November 23, 2016, - 4:26 pm

Betsy DeVos: Funded Pro-Muslim, Anti-Israel Curriculum; Affirmative Action Pimp; Guess Who Her Brother Is

By Debbie Schlussel


A lot of conservatives are gushing over Betsy DeVos, the rich chick whom Donald Trump chose today as his Education Secretary. They claim she’s a good choice because she supports charter schools and school choice. Don’t believe the hype. I have personal experience with this woman, and she’s an alarming choice–especially if you are concerned about America’s kids being indoctrinated with Islam at school. Here’s why . . .

As many readers know, I’m a lifelong Michiganian (I HATE the term “Michigander”–I ain’t a male goose). So I know a lot about Betsy DeVos, most of it not very good.

* She funded ANTI-ISRAEL, Pro-Muslim curriculum in America’s Public Schools.


Betsy DeVos and her husband, Dick DeVos, financed anti-Israel, pro-Muslim propaganda posing as “curriculum” in America’s public schools. The Dick & Betsy DeVos Family Foundation financed the anti-Israel, pro-Muslim MidEast Policy Council’s “Teach MidEast” and its “Bridges at School” curriculum. (She’s also a Common Core supporter and fought to make this anti-Israel crap part of the Common Core agenda taught at America’s public schools.)

Bridges at School is a topical curriculum developed for American middle school classrooms. Contextualizing the Arab World and providing a unique series of both critical thinking and creative exercises that shed light on the rich historical, scientific, mathematical, religious, and cultural legacy of the region, this program focuses on the themes of global citizenship and identity through a series of analysis-based activities. Bridges at School highlights poetry and values-based paired texts; fashion and style; visual art; food and spice; drama; music; language; medicine and science; and media. Activities are available free of charge via the online platform NextLesson. Development funding for Bridges at School is courtesy of Donna Pearson Chapman and The Dick & Betsy DeVos Family Foundation.

* She supports extremist Muslims who aid and abet Islamic terrorist groups, bring terrorism-supporting Muslim illegal aliens into the United States, and boycott Israel.

Betsy DeVos and her husband Dick DeVos (also born into money) are donors and contributors to ACCESS–the Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services. And they also attend ACCESS annual fundraising dinners.

As I’ve reported on this site previously, ACCESS–which receives millions of dollars in government grants and aid–actively brings Muslim illegal aliens into the United States and helps them stay here. ACCESS continues to date to bring thousands of pregnant Muslim women from around the world into the United States to defraud Medicaid and give birth to their children here–making them U.S. citizens and eligible for entitlements and voting privileges.

ACCESS was founded by Ismael Ahmed as a campaign to get the Big Three automakers to divest from Israel and companies that do business with it. ACCESS sponsored the Divestment (from Israel) Conference at the University of Michigan. ACCESS opposed and lobbied Congress against making it illegal to donate to Islamic terrorist groups, including Hezbollah, HAMAS, and Islamic Jihad. Fortunately, the efforts failed and Bill Clinton signed a package into law.

As I’ve also noted, ACCESS also spent thousands of dollars in government money to provide job training and training for commercial drivers licenses and HazMat haulding certificates to members of the Detroit Al-Qaeda terror cell. And its tax-funded Arab American National Museum features several anti-Israel, anti-Semitic “exhibits” and “art.”

When Betsy DeVos’ husband, Dick, was running for Governor of Michigan (he was trounced), I asked him why he and his wife supported ACCESS and why they opposed our efforts to end government-sponsored discrimination in the form of affirmative action.

He was flustered, didn’t have an answer, and had his handlers escort me out of the event.

* She’s An Affirmative Action Pimp and Plays the Race Card.

I was general counsel for the courageous Ward Connerly’s Michigan Civil Rights Initiative (MCRI), for which Michigan voters voted in overwhelming numbers in 2006. MCRI’s purpose was to eliminate race-and-gender-based preferences in admissions, hiring, and promotions in public institutions and government in Michigan. In other words, get rid of institutional racism against White males and in favor of Blacks, Hispanics, women, etc.

Betsy DeVos, as then-Chair (yup, a piece of furniture–‘cuz, G-d-forbid, you use the term “chairwoman”) of the Michigan Republican Party, came out repeatedly and very publicly against us. She called us “RAAAAAAYCIST!” Yup, lily-White, privileged Betsy DeVos–who was born into and then also married great wealth and never had to work a day in her charmed life–called Ward Connerly, a self-made Black man, a “racist.” She worked against MCRI and brought the full power of the Michigan Republican Party to bear against us. She also put her daddy’s and hubby’s daddy’s money to work against us. And she tried to pressure Republicans who sat on the committee that certified what qualified for the ballot, to vote against us.

