September 4, 2009, - 2:21 pm

Thank Madonna For Standing Up to Islamic Thugs, Raising Israeli Flag

By Debbie Schlussel

Recently, I told you how the typical anti-Israel thugs were demanding that Madonna cancel her planned Israeli trip and concert.  Although I’ve been a frequent Madonna critic, I lauded her for ignoring them.


Madonna Wears Israeli Flag (w/ Daughter Lourdes)

Well, it’s now official.  Ignoring the Jew-haters and self-hating Jews, Madonna performed her concert in Tel Aviv, yesterday.  And– a bonus–she raised the Israeli flag.  That’s brave for her, and I give her credit and props for that.  And now she’s under attack from every segment of the Muslim and extremist world, not to mention nutty YouTube commenters (though that could be redundant).

Here’s the video (with her daughter Lourdes accompanying her onstage):

Some readers complained to me, upset that Madonna met with Israeli opposition leader Tzipi Livni and not just Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu.  But to me, that’s not  a big deal.  We should be happy that she didn’t pull an Al Sharpton or Sharon Stone and go visit Fatah leader and Palestinian Authority Prez Mahmoud Abbas a/k/a Abu Mazen. And frankly, I think her actions in Israel showed courage. Yasher Kochech [May Your Strength Be Firm–a Hebrew congratulation], Madonna!

Israeli reader Miranda Rose Smith had a great idea:  thank Madonna.  Miranda sends this address for Madonna’s company, where she is receiving mail:

Madonna Ciccone
c/o Maverick Records LLC
9348 Civic Center Drive
3rd Floor
Beverly Hills, California
U.S.A. 90210

Yes, you gotta use snail-mail, but it also helps keep your Mailman in business.

I agree with Miranda’s idea and will send my own letter.  I hope you’ll join me.

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45 Responses

She did have dinner with Netanyahu and his wife at their home Friday night.

Miranda on September 4, 2009 at 3:52 pm

Madonna is a B’nei Noach [DS: Hebrew for “Sons of Noah”–which is a Hebrew term meaning gentiles (it’s a positive term)]. Not every one wants to become a Jew but they still can show their love and support of the Jewish people and Israel. In a world where its fashionable to openly hate Jews and boycott Israel, Madonna stands out. What she did won’t win her any friends in Hollywood and in the cultural circles in which she travels. Its evident though she doesn’t care what her critics think and she’s head and shoulders above the know nothing airhead celebrities. That was an amazing concert. In a world like ours, Jews soon know who their friends are.

Yasher Koach, Madonna! May you live to be 120!

NormanF on September 4, 2009 at 4:24 pm

I don’t get it. Didn’t she make some strong anti-Israel remarks last month? Or year, or whenever? O_o Seriously, I’m confused now. She’s into Jewish mysticism, yeah, but that’s not exactly the same thing as being pro-Israel.

Luke on September 4, 2009 at 4:41 pm

Luke, there’s the old saying one picture or video is worth a thousand words. The Arabs are outraged because Madonna cast her lot with the Jewish people in the most dramatic manner possible. Had she wanted to keep it low-key, she could have. Wrapping yourself and your daughter in Israel’s national flag is making a clear statement. In an age in which terrorist-glorifying keffiyeh are chic, Israel’s enemies well understand the meaning of her act. Yes, I am gratified simply because its so unusual to see it these days.

NormanF on September 4, 2009 at 4:51 pm

Having listened to a few of Madonna’s opinion on things, all stated with that ridiculous accent, I have to be a wet blanket. I would bet it wasn’t intentional. I would also say she probably wraps herself in the flag of every host nation she performs in. She may be a sharp business woman but great political thinker – no way.

B: Who the heck said she was a “great political thinker”? Not me. Clearly, you are new to this site, as I’ve attacked Madonna every which way on this site over the years. But on this, no-one can deny her courage, when this action will certainly make her hated and a target all over the Muslim and Arab worlds and even among her usual lefty amen crowd. DS

beth on September 4, 2009 at 5:42 pm

That almost makes up for all the other horrible things she does and has done. Almost.

Jettboy on September 4, 2009 at 5:43 pm

There is nothing about Madonna, that would make you believe she is a good “American”, nothing.

Michael Q on September 4, 2009 at 5:47 pm

Careful, Madonna may disappoint you at some point down the road. She has a strange value system.

