January 15, 2017, - 1:49 am

Ringling Brothers Circus, RIP: Animal Rights Nutjobs Killed the Greatest Show on Earth

By Debbie Schlussel

Late Saturday Night, Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus announced that, after 146 years, the Greatest Show on Earth would have its last run in May. And it’s due in no small part to animal rights nutjobs, according to the circus’s owners.

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And because of the animals rights lunatics, 500 Americans will lose their jobs. Though they also said that the circus was falling out of favor with kids due to its length and other competing sources of entertainment (like video games), owner Kenneth Feld and his daughter, Juliette, said the lack of elephants contributed to the circus’s biggest decline.

Feld and his daughter Juliette Feld, who is the company’s chief operating officer, acknowledged another reality that led to the closing, and it was the one thing that initially drew millions to the show: the animals. Ringling has been targeted by activists who say forcing animals to perform is cruel and unnecessary.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, a longtime opponent of the circus, wasted no time in claiming victory.

“After 36 years of PETA protests, which have awoken the world to the plight of animals in captivity, PETA heralds the end of what has been the saddest show on earth for wild animals, and asks all other animal circuses to follow suit, as this is a sign of changing times,” Ingrid Newkirk, president of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, wrote in a statement.

Wayne Pacelle, president and CEO of The Humane Society of the United States, acknowledged the move was “bittersweet” for the Felds but said: “I applaud their decision to move away from an institution grounded on inherently inhumane wild animal acts.”

In May of 2016, after a long and costly legal battle, the company removed the elephants from the shows and sent the animals to live on a conservation farm in Central Florida. The animals had been the symbol of the circus since Barnum brought an Asian elephant named Jumbo to America in 1882. In 2014, Feld Entertainment won $25.2 million in settlements from groups including the Humane Society of the United States, ending a 14-year fight over allegations that circus employees mistreated elephants.

By the time the elephants were removed, public opinion had shifted somewhat. Los Angeles prohibited the use of bull-hooks by elephant trainers and handlers, as did Oakland, California. The city of Asheville, North Carolina nixed wild or exotic animals from performing in the municipally owned, 7,600-seat U.S. Cellular Center.

Attendance has been dropping for 10 years, said Juliette Feld, but when the elephants left, there was a “dramatic drop” in ticket sales. Paradoxically, while many said they didn’t want big animals to perform in circuses, many others refused to attend a circus without them.

“We know now that one of the major reasons people came to Ringling Bros. was getting to see elephants,” she said. “We stand by that decision. We know it was the right decision. This was what audiences wanted to see and it definitely played a major role.”

The Felds say their existing animals — lions, tigers, camels, donkeys, alpacas, kangaroos and llamas — will go to suitable homes. Juliette Feld says the company will continue operating the Center for Elephant Conservation.

Some 500 people perform and work on both touring shows. A handful will be placed in positions with the company’s other, profitable shows — it owns Monster Jam, Disney on Ice and Marvel Live, among other things — but most will be out of a job.

Congrats, PUTAh (People for the Unethical Treament of Animals and humans), you took people’s jobs and took one more of the dwindling wholesome forms of entertainment left to which American families could take their kids.


As a kid, my parents and friends’ parents took me to see the Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus, and I enjoyed seeing the stunts and so on.

I used to know Karen Feld, the former Washington Times entertainment and gossip columnist, whose father, Irvin, bought the circus business in the late ’60s. And it should be noted that her brother, Ken, cut her completely out of the business and used litigation to keep her out in a very cruel, long-term set of feuds with her. As a result, Karen Feld got nothing. I guess maybe her brother is finally getting his comeuppance.

But several hundred Americans will lose their jobs because of politically correct elephant hugging crazies. Never a good thing.

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61 Responses

Secret footage of animal abuse and testimony of the same behavior by former employees and other witnesses have plagued circuses for decades.

The fact is, the grand, dignified beasts which the circus turns into circus freaks are regarded as commodities by people who run the circus.

Imagine being a large animal that’s transported constantly in a cage or worse enclosure slightly larger than you.

It’s indisputably a cruel environment and cruel schedule for the great beasts.

So what if the circus was a popular diversion of the past? So were human freak shows, where people with biological defects were spotlighted and presented as scary mutants.
Who mourns for the literal freak shows?

Dog-fighting is also a popular pastime (ask Michael Vick). Should it therefore be accepted and honored?