Despite DeVos’ siding with the likes of Jesse Jackson and Weird Al Sharpton and their acolytes in Michigan (and she was our loudest critic–louder than anyone on the left), we won overwhelmingly by a margin of 3-2 in a virtual election landslide unheard of for a ballot initiative in Michigan.

As a lifelong Michiganian, I can tell you that Betsy DeVos is and always has been part of the GOP establishment here in Michigan. She’s never been seen as a conservative.

And, now, Betsy DeVos is Trump’s choice for Secretary of Education. Look for her to pimp her anti-Israel propaganda further into America’s education system. Don’t look for her to end the wasteful, highly-discriminatory, Department of Education efforts at “diversity” and affirmative action at schools and universities. And look for her to keep up her usual efforts at being a dhimmi Islamo-panderer. In other words, look for those anti-Israel, anti-American, pro-Muslim textbooks to continue to be in the curricula throughout America’s public schools. Betsy won’t lift a finger to change the crap that America is teaching our kids.

In other words, it’ll be biz as usual at the Trump Department of Education. Same as it ever was.


One other thing: Betsy DeVos’ brother is Erik Prince, the founder and chief of Blackwater for many years. I’d much prefer him running anything in government to her. He knows what Muslims are like. He had to deal with them in their natural habitat and managed to keep the American dignitaries his company was hired to protect, safe.

Sadly, his sis just doesn’t get it. And she never will.

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114 Responses

DeVos is not a very encouraging pick. It would be nice if Republicans pushed back on this appointment.

Worry01 on November 23, 2016 at 5:37 pm

    I hate to say it but Chuck Shummer is the answer. He will mop the floor with Mush McConnel. I hate to see it happen;however, this is the time to show his muscle. I hope these appointments are a preview of his court selections. These people dumped on him and he kisses their butts. Similar to letting Hitlery walk away clean. Trump will regret

    prusmc on November 24, 2016 at 3:43 pm

    I hate to say it but Chuck Shummer is the answer. He will mop the floor with Mush McConnel. I hate to see it happen;however, this is the time to show his muscle. I hope these appointments are not a preview of his court selections. These people dumped on him and he kisses their butts. Similar to letting Hitlery walk away clean. Trump will regret not driving a stake through her vampire heart. She will crawl into her “earth box” and rise up to stab him in 2019/2020.

    prusmc on November 24, 2016 at 3:48 pm


Turns out we need RINOs to drain the swamp.

As your article notes, they’re part of the problem and not part of the solution.

With Betsy DeVos, look for American education to get even worse and not better.

That’s what Trump and his inner circle call MAGA.

NormanF on November 23, 2016 at 5:39 pm

Trump’s problem is that he really doesn’t know the issues. That’s how his handlers so easily stepped in and generated cabinet short lists. He is very impressionable, if not gullible. To stop the jihadists, a bit of due diligence would have gone a long way. By picking Amway heiress Becky DeVos to run ED, it’s clear Trump didn’t do his homework. Let’s hope the Senate will.

P: EXACTLY. He doesn’t know the issues and his handlers tell him what’s good, so he listens and doesn’t look into it any further or do any research. It’s not good. DS

Primetime on November 23, 2016 at 5:52 pm

Ugh, if it’s not one thing it’s another.

And also not helping in the fight against the anti-Israel crowd, is the “Jewish” left. Typical of this are the recent comments by Jonathan Greenblatt of the ADL, where he says that “Keith Ellison is a man of good character”–even though Ellison is a Judeophobe, supported BDS, admired Louis Farrakhan, defends cop killers, and more bad stuff. And Chuck Schumer chimes in, “I’m not worried about the Israel stuff even though he and I disagree.”

But at least Ellison’s a known entity. Debbie’s article on Betsy DeVos, however, is completely new to me. Hopefully, the information and the message in it will be discussed further. The fact that Devos contributes money to the Republican Party should not be part of the qualifications considered. Even without considering her anti-Israel stance, her pro-Common Core agenda should alone be sufficient to disqualify her.

