open anyone’s eyes.)
* The couple gave their kids Muslim names. Now, those Muslim kids will grow up in Canada to spread their Islamic hatred of the West and have their own kids to further spread the virus.
Boyle and Coleman may be, respectively Canadian and American born. However, they are anything but Western in their views and ideology. What causes a pregnant woman and her husband to leave the comfort of the West and risk it all, including their unborn child, to help Muslims who hate America–who hate the West? The couple’s own similar hatred of America and the West, that’s what.
I’m saddened that Donald Trump used so much effort and resources to get this couple to safety and used their rescue as a test of our strained relationship with Pakistan.
America and the West would have been best served had Joshua Boyle and Caitlan Coleman died in Taliban captivity.
Then Mr. Boyle could have met the 72 virgins his religion and preferred culture promises him. And Coleman could’ve enjoyed her chosen life as a sex slave of allah.
President Trump should’ve let them rot in Afghanistan, where they chose to go . . . and where they deserved a life sentence.
Tags: al-Qaeda, Caitlan Coleman, Islam, Islamic Terrorism, Joshua Boyle, Joshua Boyle Zaynab Khadr, Layne Morris, Moazzam Begg, Omar Khadr, Sgt. Chris Speer, Sgt. Christiopher Speer, Zaynab Khadr
they are truly vile creatures who should have been left to rot.
worry on October 23, 2017 at 6:56 pm