The same mentality that celebrates circus cruelty celebrates cruelty inflicted on people.

Jerry on January 15, 2017 at 8:20 am

Dear Debbie thanks for sharing R I P and God bless very sincerlly Tirdad.

TIRDAD GHARIB on January 15, 2017 at 9:22 am

I thought they should have closed it when they eliminated the elephants. I knew that would be the end when they did that. That’s like telling NASCAR to eliminate the race cars. I’m sure these so called abuses are well overplayed. It’s a standard tactic of all leftist groups. Tie everything down in endless litigation and give it as much bad publicity as possible, making sure its impossible to operate.

jerry d on January 15, 2017 at 10:25 am

We now live in an age where the squeaky wheel gets the grease. The animals for the most part were well cared for. After all it was the circuses bread and butter. Yet along comes PETA to muck things up.
I remember as a little boy going to the legendary Madison square Graden to see the circus. In fact I was able to see the 99th 100th and so on edition. The 100th edition stands out because it was really special.
It us sad to see so many great things that we have had in this country disappear. Just like the recent closing of Carnegie deli. It brings me back to my father and his nostalgia for all the great things his generation had that I never got to partake in.

Glen Benjamin on January 15, 2017 at 10:43 am


Surely the animal circus had to go?

Sue on January 15, 2017 at 12:34 pm

Yes, I will miss the Ringling Brothers Circus.

But all is not lost. There is still Congress.

Little Al on January 15, 2017 at 1:46 pm

    Correct, Al.

    Congress is the biggest freak show on earth.

    Glock, Buch, und Kerze on January 15, 2017 at 2:43 pm

The other thing is this: Part of the circus’ ancestry was from P.T. Barnum’s “freak shows” which displayed midgets, Siamese twins, and the like. This was a forerunner to the Democrats’ so-called “diversity” displays we see today, which are all “show,” and with a veneer of condescension that (from what I’ve read) was not evident in Barnum’s shows.

As for the circus itself, I attended one of the Madison Square Garden shows as a wee youth, and thus have no concrete memory of what went on – except before and after, I seem to vaguely recall the audio system piping through (I.I.N.M.) WNEW 1130 (which has since been taken over by onetime NYC Mayor Mike Bloomberg).

And it’s not just this circus whose curtain has been rung down. Just a few weeks ago the Big Apple Circus also threw in the towel.

ConcernedPatriot on January 15, 2017 at 3:48 pm

Never seen the show, but have seen the circus train pass by. Too bad, lefties won out again.
These animal supremists go to great lenghts to protect animals, but will not protect unborn babies. Nor protest these child sex slave rings and groups. Right, hitlery clinton ? Right podesta?
The circus will never die out as long as D.C. Still functions as is.

William on January 15, 2017 at 3:52 pm

Interesting that PETA is at the forefront of all these issues and yet they have a history of euthanizing most animals they piuck up. Here is one article


and there are more like this.

Naomi Romm on January 15, 2017 at 4:20 pm

    Communist fronts were “in the forefront” of the movement championing equality for all ethnicities, including Jews and blacks, at a time when open discrimination was dominant in much or not most of the United States.

    So does that mean the struggle for equal rights and for ethnic and religious tolerance was not legitimate?

    Jerry on January 15, 2017 at 6:34 pm

      Yes, Stalin certainly championed equality for Jews when he was not purging Yiddish writers, closing Jewish schools, relocating numerous Jews to less desirable areas, and otherwise discriminating against and killing Jews under his control, not to mention Jewish communists in the Eastern European countries. The American Communist Party said nary a word in criticism of any of these things.

      Not to mention the Stalin-Hitler pact from 1939-41, when the Communists in the U.S. shut off any criticism of Hitler, and tried to prevent and even sabotage U.S. war preparations.

      Communists entered African American movements in the 30s for the purpose of taking them over and recruiting people to their organization. During World War II they actively opposed the NAACP’s campaigns for Black equality.

      They consistently opposed Zionism and the State of Israel except for a couple of years in the late 40s when they thought Israel had the potential of weakening British influence in the Mideast.

      Wake up and learn how to read.

      Little Al on January 15, 2017 at 8:01 pm

        Incidentally, all too many people in the movements for equality were influenced by the Communists during the 30s and 40s.

        No, that does not negate these movements, but I have always believed that the imprint the Communists left on these movements was partially responsible for their drift towards irresponsibility in the late 60s. The Communists’ influence on people who later rejected Communism, in all too many cases, never disappeared entirely.