RR: Please don’t tell me to be careful or inform me about her “values system.” You are clearly new to this site. I’ve attacked Madonna all over this site. Try my search engine. That doesn’t mean I can’t recognize when someone shows courage, as she did in this case. DS

Rollie Robinson on September 4, 2009 at 5:51 pm

    Debbie, I don’t intend to tell you who your friends should be at any given time. You’ll have to forgive me, as you say, as someone clearly new to your site, but It takes more than a concert in Israel and dinner with Netanyahu to make Madonna my new best friend. She has more black marks against her in the good citizen department than Woodward Street on Saturday night. I would, at best, lower my standards enough to see her concert if I couldn’t find a Quaker meeting to attend then put her back on the watch from a far distance list. To each his/her own.

    Rollie Robinson on September 5, 2009 at 12:41 am

As a side comment, my niece living in Israel has the first name Erika.

My mother — her grandmother — in the U.S. doesn’t like the name Erika because she thinks it sounds too German so she calls my niece — her grand daughter — Esther.

I remind my mother that Esther is the name Madonna now uses and my mother always laughs or smiles at that.

Underzog on September 4, 2009 at 6:28 pm

Congrats, Madonna.

and Beth, you’re wrong, she has NOT wrapped herself in other countries’ flags on tough.

She has grown increasingly close to Israel over the years.

Brad on September 4, 2009 at 7:04 pm

In the USA, wrapping yourself the Red, White and Blue is inappropriate to say the least. I guess if your a pop star and wrap yourself in a flag, it makes it OK? Or Maybe other countries don’t expect the same respect for the flag as we do?

Of course, wrap yourself in a flag and desecrate another religion makes it OK, if it’s your flag.

Michael Q on September 4, 2009 at 7:34 pm

“In the USA, wrapping yourself the Red, White and Blue is inappropriate to say the least.”


“Of course, wrap yourself in a flag and desecrate another religion makes it OK, if it’s your flag” is simply incoherent: but if what you mean is that displaying an Israeli flag in Tel Aviv somehow ‘desecrates’ Islam, then you are one sick puppy.

Bohemond on September 4, 2009 at 9:56 pm

Sorry cant go for this one Debbie. Glad she is standing with Israel but when she apologizes to Americans and Christians for burning crosses then I will think about it after I pick the dogshit off my boots. NO WAY. NO HOW.

CaliforniaScreaming on September 4, 2009 at 11:42 pm

    The burning crosses in her 1989 Like A Prayer video were intended to be a slap to groups like the KKK, not to the church.

    She used it in a video to demonstrate how racist groups abuse the imagery. It’s not like she’s joining anti-Christian rallies burning crosses for fun.

    Brad on September 5, 2009 at 12:24 am

    Sorry to interrupt your literal-minded stupidity, but Madonna did not “burn crosses.” The whole point of that video (“Like a Prayer”) was to dramatize the evil of that kind of act. Of course, to people like you, depiction and advocacy are the same thing.

    Good for Madonna — and good for Debbie for recognizing her act of courage. And, yes, it took real courage in this day and age.

    Primetime on August 7, 2016 at 9:19 am

Madonna is close friends with the anti-American, terrorist-sympathizing Rosie O’Donnell though.

Matthew on September 5, 2009 at 12:15 am

    and Ann Coulter is friends with Bill Maher.

    Brad on September 5, 2009 at 12:33 am

Brad, sorry burning my cross to prove a point doesn’t fly with me. She has used Christian imagery to provoke the response of the church on numerous cases. She is has the freedom to do it. We live in America. However I have the freedom not to accept her agenda.

CaliforniaScreaming on September 5, 2009 at 1:48 am

Madonna continues to be one of the most overrated performers
of all time. I’m surprised she is standing with Israel and
will give her credit, that’s not a popular thing to do among
our celebrity-elites. She’s got a long way to go if she wants
to undo some of the damage she has done to our young women.

Daniel on September 5, 2009 at 10:15 am

No matter what she does, I will always think that Madonna is a skank ho.

Jarhead on September 5, 2009 at 11:01 am

Fact: all the nations (hypocritically) rage against Israel.
Israel needs all the friends she can get–even a fading star.
To be sure, Madonna, like the shallow glitteratti she is, goes/went with the latest prevailing wind and done some dreadful things in the past, let’s be happy she’s on the right tack now. For, in supporting Israel, she’s displayed courage and integrity–something she could never be accused of in the past–and I say Mazel Tov! to her for the duration of this mindset.

P.P. on September 5, 2009 at 1:33 pm

Whatever and however you fell about Madonna is irrevelent, anything that drives the muzzies nuts and into a foaming frenzy is all good in my book. The more people and celebs do this the more the muzzies show their true colors.

