May 17, 2017, - 4:16 pm
Schlussel Sues Dearbornistan Hts to STOP Sharia, Discrimination Against Non-Muslims; HOW YOU CAN HELP

On Monday, I filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against the City of Dearbornistan Heights. The City discriminated against me, violated my civil rights, and denied me Constitutional right to equal protection under the law because I am not Muslim, male, Arab, and foreign-born in a Middle Eastern country AND because I am a Jewish female American-born United States citizen. On top of that, the City created illegal new laws that favor Muslims and Islam above all others, a major violation of both the Establishment Clause and the Fourteenth Amendment right to Equal Protection under the law.
What happened to me is a preview of what will happen all over America, as the Muslim population increases and we continue to give up freedom and democracy because Muslims here demand it. I need your help to turn the tide. Here are the details on what I’m doing and what you can do to help.
The next time you hear anyone in the media or any politician claim that there is no sharia (Islamic law) in America, think of my lawsuit, Debbie Schlussel v. City of Dearborn Heights et al (read the federal civil rights complaint filed by my awesome lawyer Dan Lehman). It is Exhibit A that Muslim-controlled American cities or those with large Muslim populations (and spineless politicians eager to please them) do, in fact, practice sharia; do, in fact, engage in codified, established discrimination against non-Muslims and in favor of Muslims; do, in fact, choose Islamic law over laws made through the democratic process; and do, in fact, choose the koran over the United States Constitution. What Dearbornistan Heights did to me strongly illustrates all of these in action.
In 2015, a Muslim woman named Malak Kazan filed a lawsuit against Dearbornistan Heights, a metro-Detroit-area municipality that is home to one of the largest and most concentrated populations of Muslims outside the Middle East. It is also home to the Islamic House of Wisdom, believed to be the second largest mosque in North America, the imam of which was the spiritual leader of Ayatollah Khomeini’s Iranian Navy. The city has a Muslim Judge, David Turfe, who openly supports the terrorist group Hezbollah (which murdered hundreds of Americans) and a Muslim activist–Dave Abdallah–among its City Council members.
Ms. Kazan was arrested after she was stopped by police and it turned out that she was driving on an expired license and there were two warrants for her arrest. The police asked her to remove her hijab–the Muslim headscarf–for mug shots. They videotaped the process. Kazan sued over this and the city settled the suit with her.
I filed several Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests for the settlement agreement, Kazan’s mug shots, the video of the booking process, and several other related documents. Dearbornistan Heights denied my request for the booking photos and the complete video, in violation of Michigan public records laws. Yet, Amir Makled, a Muslim male Arab (who was reportedly born in Lebanon), asked for the same items–the booking photos and video–and the City granted his request. After all, he is of the preferred religion, gender, ethnicity, and national origin under Islam. On top of that, the city charged the male Muslim Makled only $15.00 for his request. I was asked to pay $24.00 for a lot less. After all, non-Muslims always have to pay the jizya (the dhimmi tax assessed on non-Muslims under Islamic law).
As their excuse for not providing me the requested materials, Dearbornistan Heights cited a “right to privacy.” But the Michigan Court of Appeals has repeatedly ruled, including in three published decisions, that there is NO right to privacy in booking photos a/k/a mug shots. The City of Dearbornistan Heights and its officials and lawyers know this, but they don’t care. Islamic law a/k/a sharia rules supreme there. And that’s why my lawsuit needed to be filed . . . in addition to the fact that I was discriminated against and refused service while a male Muslim Arab got the exact materials I requested and was denied.
During the course of my investigation, I learned that Ms. Kazan settled her lawsuit with Dearbornistan Heights for only $5,000.00. Yes, it took me to do this work because there is no investigative reporting by the mainstream media anymore. They just report what allah’s soldiers want. Period.