        Think about why the civil rights movement of the early 60s degenerated into a communist, anarchistic, anti-semitic, affirmative-action based movement by the late 60s.

        Also bear in mind that the Communists were championing affirmative action even in the late 40s (e.g. the Transit Workers Union after World War II).

        Little Al on January 15, 2017 at 9:49 pm

          And all the young people who ‘redefined’ Judaism in the late 60s and exacerbated the trend towards becoming a social(ist) movement rather than a religious movement — all too many of them came from, and were influenced by Communist backgrounds in their families.

          Little Al on January 15, 2017 at 10:07 pm

          Holy moly.

          It’s like listening to the White House press liaison slather irrelevancies and deflection to a neck-high level.

          The question was whether PETA’s track record voided the merit of resistance to institutional mistreatment of animals.

          The answer was bread and circuses, straight out of Alinsky.

          Jerry on January 16, 2017 at 3:33 am

The actual horrible act has been watching Barack Obama give America and Israel the shaft for the past 8 years.

Confederate on January 15, 2017 at 4:43 pm

The circus is also the victim of the short attention span of today’s kids. They have been so jaded and apparently all suffer from ADHD, they can’t sit still for 10 minutes, let alone taking in an entire two and a half hour show. Recently, the circus had shortened their shows from three hours, for that very reason. There’s no doubt the constant negative publicity had a major effect. But it is a sign of the times. Live entertainment, especially using animals, has fallen out of favor. Why go and see it live when you can watch it on your massive 5″ smartphone screen?

JeffT on January 15, 2017 at 4:55 pm

It’s interesting to watch the tactics of animal haters on this comment board as they endeavor to justify abuse and exploitation.

Somehow attacks on People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, whether valid or not, are supposed to impugn the case against brutal, malicious circuses.

Somehow the leftnik tactic of calling moral, ethical people left-wing is supposed to destroy the latter’s character. Shades of Alinsky.

Brutalization of beasts and children is not condoned in any creditable religion. It is certainly not consistent with Judaic law and behavior.

There is no longer any question about the egregious behavior in which too many circuses, small roadside “zoos” and other exploitive operations engage, any more than there is doubt that most if not all fortune-tellers are fraudulent. But the fortune-tellers don’t employ violence and suffering to keep victims in check.

To portray convictions for cruelty as tying someone down with “endless litigation” is exactly what I’d expect from a an Obamaton.

And I love the defense that “animals for the most part were well cared for.” Sounds like talking point #1 in the slavery defender’s propaganda handbook.

Meanwhile other abuse cheerleaders try somehow to make a connection between animal protectors and the Clintons and John Podesta. That’s not guilt through association. It’s outright fabulism. Those soulless vermin in the Rodham camp are not associated with protection of animals, let alone representative or leaders of any such movement.

When someone acts, quacks and waddles like a leftnard, it ain’t hard to tell what it really is.

Jerry on January 15, 2017 at 6:27 pm

    Jerry. You have amasing propensity for illusion & fakery. Why do you think everyone who opposes PETA is a “hater” of animals? It’s far from the truth. Shades of Alinsky indeed, but they are coming from YOU. You said also “Brutalization of beasts and children is not condoned in any creditable religion.” Also untrue. Islamic religion requires the tortuous, slow bleeding out death of the animals they slaughter & they perform female genital mutilation on children. Perhaps your inclusion of the word creditable (did you perhaps mean credible?) discounts this part. Finally, you have referred to leftnik tactics & leftnards, are you describing yourself? You are a very confused, uninformed person by your remarks. If you are claiming a right wing or conservative stance, then why is your entire piece written from the platform of an ignorant idealistic left wing reality denier?

    Robert Kreutz on January 16, 2017 at 12:10 am

      More Alinskyism.

      The meaning of “creditable” was very clear. The arguments were cogent. The accusations were defended.

      On the other hand, replacing facts and logic with name-calling is what one expects from an Occupy Wall Street drooler.

      Jerry on January 16, 2017 at 3:40 am

I am a Constitutionalist Capitalist Conservative and I see Barnum and Bailey Circus(BBC) as a matter of economics and people learning how the sausage is made.

1. With YouTube and Social Media people are aware how big animals like elephants and lions are trained to do tricks. Las Vegas for example was big on animal acts but they stopped drawing crowds 5-10 years ago. Now that trend has caught up to BBC.