Ralph Adamo on November 23, 2016 at 5:53 pm

Its very interesting to come to this site and get the “real, you know that 150 proof with no chase. On the radio, they were gushing over her ( I have no kids, so it affects me not) but then a person comes on here and finds the truth. So this woman is basically garbage. How many here think Trump truly vetted this woman, or just took someones quick advice and she said. Coo. (slang for the word cool, cool is already ebonics, but has been shortened to coo, hence, super ebonics?, Idk)

MrBigBrain on November 23, 2016 at 5:56 pm

I’m supposed to be enjoying all the Libtards being schlonged on 11/8 but it has been difficult because they are so stupid, overly, OVERLY dramatic and acting like those googly-eyed, greasy-haired big-fanged monsters in “Where The Wild Things Are” since Trump won. They are absolutely un-hinged!

On FB (which I use for research…) I have seen many I “follow” who are well-known authors, film-makers or rock “stars” act totally fascistic-ly in their uber-Libtard high dudgeon. It’s funny and maddening at the same time to watch these mental midgets decry Trump voters as Nazi and hegemonic-like and at the same time purging ANYONE who even bats an eye-lash at President Trump…I sometimes wish I was writing a book exposing these frauds because I could use their own posts to prove they are exactly what they fear and accuse Trump to be…too bad I don’t have the time for that because it would be great reading and worth it as long as I wouldn’t get sued in the end (and if I did it would NOT be for libel or slander…I’d be using their own posts to illustrate what sad hypocrites they are, LOL!).

I mention all that because one this AM was whinging about Frau DeVos and I had wondered what DS would say…and I got an early Thanksgiving wish with this fine column! This author is also a “Michigan-ian” (although he called himself a “Michigander”, LOLOL!)

He’s an uber-Libtard so he crapped on about how her dad was Ed Prince (claimed he gave heaps of money to the “Religious GOP”, her mum gave big bucks to CA’s “Prop 8” (gay “marriage” ban) and he also mentioned her brother Erik…founder of “Blackwater”. Of course “Michigander” Author didn’t decry her dhimmitude. They never, ever do.

So back to my revelry at the Libtards losing it…it has been hard because 1) I was never a Trump supporter and only voted for him in protest to the Libtard’s “October Surprises”…so I am not so shocked he would want a goose like this DeVos. I am expecting to be disappointed all along the way but at least “Cankles” lost! That is still glorious! Anyway, Trump should fail to appoint anyone to the DOE…and Congress should not fund it. That would be a REAL Conservative thing to do. The 2nd reason it has been hard to revel in the Libtard Meltdown is that they are so stupid and NEVER list our truthful and apt reasons for disliking the SAME person being appointed. They are consistently mentally deranged. There is no talking reason to them now…they are all on the warpath and are striking out emotionally in lieu of sitting down and doing what they always claim they wanna do…have a sane dialog.

So these freaky Libtards, rending their garments, rolling their blood-shot eyes and gnashing their horrible teeth seem to have ZERO problem with going to war with Trump voters…they have expressed violent thoughts about us and even cheered on that dopey Starbucks fool who tweeted she would spit in any person’s coffee who wanted “Trump” on their cup (the genius was fired the next day) YET, YET, YET these same mental defectives will never, ever call out Islam as the scourge it is. In fact, they all wickedly hate Trump because they think he’s “Islamophobic”.

What do you do with that kind of retarded-ness in 2016? These are big, sooky wankers. I have never seen such a pathetic lot. They never whinged when Obama-Putin was ripping USA apart brick-by-brick for 8 years and yet I have seen them call for Civil War. None of these little effete crappers have really looked at what Aleppo looks like…even though they are the same sorts that will get all emotional for a picture of a small, Syrian child shell-shocked from his countries Moooooslim on Mooooslim war. If anything, even if you are daft on Islam (and there is NO excuse in 2016…) Syria should have sobered ANYONE up on what a civil war can be like and that it is DEFINITELY not where any sentient person wants to go…but these foolish MoonBats are ready for the fight…built on lies they believe and not having a clue what a REAL civil war can and will do. You have to have an empty brain to be a Libtard.

Anyway, all that just to say I like hearing the “straight dope” from DS, am currently enjoying the Libtard nervous breakdowns and knowing that Trump is no Conservative (even thou’ his haters are screaming he is!!) but his haters hate him like white, hot poison even though he is more like them than like me. Mike Church plays a movie clip from a movie of a guy saying “They cannot be reasoned with…” and I think it is from “Terminator” (I never saw that flick…I’m no Cameron or Arnold fan…) but it is soooo spot on RE: horrible, poopy-pants LIBTARDS! Oh, how they suck!!!

