December 19, 2005, - 9:06 am

Not A Good Samaritan: TIME’s Phony Person of the Year

So TIME Magazine picked Bono as one of its three “Persons of the Year” (along with Bill & Melinda Gates), calling him a “Good Samaritan.”
Ironically, we , last week. And obviously, we think the pop-star wears no clothing (other than his expensive tinted Chanel sunglasses).
Question for TIME: How is (Sudan–whose Arab Muslim government murdered almost all Black Christians and is now murdering the Black Muslims) being a “Good Samaritan”?
Question #2 for TIME: According to Pollstar, Bono’s U2 had the top-grossing concert tour of 2005, grossing $260 million? How much of that money versus U.S. taxpayer money went to the debt and AIDS relief he wants us to fund?

TIME’s New Definition of Good Samaritan: Spends U.S. Taxpayers’ $ on Terrorists; Spends His Own $ on Hat’s 1st Class Trip

Question #3 for TIME: What about ? How many Africans could that have fed? How many AIDS tests in Africa or AIDS drugs could that have paid for?
“Good Samaritan”? Someone’s been smoking too much Mary Jane. And it’s not just Bono. It’s the editors at TIME who chose this Chanel-glasses encrusted rock-star phony.

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8 Responses

As Drudge would say—*Time* is so far behind the news cycle…WHO reads it!!!

EminemsRevenge on December 19, 2005 at 10:58 am

If we had a few thousand more Gates, world poverty would be significantly reduced.

lawman on December 19, 2005 at 11:09 am

Typical phony, lefty hypocrite:
These types always, always, always follow the same pattern. Do as I say, not as I do.
Debbie, anywhere we can find some info on the percentage of his income Boner donates? This is the main issue. Someone like HOprah and Boner giving away a million is like me giving $10. Big deal. And recording a song for “charity” doesn’t rate, either.
I’ve been Googling, found very little about THEM donating money, but PLENTY about how much OTHERS should be giving till it hurts. It’s funny how all of Boner’s campaigning always coincides with trying to sell a new record or tour.

Jeff_W on December 19, 2005 at 11:35 am

Tottaly agree with you Jeff. It’s always annoyed me to see and hear these celebrities begging for money when a single years salary from one of them would be more than what they end up getting in the end.

Cheezkid on December 19, 2005 at 12:02 pm

This a$$wipe has done NOTHING for the turd-world, but that doesn’t stop the brain-dead, America-hating LIBERALS at Time from pulling this stunt.
Besides calling for debt-forgiveness for the turd-world, have any of those brain dead, America-hating LIBERALS at Time even asked Bonehead how much he’s donated to the turd-world, a la, the Gates? If they did, the answer most definitely is NOTHING, because if Bonehead had contributed anything besides lip service, Time would have printed it.

Thee_Bruno on December 19, 2005 at 1:46 pm

Time, M.SN. ,Fox ,CNN ,Mtv ,VH1 and more all love his story , sorry that’s the way of it,drudge or not.Drudge(someone who has to work hard at uninteresting tasks..etc.Wrong use of the word, M+M

danny on December 19, 2005 at 5:20 pm

Debbie for Person Of the Year

KOAJaps on December 19, 2005 at 7:19 pm

Finally someone with the guts to put this guy in his place. How about all the text messaging stuff at his concerts. He should shut up and stick to playing music.
Good going Debbie for some straight talk about this hippocrate. Another one that bugs me is that one-hit wonder Geldof whose only claim to fame is a song about some kid in San Diego showing up at his school and blowing away all his fellow students. Great model for those starving kids in Africa.

wisemonkey on December 20, 2005 at 11:23 pm

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