2. La Nauba, cirque de soleil, is a circus without animals and is wildly popular charging $100 or more for a ticket and they sell out just about every show.

3. Big animals are trained with mixture of food deprivation, fear, and man beating the spirit out of the animal. If anyone can make the argument that elephants, big cats, etc… do natural behaviors remotely resembling circus tricks I am open to hearing them.

4. Blaming animal rights groups for the loss of 500 jobs is unfair when there were many other factors causing animal acts losing their popularity. You can blame animal rights for exercising their free speech and a majority of the people accepting their message and not attending circuses in the same numbers they did in decades past.

5. RBC is a marketable brand whose management did not adjust with changing times as La Nouba saw a growing trend and succeeded.

That’s how this Capitalist Constitutionalist sees the fall of Ringling Brothers – blaming PETA and the Left on this one is fair conclusion in my opinion.

God Bless America and God Bless Our Troops

Thank you

Alan Kornman on January 15, 2017 at 7:00 pm

    I meant to say Blaming PETA and the left is NOT a fair conclusion.

    Alan Kornman on January 15, 2017 at 10:15 pm

    Thanks for the insights, Alan.

    The fact is, intolerance and revilement for animals and for minorities (ESPECIALLY Jews) emanate from the same quarters, as do respect and consideration for them.

    Just as far too many Jews can be found in the ramparts of the left, there’s obviously a contingent who would exploit and torture animals — domestic and wild.

    At one time safaris to bag jungle animals for their heads and pelts was a popular and respected avocation.

    Those ventures have increasingly been replaced by safaris and tours that focus on photography, art and the first-hand experiencing of nature’s majesty, bounty and diversity.

    The same mentality that deplores this evolution is lamenting the pending extinction of traditional circuses.

    You’ve accurately chronicled cultural and economic causes of the extinction, exposing the vacuity of the chatterers and natterers who deplore enlightenment.

    Jerry on January 16, 2017 at 4:26 am

Deflect much?

Jerry on January 16, 2017 at 3:21 am

My comment “Deflect much?” was NOT directed to Alan Kornman though it appeared after his post.

I did try to post a complimentary comment to Alan’s attention but it did not appear.

Jerry on January 16, 2017 at 4:46 am

    Actually, your comment ‘Deflect much?’ appears after your own post. I just figured you like arguing so much you play that game with yourself.

    YCHtT on January 16, 2017 at 9:33 pm

      Wut a goober.

      Jerry on January 17, 2017 at 4:38 am

Jerry, you used a poor analogy, and additionally, your argument is so general as to be meaningless.

Little Al on January 16, 2017 at 6:55 am

    Just what the Alinskyite ordered: empty generalization, epithets and deflective blather that marshals absolutely no substance, whether facts or reason.

    The fact is, intolerance and revilement for animals and for minorities (ESPECIALLY Jews) emanate from the same origins, as do respect and consideration for them.

    Just as young animal torturers grow up to be killers and rapists, the ranks of animal abusers produce bigots, bullies and exploiters of the innocent.

    Just as too many Jews can be found among the ramparts of the left, there’s obviously a contingent who would exploit and torture animals — domestic and wild.

    At one time safaris to bag jungle animals for their heads and pelts was a popular and respected avocation.

    Those ventures have increasingly been replaced by safaris and tours that focus on photography, art and the first-hand experiencing of nature’s majesty, bounty and diversity.

    The same mentality that deplores this evolution is lamenting the pending extinction of traditional circuses.

    Alan Kornman above accurately chronicled cultural and economic causes of the extinction of circuses, exposing the vacuity of the chatterers and natterers who deplore enlightenment.

    To balance reason out, there’s always that bitter-clinger element that mourns for the disappearance of slavery, circuses, the Iron Curtain, the KKK and the Saddams and bin Ladens of the world.

    Jerry on January 16, 2017 at 8:22 am

PUTAh. For which exhibitionistic airhead actresses’ motto should be “I’d Rather Freeze to Death [or is that Die of Exposure] than Wear Fur / Wool / etc.” When you boil their supposed message down to its essence, this is really what we’re talking about – especially when the temperatures are at or below freezing.

Concerned Patriot on January 16, 2017 at 8:12 am

Just what the Alinskyite ordered: empty generalization, epithets and deflective blather that marshals absolutely no substance, whether facts or reason.

The fact is, intolerance and revilement for animals and for minorities (ESPECIALLY Jews) emanate from the same origins, as do respect and consideration for them.