(Happy Thanksgiving!!!)

Skunky on November 23, 2016 at 7:00 pm

    I hope that you had a very good Thanksgiving Skunky and boy did you say it girlfriend. The libtards in all faucets have lost their ever loving minds especially on our “esteemed” college campuses. Thankfully the libtards in my family didn’t wreck my holiday. I did have the displeasure of finding out what a tofurky was. I stayed away from that like a liberal stays away from rational thought, or Obama from executive actions(just kidding on the last one.) We all know what a great president he’s turned out to be. It (cue up Nicholson’s Joker) brings a smile to my face to see the liberals all upset that Hillary didn’t win. People like losers Don Lemon, Meghan Kelly, Gail King, Juan Williams, George Stephanopoulos, and Dana Perino having to choke on the words President-Elect Trump was just great when he won. Then you have the little college snowflakes melting down crying about how Trump will be bad for America. Uh hello dill-weeds how about Obama. I so want to tell these crybabies to go back to your safe spaces with you aroma therapy, cuddly puppies (actually cute) lukewarm cocoa and absence of opposing speech think about how stupid you all are acting. What’s going to happen to these fools when they graduate and have to get a real job. They wouldn’t know what the heck to do. So much for higher education in the 21st century…LOL!

    Ken B on November 28, 2016 at 11:38 am

Wow. Incredible.
Looks like “Friends close, enemies closer” strategy on Donald’s part… I hope ..

David on November 23, 2016 at 7:13 pm

One can see why Jimmy Carter, in endorsing Trump during the campaign, characterized him as “malleable.” It sure is turning out that way, from what some of the comments here indicate. But as for Ms. DeVos vs. her Blackwater brother, I have to wonder to what extent her husband’s ties have influenced her to the degree they have, besides what’s been written. But given her support of pro-Muslim, anti-Israel propaganda in our schools, it seems the teachers’ unions’ opposition to her is for all the wrong reasons.

As for some of his Cabinet picks thus far, including a few of those who either ran against him (Ben Carson) or railed against him (South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley), how much are you willing to bet The Donald will soon nominate Carly Fiorina to a Cabinet position (probably Commerce Secretary)?

Concerned Patriot on November 23, 2016 at 7:27 pm

If only because I’ve never said it before and there’ll never be a better opportunity to say it, I shall: Heavens to Betsy!

May her nomination go up in smoke. I’m with Debbie on that as well as on her Michigander peeve. I cringe every time I hear it.

lee of the lower case "l" on November 23, 2016 at 7:43 pm

    In the immortal words of The Great StainMaker “Ah feeeel yawhr payne.” And as for this woman, sounds like to Hell with Betsy is what we’re going to get.

    Alfredo from Puerto Rico on November 24, 2016 at 10:40 am

Thanks for this information. I hope Trump reconsiders immediately.

Rick Endelson on November 23, 2016 at 8:14 pm


” . . . global citizenship . . .”

That’s ALL I needed to see, although I did read Debbie’s entire article.

“I’ve always seen myself as a citizen of the world.” – Barack Milhous Hussein Benito Obama

The One World Government Society – George Soros

The noose is tightening around Amerika. Ted Cruz said Donald Trump would take us down the same path as The Dragon Lady, with the same ideology and failed policies as the Demmicans. Demmicans and Republicrats. The noose is tightening.

Tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, . . .

time for another joint before we get hit with a nuke.

Alfredo from Puerto Rico on November 23, 2016 at 9:29 pm

Why Session for AG? What better way to look like a law and order president and remove a truly influential conservative from the senate that would scrutinize Trump’s appointments? At least I didn’t have any allusions, Trump’s only virtue was he wasn’t HRC. Hopefully he will at least live up to heat.

Jimbo on November 23, 2016 at 11:46 pm

I am surprised that Sheldon Adelson and Jared Kushner have not pushed back on her.

C: I don’t think they know about it. DS

Confederate on November 24, 2016 at 5:13 am

    Jared’s a big Democrat. I wouldn’t be surprised if he thought exactly like Schumer for example.

    Nancy on November 25, 2016 at 2:15 am

In the letter dated December 21, 1987, and beginning with “Dear Donald,” former President Richard Nixon wrote to Trump about his appearance on the Phil Donahue Show.”I did not see the program, but Mrs. Nixon told me that you were great on the Donahue Show,” the letter reads.