Drakken on September 5, 2009 at 2:04 pm

Of course, wrap yourself in a flag and desecrate another religion makes it OK, if it’s your flag” is simply incoherent: but if what you mean is that displaying an Israeli flag in Tel Aviv somehow ‘desecrates’ Islam, then you are one sick puppy.

Bohemond on September 4, 2009 at 9:56 pm

Actually just glanced at your comment yesterday but after looking at it today I realize your just a fool. You don,t know anything about flags, at least the America flag. it is not to be worn, period, even by modonna or any other celeb of the day. I would show that same respect for the Israeli flag. How you connect that with Islam is beyond me, I will offer that up to you being a fool. I never thought we needed a constitutional amendment on the flag, but maybe we do to protect the flag from harm by ignorance and dunderheads.

Michael Q on September 5, 2009 at 5:33 pm

PS, the only religion modonna desecrates is Christianity.. Catholicism. she has made a living off of it.

Michael Q on September 5, 2009 at 5:38 pm

    Michael Q: You have no idea what you’re talking about. I saw Madonna in concert back in 1987 — she did not denigrate religion of any kind. She’s living proof that sexually expressiveness and piety can exist in the same person.

    Primetime on August 7, 2016 at 9:22 am

After the miracle on ice The American goalie drapped himself in the American flag.

“The flag that Craig wore after the upset is now displayed at the Sports Museum of America in New York City.[3] Two days later, he again would lead the way to a 4-2 victory over Finland, clinching the gold medal.[1]”

madman on September 5, 2009 at 9:36 pm

Well Madonna will get her chance to answer one day for her vexatious affront to the New Israel… the Catholic Church.

Just a little while longer…

I absolutely marvel at those who have left the Faith only to take up another religion.

They really did fail to understand the Faith. At all.

But, of course, in the end, the fault must reside with them. They chose against God. In the quiet of their souls, they know they did that.

On a happier note… as lost as Madonna is, her recent public support of Israel must be lauded as a notable counter-strike.

Her action, her positive and respectful display of the Israeli flag, by someone who does indeed carry weight amongst the Hollywood crowd should be noted by Debbie. Madonna sees rightly here and therefore stands against that mindless tide of leftist entertainers, who so often end up supporting all aspects of the Palestinian cause, along with their ruthless terrorism.


Well, we don’t know how it happened, but Madonna wasn’t brainwashed by the Islamists!

… and mostly everyone else was—

The Canadien on September 5, 2009 at 9:51 pm

    I’ll give you this, she has shown more intestinal fortitude
    than American Northeast liberal Jews that keep voting against Israel by voting liberal.

    Rollie Robinson on September 6, 2009 at 1:39 am

Madonna is a B’nei Noach

NormanF on September 4, 2009 at 4:24 pm

Do you have a source for this? I googled and didn’t see anything that confirms your claim.

Shy Guy on September 6, 2009 at 2:18 am

I cannot help but wonder if this icon of hollywood whoredom is just simply exibiting herself as the rank opportunist that she has always been. I mean, first exploiting little teeny boppers to make mega millions, then trying to exploit anyone and anything else who would give this aging has-been a second look. Somehow she reeks of insincerity…

RoadsScholar on September 6, 2009 at 5:50 am

    You call yourself a “scholar?” Interesting. Madonna hasn’t made a living “exploiting” teenyboppers or anyone else. People buy her records, believe it or not, because they enjoy them. Shocked? Why? I enjoy her records, though I admit, she’s not Iggy, the Ramones, the Stones, the Doors or Ministry.

    Primetime on August 7, 2016 at 9:24 am

After the miracle on ice The American goalie drapped himself in the American flag.

“The flag that Craig wore after the upset is now displayed at the Sports Museum of America in New York City.[3] Two days later, he again would lead the way to a 4-2 victory over Finland, clinching the gold medal.[1]”

madman on September 5, 2009 at 9:36 pm

You may have wet your pants when we won the gold, that’s fine if that’s how you want to justify things, and as great an athleticism feat it was, its a sport, there are no lives at stake, the flag is not to be worn, what is so hard to understand, its not a scarf, its a flag.

Michael Q on September 6, 2009 at 9:09 am

    Speaking of flags, Mr. Q, “The national flag of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) will be hoisted at the South Lawn of the White House in Washington on September 20, media reported Sunday. Chinese associations in the United States had applied to hold a ceremony in front of the US President’s residence to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding of PRC”.
    Though I realize that the US is a big time “Debtor Nation”, I never figured that the US would fly a communist enemie’s flag at the Whitehouse. Maybe it’s just me? lol…

    RoadsScholar on September 6, 2009 at 11:43 am


      Hate to tell you, but this is not going to happen. Read the latest info that I could find here:

      Yeah, I know it’s Fox News, but I’ve gotta get my written news from somewhere.