Just as young animal torturers grow up to be killers and rapists, the ranks of animal abusers produce bigots, bullies and exploiters of the innocent.

Alan Kornman above accurately chronicled cultural and economic causes of the extinction of circuses, exposing the vacuity of the chatterers and natterers who deplore enlightenment.

Jerry on January 16, 2017 at 8:26 am

At one time safaris to bag jungle animals for their heads and pelts was a popular and respected avocation.

Those ventures have increasingly been replaced by safaris and tours that focus on photography, art and the first-hand experiencing of nature’s majesty, bounty and diversity.

The same mentality that deplores this evolution is lamenting the pending extinction of traditional circuses.

Jerry on January 16, 2017 at 8:29 am

    Maybe you don’t really care, Jerry, but reposting your messages, all or in part, is considered spam and leads to being banned on almost every site that I am familiar with. I heard you the first time–after that it’s damn annoying.

    We already know where you stand on the circus part of the PETA platform. What about the rest of it? Spray painting peoples’ fur coats? What a waste of an animal. The rich guy or gal wearing it can afford a new one–PETA’s just killed several more furry critters. Besides, don’t you think it’s ridiculous to make the statement using nude bodies? Isn’t that a bit like rewarding what PETA deems to be bad behavior.

    Then there’s the whole nutrition avenue. One cannot simply vegetate their way to health. I tried it–it doesn’t work. Alternatively, without boring anyone with specifics, I rebelled against the outdated advice perpetrated by the Mainstream Medical Establishment–the same advice that I witnessed killing my dad–to go from overweight, unhealthy and dysfunctional to the picture of perfect health, WITHOUT MEDICATIONS. It involved, in part, switching to high amounts of animal protein. Was I supposed to remain sickly, dependent on the death-inducing ACA, and have society pay for my care? No dang way! I fixed my problems instead of expecting others to do it for me. I resent PETA, or anyone else, telling me otherwise.

    This his is leftist nonsense and hypocrisy–they want to defend a woman’s right to kill and dispose of a baby, but apparently they don’t want to afford me the right to be a healthy, functioning member of society!

    YCHtT on January 16, 2017 at 4:47 pm

      More of the same.

      Let’s ignore the central theme of this discussion altogether and grumble about such critical issues as repeat posts, which in my case and no doubt many others resulted from posts not appearing for hours. After I finished with the column above, I followed links to a couple of other columns, one of which had a thread that consisted primarily of “reposts” by multiple other readers who apparently tried 2 or 3 times to make their remarks heard.

      The case against circuses — and I fold into that category small roadside zoos and other abusive animal exploitation enterprises — has nothing to do with vegetarianism, PETA’s public relations stunts and abortion.

      That’s all rank deflection.

      And it’s a flaming falsehood to impute advocacy of abortion to everyone who disdains animal abuse — including a number of posters on this very thread. By the same token, no one here is urging restrictions on anyone’s personal freedoms, unless those freedoms involve needless imposition of cruelty upon those who can’t defend themselves — animals, infants and other vulnerable individuals.

      Subjecting the innocent and vulnerable may be part and parcel of some odious faiths, but it has no place in Judeo-Christian ethics.

      Jerry on January 17, 2017 at 2:24 pm

      The case against circuses — and I fold into that category small roadside zoos and other abusive animal exploitation enterprises — has nothing to do with vegetarianism, PETA’s public relations stunts and abortion. That’s all rank deflection.

      And it’s a flaming falsehood to impute advocacy of abortion to everyone who disdains animal abuse — including a number of posters on this very thread. By the same token, no one here is urging restrictions on anyone’s personal freedoms, unless those freedoms involve needless imposition of cruelty upon those who can’t defend themselves — animals, infants and other vulnerable individuals.

      Subjecting the innocent and vulnerable may be part and parcel of some odious faiths, but it has no place in Judeo-Christian ethics.

      Jerry on January 17, 2017 at 5:44 pm

      More of the same distraction and dancing by ignoring central themes and grumbling about such critical issues as “repeat posts,” which in my case and no doubt many others resulted from comments not appearing for hours if it all. This is the second time I’m submitting this comment, for example.

      After I initially finished the column above, I followed its links to a couple of other columns, one of which had a thread that consisted primarily of reposts by multiple other readers who apparently tried 2 or 3 times to make their remarks heard.