“As you can imagine, she is an expert on politics and she predicts that whenever you decide to run for office you will be a winner!”

MrBigBrain on November 24, 2016 at 5:22 am

thanks for a great read. shared it.

tony E on November 24, 2016 at 7:01 am

Thx for the back-story.

CG on November 24, 2016 at 8:12 am

This is interesting information, to say the least, however, not at all surprising. What should be more worrisome is the pick of Mattis as Sec. of defense. A purportedly strong anti Islamist and general who has a totally moronic view and lack of knowledge of the Israeli /Arab situation. His prolonged advocacy of a ‘TWO’ state solution clearly betrays his anti Israeli bias. Such stupidity is not immune to slimeball democrats only; as proven historically. You should write more on this persons background, Debbie. It could be far more dangerous!

Howard on November 24, 2016 at 8:19 am

The Media told us that Donald Trump was an anti-Muslim bigot who was going to set up a Muslim registry. Why would he appoint someone who allies with Muslims?

bobguzzardi on November 24, 2016 at 11:27 am

    @bobguzzardi: Evidently, everyone so accusing “The Donald” forgot about his past Islamopandering in his prior business interests and dealings (never mind the strings he pulled to get Rima Fakih her Miss Hezbo USA crown), as Debbie has noted over the years. In what way would his past Islamopandering make him even remotely an “anti-Muslim bigot”?

    B.T.W., the egregious “Scamela” Geller who was a “never Trumper” for over a year until the GOP convention – all because “The Donald-in-Chief” not only wouldn’t endorse one of her self-promoting publicity stunts, but had actually called her out on her behavior (though, as with his conduct in the three Presidential debates with Hillary the “Cankles,” he was far too polite and pulled his punches somewhat) – has, like Michael Savage, been banned from the UK the past few years, likewise supposedly for being an “anti-Muslim bigot” – strange, given her past recruiting of Muslim straw buyers in a car loan fraud scheme she’d once been involved in, one that I recall led to one police officer and an honest employee of the car loan entity in question, both ending up dead . . .

    Concerned Patriot on November 24, 2016 at 2:23 pm

Because the train is on a certain track, operating at a certain speed, and no one can stop it. If it looks as though the world is a circus, it’s because it is. If it looks as though rational thought processes are absent in leaders all over the world, it’s because they are. That’s why these truly are “the last days.”

But not the last days as in after they are over, the world and human existence will be a memory which gets swallowed up in some new and greater species taking over, as philosophical types have long mused. It will be merely the end of human (actually Satan’s) misrule of our existence.

The pot is boiling, and all rationality has been abandoned in favor of madness. Look at the leaders of any nation. Merkel, Kim Jong Un, the guy in the Philippines, our own president, both candidates in the recent election, Putin himself is a cartoon character, albeit a dangerous one. And don’t even get me started on the Middle East, because ALL those Muslim “leaders” are nothing but cartoon characters.

That’s why nothing, including a lot of Trump’s cabinet picks, will seem to make sense. The pot is soon to boil over, because human madness is peaking.

Alfredo from Puerto Rico on November 24, 2016 at 11:44 am

Schlussel is again head-and-shoulders above all other main-stream media outlets.

People who want accurate analysis and the bottom line read Schlussel.

Debbie Schlussel #1 – Thank you!

Phil Lipofsky on November 24, 2016 at 12:21 pm

If Trump is unaware of the activies of Mrs. deVos, someone has got to tell him, now. Debbie, please send him the report you posted.

Carmen Henry on November 24, 2016 at 1:37 pm

Although Debbie’s articles often share bad news, and this one is more bad news about DJT’s decisions where he seems to be in a hurry to break his promises, we should be grateful that Debbie treats us like Don Corleone in “The Godfather” when it comes to bad news.

If you don’t know Mario Puzo’s line from his novel and the movie about this, here’s a clip from the movie.

It’s little scenes like this from the movie that remind us that the greatness of the movie is not so much in Coppola’s direction, good as is, but in Mario Puzo’s writing and the great acting, such as this dramatic interplay between John Marley (born Mortimer Marlieb) and Robert Duvall.

Ralph Adamo on November 24, 2016 at 1:53 pm

I’m quite sure that he knows of Debbie and her work. Don’t forget, Debbie’s big time.