      Anyway, I wouldn’t put it past this White House to not only fly the Chi-Com flag on the White House Palace grounds, but to leave it up in reverence to China’s great society. I call it the “White House Palace” because it has become that. It is no longer a mansion or we the people’s house, it is a place where the political elite entertain the world elite. I wonder how many rappers and other miscreants will be partying there this month to drum up support for health care reform.

      Jarhead on September 6, 2009 at 12:11 pm

Not a fan of hers, but kudos for sticking to your guns

mindy abraham on September 6, 2009 at 9:34 pm

That should be “Yasher koach” (pronounced ko’-akh,), Debbie.

A: Uh, WRONG. Thanks for the incorrect correction, but you obviously don’t speak Hebrew. Yasher Koach is for a man or non-descript person. Yasher Kochech is the proper grammar for a woman, with kochech meaning “your strength.” Learn Hebrew before you engage in premature articulation on a language you clearly don’t know. DS

Amy on September 7, 2009 at 1:36 pm

I’ll give you this, she has shown more intestinal fortitude
than American Northeast liberal Jews that keep voting against Israel by voting liberal.

Rollie Robinson on September 6, 2009 at 1:39 am

I’ll second that. You got that right, girl.


bee on September 7, 2009 at 2:12 pm

Like Madonna or Hate Madonna, I quote Franklin D. Roosevelt on this one:

Somoza* may be a son of a bitch, but he’s our son of a bitch.
Franklin D. Roosevelt

*Nicaraguan political leader 1896-1956

bee on September 7, 2009 at 2:21 pm

“the New Israel… the Catholic Church.”

Really? Is the Vatican surrounded by states who want their destruction? Are Catholics routinely persecuted?

Get real, please. Your attempt to equate whatever paltry ‘transgressions’ toward Catholics to Israel’s situation is laughable.

HGG on September 7, 2009 at 9:14 pm

HGG… that was not the comparison I meant.

The Catholic Church is the primary receiver of the New Covenant which is final and replaces all previous covenants. Madonna has attacked the morality and theology of the Church by trivializing it through her assuming the title of Madonna, reserved for Mary, the Mother of Jesus, and by her ever changing pop song and dance “routines” drenched with sexual innuendo and other anti-Catholic depravity.

Catholics see the Mother Mary, as Mary Ever Virgin, and as the Queen of Heaven.

Madonna Louise Ciccone, known as Madonna, with her serial marriages and all her relationships is just a slut. And we all know nothing is special to a slut.

Or sacred.

I’m sure her French-Canadien mother, had she lived, would have given her better guidance, as only a mother can. Madonna’s mother who died of cancer likely received her last rites and therefore is now a saint.

I’m sure her mother, who can see the life Madonna has lived, weeps endlessly for her. Weeping is sorrow, yes, but supplication to God as well. While the world may laugh at such imagery, those in Heaven are the pure in soul who orient everything to God’s will. And it is God’s will that all be saved.

Unfortunately, Madonna has no restraint, and the old bonds mean nothing now.

Maybe a harsh menopause will restore some sanity to her outlook.

Madonna was separated from her mother at an early age. Hopefully, Madonna won’t, in her final gasp, be separated from her mother forever, by failing to reconcile herself to God, and the Catholic Church.

I mean later… on her deathbed, not now, it is beyond her.

The Canadien on September 9, 2009 at 8:18 am

well whether you like her or not, you’ve fallen for it all. This is a heated discussion it seems and as an artist who makes provocative statements, she’ll find this a good thing.

horo on September 29, 2009 at 4:00 pm

Madonna is into Kabbalah so she sometimes feels close to Israel. In the states and Europe, Madonna socializes primarily with pro-Palestian celebs and socialites. She’s trendy and without integrity, but hey, hasbara got its picture.

Josh on March 7, 2010 at 12:45 pm

Kabbalah. Divination. Something specifically condemned in both the old and new testaments. Witchcraft, basically, when you get right down to it. However, I do applaud Madonna for performing in Israel and not wimping out on the world stage. All in all, a bittersweet story.

Mike on May 28, 2012 at 1:13 pm

Merci. J’admire votre courage.

Natalia on August 11, 2015 at 5:16 pm

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