      Jerry on January 17, 2017 at 5:49 pm

This has been pretty interesting so far.

Little Al continues to make me hark back to my childhood during The Cultural Pancake Flip that occurred during the 60’s, when counter culture and leftism EXPLODED across the spectrum of our culture. Politics, music, academia, my parents and the parents of many others, the media, the food we eat, everything has been affected by it, and I have rarely read anyone so well informed and clearheaded on these matters as LA.

Later this year, it will be half a century since my father took me to the 50th St., 8th Avenue location of Madison Square Garden to see the Ringling Bros. Circus.

I’m not going to get in to what it was like for the elephants and other animals at Ringling Bros., except I never heard anyone accuse Seigfried and Roy of abusing their animals, and yet their animals did tricks, too. The same tricks that are supposedly cajoled by “abuse.” I don’t really know, and need to stay shut on that matter.

But when it comes to PETA, which Debbie always rightfully refers to as PUTAh, in two consecutive recent years, they were recorded as having “disposed of” 90% of the dogs and cats that found their way in to their care in their HEADQUARTERS state. Nice. Animal lovers.

I always laugh when I see Debbie’s reference, because “puta” in Spanish is slang for “whore.” That is what PETA is. And the Hollywood celebs, many of the “open marriage” brigade, who pose nude in their anti-fur poster promos are indeed that, as is the organization itself. Nothing but whores.

One would think that the people whose incredibly lavish homes, valued at millions, even tens of millions, spanning tens of thousands of square feet, and whose estates go on for dozens, if not hundreds of acres, could plunk down a few hundred thousand a year for the care of a few hundred cats here, a few hundred dogs there, etc.

Of course, . . .

they’d have nobody to unleash their cultural warfare against if they did that. They’d have to keep their mouths shut and live their lives, like the rest of us. But that would affect their comfort zone a bit too much, their comfort zone being mental illness.

Alfredo from Puerto Rico on January 16, 2017 at 11:32 am

Hate PETA, but not sad to see the circus go. I have been to many circuses during my childhood, and quite frankly, never did enjoy it. I found it mostly boring and hated the way the animals were treated during the performances — whipped and chained — and could not image how awful it was for them behind the scenes.

Lilida on January 16, 2017 at 11:45 am

I belong to PEETA: People Everwhere Eating Tasty Animals.

Concerned Citizen on January 16, 2017 at 3:04 pm

I remember seeing them in Detroit a few times when the Jewish Community Centre in Windsor would bring us over for Sunday Funday. It’s always said when a tradition ends. Too much of that happening lately.

Karen on January 16, 2017 at 6:44 pm

I really picked the wrong article to post my riddle on. This is the one I should have put it on. I can always resurrect it. I really wanted to use it on Muslim trolls. Karl is far too reasonable and a seemingly very nice guy, to boot. Anyone who loves cigars and fine craft beer has to be.

Alfredo from Puerto Rico on January 16, 2017 at 10:39 pm

The PETA Dictators will decide what type of entertainment is acceptable for us to watch. Another case of liberal, whiny, assholes ruining another piece of our history. Libs hate anything from Americas past and need to smash it all to smithereens. I truly can’t stand these pencil-neck geektards!

Muzzcrusher on January 17, 2017 at 11:26 am

Yup, Muzzcrusher, Sea World is gone, too. Pretty soon, we’ll all be required to eat nothing but fruit, nuts and tempeh burgers. Now, I love fruit, nuts, and a properly made tempeh burger can be a nice occasional diversion, but c’mon, sometimes I gotta have me some nice burnt cow.

I’m getting over a sudden and horrible bout of the flu, which also caused me to lose my appetite for a couple days. So, to recover, I did NOT go driving on Tofu Boulevard. I went to this great place for cured meats in Astoria, and bought two pounds of their wonderful and extremely inexpensive . . .

BEEF pastrami. I also followed the first pound with some blackberries, a Gala apple and a 12 oz. Stone IPA. The next pound gets eaten today, with more blackberries, another apple and some more fine craft beer.

The pastrami, along with all beef products, will probably become illegal after these rabidly insane morons I’m stuck with here in NYC, succeed in having Trump assassinated so they can finish inputting their One World Government agenda.

Of course, it will all be blamed on right wing, extremist, nutjobs. This train is not only careening down the wrong track at a ridiculously high rate of speed, but it’s going backwards, too. And they call themselves Progressives. Progressing toward the doom of us all.