Though there may only appear to be 32 people on this web site, a lot read it. Many in major areas of politics, media and business read this site. They also know of Debbie’s many national TV appearances years ago. Whether or not Trump can/will take good advice and heed proper warnings, is another matter entirely.

Debbie’s fairly recent comments about being desired for a position on The View should be enough evidence of her status in the eyes of certain “movers and shakers.” Though The View is a stupid show run by a Wannabe Jewish Dictator Has Been Comedienne with 12 viewers, the people who run the network and control the business interests are big time.

If Trump wants to listen, or look, she’s out there. She’s also on Twitter, which The Donald In Chief is addicted to.

Alfredo from Puerto Rico on November 24, 2016 at 1:56 pm

Very useful information Debbie. She has come out saying that while she’s been a side player with groups that support Common Core she hasn’t. Anything you can find that directly ties her to funding it would be helpful.

Stop Common Core in Michigan is attempting to get Trump to change her. Hard documentation of supporting terror friendly Muslim groups might do it.

PJ: I’ve seen her only-recent, politically-convenient, lying denials. She’s simply a big, fat liar. In fact, she is the founder, primary funder and backer, and chief board member of the biggest cheerleader for Common Core in Michigan, the Great Lakes Educational Project. They do her bidding in Lansing (Michigan’s capital) for Common Core and charter schools. They don’t make a move without her direct instruction and say so. Google GLEP and Common Core. Then google GLEP and Betsy DeVos. If she was so against Common Core, why didn’t she stop GLEP from lobbying for it? If she was so against Common Core, why didn’t she have GLEP lobby against it? She never ever came out against Common Core. She helped put it into Michigan’s curriculum. Further, her support for pro-Muslim, pro-Muslim-refugee curriculum and textbooks fits in with Common Core. That’s part of the Common Core agenda. Anyone who believes Betsy DeVos’ only-recent, politically-convenient denials is a sucker and a fool. DS

PolitiJim (@PolitiJim) on November 24, 2016 at 2:57 pm

I do hope Trump is not going to shaft us after getting him elected as president. He has made 3 bad appointments so far. Stephen Moore as his economic advisor is open-borders and a big “free trader” AKA “f*ck the American worker if we can get ’em cheaper.” Also his choice for UN ambassador wasn’t Bolton. Far from it. Instead, he chose the bimbo governor of South Carolina who openly opposed him for president and wanted either of the two Spaniards, Rubio or Cruz, instead. Now this selection here.

Not looking good.

Jeremy Bender on November 24, 2016 at 3:28 pm


    Nikki Haley also denounced Trump’s promise to temporarily ban Muslims from entering the United States as “un-American.” The approval rating for Trump on this ban from the average citizenry was overwhelmingly positive. So Haley, elected only because she has a vagina, is like the lame stream media — clueless and out of touch with most Americans.

    I’m beginning to sour on Trump already.

    Merle not Haggard on November 24, 2016 at 3:43 pm

He’s turning in to Slick Willy The Pander Bear.

Alfredo from Puerto Rico on November 24, 2016 at 3:51 pm

I am amazed that the Donald has not made out a list of people for positions with Sheldon Adelson and Jared Kushner.

My number 1 position to fill would be the Special Prosecutor to try Hillary Clinton for her crimes against the American people.
My own nominations for this position would be Chris Christie, Rudy Guliaani, Jeff Sessions, and Trey Gowdy.

Evidently, Sheldon Adelson and Jared Kushner need to keep a far more watchful eye on every move that Donald makes.
Both men have been most gracious to Donald. The Donald needs to show his gratitude back to both men in ways that are most favorable to the State of Israel.

Confederate on November 24, 2016 at 5:11 pm

If DJT keeps this stuff up, he will earn the derisive name that someone gave him: the “Orange Messiah.”

Ralph Adamo on November 24, 2016 at 5:23 pm

Wow, Herman Schlump is really giving the power back to the people! And appointing a Republican billionaire instead of a Democratic billionaire. He’s also cleaning up government from corruption and bringing his very own corruption instead. It also looks like he’s going to keep none of his ultra-right-wing promises.

Maybe more people should have listed to Mitt Romney’s speech last March.

Bee on November 24, 2016 at 7:03 pm

Quick question – is Dick DeVos and Betsy the same people who ran/ran Amway/Quixtar – the MLM company that tries to get people to join an ever growing pyramid? Or is it another DeVos?