Five thousand dollars may seem small for such a settlement of a federal civil rights lawsuit, and it is. But that was not the goal of Kazan’s suit. The goal was to create new law–law which violates public records laws in the State of Michigan, law which gives special treatment to Muslims above all others. As part of Kazan’s settlement, the City of Dearbornistan Heights and Kazan’s Muslim lawyer created a new policy that only applies to Muslim women, not women of any other religion or women who are bald because of cancer treatments. The policy allows the City to keep mug shots of Muslim women secret and not provide them in response to FOIA requests for public records. The policy is illegal under Michigan law.
As I’ve noted previously, Michigan courts have repeatedly ruled that there is NO right to privacy for mug shots and any FOIA request for them MUST be honored. Further, Michigan FOIA laws are state statutes, which can only be amended by another state statute, through action of the Michigan Legistlature or a successful statewide ballot initiative. But the City of Dearbornistan Heights and its officials don’t think they have to abide by Michigan’s (and America’s) democratic processes. They think they can hold back-door, smoke-filled-room sessions and make their own laws which comply with sharia, but not the Michigan Constitution.
Further, the Establishment Clauses of the U.S. Constitution and the Michigan Constitution prohibit the establishment and promulgation of laws that benefit or favor a specific or particular religion. But the illegal Dearbornistan Heights law does that–giving special privileges to Muslim women and nobody else. That’s also sexist and gender-discriminatory.
For all these reasons, I sued the City of Dearbornistan Heights and its officials, Mayor Daniel Paletko, Policy Chief Lee Garvin, and the City’s lawyer, Gary Miotke, who knew the law and about the FOIA request of the Muslim male that was honored, but denied my virtually identical request anyway.
You may think this is a “little” thing, but in fact, it’s very big. It’s illegal laws, like that of Dearbornistan Heights, and discriminatory treatment against me–again, like that of Dearbornistan Heights–that, little by little, are a capitulation to Islam and away from liberal democracy . . . and America as we know it (or, at least, once knew it). And we must fight these things and stand up for our Constitutional rights.
I could have done this lawsuit on my own. There is very little money involved, even if I win, though this is not about money. Michigan FOIA laws limit penalties to under $10,000, though I deserve more for the federal and state civil rights violations perpetrated against me, merely because I am non-Muslim, American-born, and a woman. Also, I expect the city to spend enormous amounts of taxpayer money to play dhimmi politics with this, keep the Muslim population happy, and buy their votes. I think it’s always best to be represented by a good lawyer. That’s what I tell my clients. So, I hired my friend and trusted lawyer, Dan Lehman, to represent me and file this case. Dan is an excellent attorney, I am proud to have him representing me, and I cannot wait for this case to proceed. Liberty, freedom, and democracy depend on it. America’s future depends on it.
I have several similar lawsuits in the pipeline, which–G-d-willing–I’ll be filing in the near future. But this work takes time and is expensive. The filing fee on this, alone, is $400.00, and there are other costs associated. If you want to help my efforts–and I need your help–please contribute through this site to my Paypal account. You can either use the yellow buttons on the left for a one-time donation or monthly subscription, or you can prevent the PayPal fees by going to PayPal and sending it directly to: No amount is too small. Your support means more efforts like those described herein. Principle is expensive and costly. But it’s worth it.
I’m not a big operation, just a one (wo)man shop. But I think I do more to fight the encroachment of Islamic extremism in America than others who shriek on FOX News and/or demand money to fund billboards and bus ads promoting their personal websites. Those attention-whores have done nothing to actually fight the encroachment of Islam on America. I’m doing it, though, through this and other lawsuits and many other things I’ve done that you’ve read about on this site over the years. And I’ve gotten a lot of Muslim death threats in the process. But I proceed because it’s important work, and we cannot cave to extremists. This is America. Fight for it.
I’d really appreciate your support and help in my efforts. My operation is lean and mean and gets things done. Please help me fight the dhimmi power.
In case you are wondering, Gershwin A. Drain is the Judge in our lawsuit. He’s an Obama appointee, but my experience is that he’s very fair. He recently presided over the prosecution of Palestinian Muslim terrorists and murderer Rasmea Odeh a/k/a Rasmieh Odeh.
I just donated and shared this on Facebook.
David Makowsky on May 17, 2017 at 5:45 pm