Alfredo from Puerto Rico on January 17, 2017 at 11:58 am

    Darn it Alfredo now you’ve made me hungry. Nothing beats a pastrami on rye sandwich with some chips and a pickle on the side. Two hours until lunch and now I’m not only cranky because of the brain dead libtards but I’m also starving. Well at least I have some fruit and nut granola bars to tie me over until then. Oh and the libtards need not get their little snowflakes in a bunch as they’re organic.

    Ken B on January 18, 2017 at 9:32 am

      LOL!!! Glad to help, Ken. And if you’re ever in either Ridgewood, Queens, or Astoria, Queens, look up Muncan Food Corp., get some of their pastrami, they sell mustard and pickles too, go buy some good bread, get back to your hotel and CHOW DOWN!!!

      Snowflakes, ROTFLMAO!!! Where did that come from?

      I’ve only been hearing that one recently. Sounds like a good monicker for these overly pampered Yupper East Side white kids I’ve been seeing raised over the past quarter century. SO appropriate. Poor little snowflakes. God forbid that mommy, daddy or the au pere (however it’s spelled) . . .


      like this 60 year old asthmatic, neurologically broken old geezer, who has no choice. I go where the work is. Locomotive, no snowflake. Not to mention all the psycho medications those parents raised their kids on to make sure they stay “normal.”

      If normal is boys playing with dolls, girls wearing strap-ons, and everyone wearing lipstick and makeup . . .

      I gotta get back to the farm, I REALLY gotta get back to the farm.

      Heavenly Father, in Jesus name, PLEASE, . . .

      get me back to my machetes and the Jibaros.

      Alfredo from Puerto Rico on January 18, 2017 at 10:52 am

        I hear you Alfredo good buddy. I really would love to go to NYC particularly the Bronx and Queens. I have relatives that live in Jamaica Queens and have been dying to see them. As a Black Conservative I’ve been called every name in the book especially from other Blacks. Snowflake was one of them. It use to mean Blacks who act or sound White. I guess growing up in the 70s and 80s in WVA if you spoke clear English and didn’t look like a thug you were “acting White.” Now it seems to mean poor little liberals including Black ones who can’t handle Trump becoming president. Now if that’s not ironic I don’t know what is…LOL! Have a good afternoon my friend.

        Ken B on January 18, 2017 at 2:53 pm

          So THAT’S where “snowflake” came from? Never heard that until about a month ago, I think referring to white college kids. And I do remember you talking about relatives in Jamaica. I pass through there often going to and from a friend’s in Bellerose. Tell them to take you to Muncan. The pastrami isn’t $500/lb. there. Then go back to their house and make mincemeat of those libs, LOL!!!

          Alfredo from Puerto Rico on January 18, 2017 at 9:01 pm

          Funny, I thought the “snowflake” reference had emanated from leftist “comedian” Lewis Black on one of his HBO specials a decade ago, where at one point he was going on about how individual people’s health was different from one another and could not be shoehorned into a “one size fits all” formula – and compared such people with “different health” to “little snowflakes.” He meant to say that individual snowflakes, before falling onto the ground, were of different shapes. Who knew back then what the term would morph into?

          ConcernedPatriot on January 20, 2017 at 1:12 am

      Ken B – speaking of sandwiches, there was one called the “Crazy” at Green’s Deli(not there anymore)off City Line Ave. in Philly that was corned beef, chopped chicken liver and bacon on grilled Jewish bread. It was heavenly and I still remember it to this day some 25 years later.

      DS_ROCKS! on January 20, 2017 at 11:22 am

        Thanks for sharing that memory DS_ROCKS! Green’s Deli seems like it was a great place to eat and believe it or not I do love corn beef, chicken livers and of course bacon. We had a Bob’s Deli in my old hometown in WV that had this pastrami, ham and bologna sub that was to die for. Bob was an elderly gentleman when I was a teen and sadly he passed away after I finished schooling for my job in the Navy. That was right after Slick Willy took office. It does go to show what foods you do remember over the years that were just down right good.

        Ken B on January 20, 2017 at 1:09 pm

    ” Beef pastrami ” ?

    Is pastrami to be made from anything else ?

    In fact, it is not pastrami unless prepared from the brisket cut !

    JayPee on January 19, 2017 at 2:10 am

      They have a pork pastrami, too. Look up Muncan and send them an e-mail. I don’t make it. I report, you decide, LOL!!! All I know is that at $8.99/lb., a poor day laborer like me can occasionally afford it, which is a nice blessing.