Another note, Nikki Haley’s post makes no sense at all. Why release her into that hornet’s nest that is a crowd of US hating ‘diplomats’ at the UN? A better choice for that would have been Judge Jeanean Pirro, whose fiery confrontations would have made her a worthy present-day successor to Jeane Kirkpatrick. It would have made more sense to send Nikki Haley to New Delhi, if the goal was to promote her Lt Gov who supported Trump in the primaries

I: Same DeVos family.

Jeanine Pirro? PUH-LEEZE. That Lebanese Arab is a lightweight and a phony. She married and stayed married to a crook who was a convicted criminal, while she was a judge and stood up for this crook. Then, she broke the law trying to catch him cheating on her, but she got away with it. She also took money from her crooked hubby’s crooked associates in the form of campaign contributions. Now, she pretends she’s a tough law-and-order type. Hilarious. She also attacked Comey for announcing he was re-opening the investigation into Hillary Clinton 1.5 weeks before the election, saying it’s not fair to Hillary. And she’s a proud supporter of affirmative action and Medicaid-funded abortions. She’s a quitter who’s dropped out of nearly every Republican race in which she was the candidate . . . at the last minute because she didn’t want to lose. A total coward who loves to talk tough but never walks the walk. Please wake up on that phony.

Delivering scripted, hypocritical speeches from a teleprompter on FOX News doesn’t make you “a worthy present-day successor” to Jeanne Kirkpatrick. Dr. Kirkpatrick was a scholar and a tremendous woman of achievement who knew her stuff in the international arena. Pirro is an ignorant, cheap mobster’s gun moll.

Nikki Haley is also a big nothing, who left Sikhism for feminism and RINO-ism. Her “foreign policy” experience is visiting her ball-less Mr. Mom hubby who is raising the kids and changes the diapers. Neither of these women is good enough to clean the late Jeanne Kirkpatrick’s shoes. Not even close. DS

Infidel on November 24, 2016 at 7:44 pm

    It certainly is the same DeVos family. Remember, too, that the Prince and DeVos families each for years have been primary paymasters for the Family Research Council in Washington, D.C. Current FRC President Tony Perkins might not be a Muslim supporter, but he knows which side his bread is buttered and will tone down any criticism of jihadists.

    Such is how “conservative” Michigan royalty gets its way.

    Primetime on November 25, 2016 at 4:34 pm

    Infidel, I can understand how you might think highly of Jeanne Pirro. She is very good at marketing herself as a smart, knowledgeable, pundit.

    But like in world of business, great marketing does not mean that the product is great. Although, the scripts she reads can often be appealing and she delivers them persuasively, it’s by no means clear that she is doing the writing or even a significant part of it.

    And she does so many turns in her positions that she should change her name to Jeanne Pirouette.

    First she said FBI Director James Comey was a class act, a straight-shooter, and a man of strong ethics. Then, she said Comey was a disgrace and brought shame on the FBI when he did not recommend prosecuting Hillary Clinton. Then, she said that Comey was doing the best job he could under the circumstances. Then she said Comey politicized the FBI when he announced that he was reopening the Clinton email investigation.

    Now, I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with changing one’s position, especially when new facts have come to light. But in Pirro’s or Pirouette’s case, she doesn’t demonstrate any real underlying integrity or commitment to any principles.

    Ralph Adamo on November 27, 2016 at 9:25 pm

Another “crack” in the foundation about to appear?

And, looming on the horizon for Israel is what’s exposed in this gem.

I’m feeling more and more like this guy all the time.

just a thought on November 24, 2016 at 8:05 pm

Romney for Sec of State?
Ben Carson to head HUD and not Surgeon General?
And now this?
I think there is a “Judas” in Trumps’ camp.

Ebayer on November 24, 2016 at 10:46 pm

Thank you for another informative article!

parthens on November 24, 2016 at 10:53 pm

I have to wonder, whether the DeVos’ are among the funders of the annual “Global Citizen Festivals” that take place every fall in New York’s Central Park. They’d certainly agree with the philosophy being pushed in those concerts . . . and that whole set has the feel of a “top down” initiative from the One World globalist elites (aside from the obvious one, George Soros) . . . oh, and Dick DeVos is the son of a co-founder of Amway. Thus, Betsy’s being referred to as an “Amway heiress.”