      Alfredo from Puerto Rico on January 19, 2017 at 9:35 am

I like that Debbie calls PETA PUTAH and that Concerned Citizen calls these animal rights terrorists wackadoos PEETA. Ably put when describing this bunch of fools. Being that their headquarters is in Norfolk VA I had the not to great privilege of driving by their building everyday to go to work when I was active duty. It is sad that they had a hand in a piece of my childhood going away. I say had a hand because not only was People Eating Tasting Animals responsible but I’d that the ADD ADHD generation made it so. In the case of PETA finally winning by first making the elephants leave. Matters didn’t help RB&B&B’s case when in 1994 an elephant got loose from a circus in Hawaii after killing her trainer. The poor animal had to be shot at multiple times before dying in the streets of Honolulu. Now in the case of the instant gratification short attention span generation. Live shows whether they have animals or not aren’t the rave that they once where. The people that were born after that elephant died and after are now used to getting entertained by smart phones, laptops, virtual reality headsets, 4D game consoles etc. Now they have fully loaded TVs with curved screens. All with Google Play and Netflix included. Hell I still have my tablet from 2011. That’s light years behind what is out there now. My tween niece says that I’m so old fashioned. It’s getting so people don’t want to go to live shows but who needs that when you got the super duper deluxe Direct TV package along with a Nintendo Wii with a Vizio curved screen loaded TV. Along with your 12inch 16gb Ipad and 5.5 inch Iphone7 plus. Yes indeed who needs the circus. Certainly not Generation Y and thanks to PBPUTAH (Pea Brained People for the Unethical Treatment of Animals and Humans) they no longer need to care.

Ken B on January 17, 2017 at 12:11 pm

They should have just sold it to Muslims, and then there wouldn’t be a peep out of PETA.

Where are they at the end of Ramadan when goats and sheep are being crudely and painfully slaughtered ?

If they were sincere about the best possible care for animals, then they should consider tubal ligations and vasectomies for pets, instead of spaying and neutering.

And if they want to really protect baby seals, they should go up to the North Pole and convince the Polar bears to eat seal-flavored tofu or seitan.

exdemexlib on January 17, 2017 at 2:37 pm

The. likelihood that 19th century style entertainment provides a 21st Century business model is unlikely. THat’s my thesis.

You’re thesis that this is all due to animal rights activists is duly noted. I won’t dismiss your thesis because animal rights activists are contemptible. If they weren’t so lazy, they would study to become veteranarians and healsnick animals. That’s hard work! Not their style!

Ringling Bros. didn’t GOB because of animal rights activists. they went out of business because their business model is ANCIENT.

All that.being said, I share your contempt for “animal rights activists”. I’m certain they played a role in Ringling Bros. going out of business. Still, if not this, it would have been something else.


THere is NO Santa Claus (aka TINCS )

There Is NO Santa Claus on January 18, 2017 at 12:16 am

I hope that anyone involved with PETA themselves lose their jobs to animals (the irony).

A.S. on January 18, 2017 at 1:43 am

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, a longtime opponent of the circus, wasted no time in claiming victory.

Festivals on January 20, 2017 at 1:10 am

Anyone care to guess what will happen to the animals formerly employed by the circus and Sea World? Can’t release them back in to the wild after all that domestication. Yup, Elephant Pastrami, Killer Whale Pastrami, and last, but certainly not least, . . .

Tiger Pastrami. Courtesy of PETA, just like all the Katz and Doggz they rescue.

Alfredo from Puerto Rico on January 20, 2017 at 9:45 am

Here’s an interesting coincidence: Ringling Bros. Barnum & Bailey will end its long run soon, as will the Clinton Global Initiative. Who would have thought “The Greatest Show on Earth” would close the same year as “The Greatest Scam on Earth.”

Bill Craig on January 20, 2017 at 10:54 am

1.) I keep getting TONS of pop-up ads from this site

2.) Right, because the ‘animal rights freaks’ are doing harm and not good for animal’s lives. I’m apart of peta2, and I completely state that the harm done to those animals can be reversed. Hopefully the sanctuary that they all went to is reputable.

3.) This woman is a biased shill. If you want real reporting, be neutral. The ads suck, obviously you’re only after money.

Let the Creator bless everyone

Anonymous on February 16, 2018 at 1:42 pm

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