ConcernedPatriot on November 24, 2016 at 10:57 pm

Also note that Debbie had the goods on Carly Fiorina a long time ago. When Cruz picked that Muzlim-loving fraud as his VP, I dumped Cruz as even my second choice for prez. Geez, I hope we didn’t do too badly with Trump man. However, remember the alternative — Hillary.

Schleppy on November 24, 2016 at 11:39 pm

Concerned Patriot, thanks for clarifying what I was wondering about DeVos and her connection to Amway. That alone is a major disqualifier in my mind about her.

Schleppy, one more good thing about Trump’s win – he gets to pick the RNC chair. Had he lost, Carly would have run for the spot. Honestly, I think Trump should get Murdoch to make Carly the CEO of FNC: what damage can she do? Offshore all the reporting? Buy MSNBC?

I doubt that Mitt Happens will be Secretary of State, given that he thinks that Russia is a bigger enemy of the US than Islam. One thing good over the last few days are the reports of both Gen Flynn, and now Don Jr having ties/talks in Moscow. So the Secretary of State should be someone who makes a radical tilt away from NATO (read: our Euro back-stabbing ‘partners’) and the Sunni countries (read: our ‘allies’ – like Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar and Pakistan), and what better way to send them a message than partnering w/ Russia. I know Russia has troubling ties w/ Iran, but that’s partly b’cos they (correctly) perceive the US as trying to undermine them, even by allying w/ Jihadist forces in the Caucuses and the stans.

Carson should have been the Surgeon Gen. I’m not sure that HUD makes sense for him – he seems right about that. I agree w/ Debbie that Sessions should have gotten Homeland Security rather than Justice. HUD might be more suited to Mike Huckabee. If Rudy doesn’t get State like he wants, I hope he does consider Homeland Security.

Infidel on November 25, 2016 at 1:23 am

Oh oh, here’s another one we have to hope is just a vicious rumor.

just a thought on November 25, 2016 at 2:29 am

Methinks perhaps The Donald In Chief Elect is stocking his kitchen cabinet with Halal cookies and mashed potatoes.

I said with Trump the train would probably hit the wall doing 105 instead of the 120 it’s doing now, and the 140 it would have hit with The Dragon Lady at the throttle. Good thing I said probably, as he may actually be accelerating it himself.

At any rate, get ready for what I have been saying here for nearly four years.

Smoke rising from the land, no running water, no electricity, and people stabbing each other at the corner store to get the last candy bar.

If Ronald Reagan had a son who was every bit the man and conservative he was, who became president during this election cycle, the train would still hit the wall at a high rate of speed.

There IS no making America great again. Its doom is sealed in Bible prophecy, if not now, then later. But I think it is now apparent that is now.

His Truth is marching on.

Alfredo from Puerto Rico on November 25, 2016 at 9:27 am

Debbie, hope you had a nice Thanksgiving.

I have written to Trump regarding this appointment based on your information.

Interesting that this morning I read that the OU has welcomed her appointment believing her positions on school choice, vouchers, and non public schools, will be a benefit to Jews.


Gary Sack on November 25, 2016 at 10:34 am

dear debbie, I being a muslim and also from middle east just wanted to state a little facts to you about muslims
we muslims have a total population of 1.6 billion(according to your wikipedia) and 1.7 billion according to us.we just like you and every other person visiting here love to live a normal life. if we population of 1.7 billion people act a man of terror at once, i dont think any person of this world will be remaining i am not stating any power of muslims or like that its just the fact. my point of saying is according to BBC(owned by you fellows) stated that only 0.02 percent of muslim population act as terror and if you think a little bit this amount of population doing terror can be found in any community or religion.. and with all due respect i just want to end with we are same humans as you dont name us with words we dont like..this comment is also related to the people who have commented hatred above. I felt very bad reading them being a muslim

Abdul samad on November 25, 2016 at 11:22 am

Mr. Samad, at a population of 1.8 billion, that makes Muslims 1 out of every 4 people on earth. Recent surveys here in the United States revealed that 13% of U.S. based Muslims support Jihad. If we extrapolate that to the Muslim population worldwide, it means at least 234 million Muslims support Jihad. That’s an awful lot of people, more than 2/3 the population of the U.S.

I personally believe that many more than 13% of the Muslims here in the U.S. support Jihad. But even if it is just that figure, it means that there are many thousands of Muslims here in the U.S. who feel that way. That is a huge force when divided among the 50 states. And when you consider the large population centers such as those on the East and West coasts, we have plenty to fear from Muslims.

Perhaps you are a nice guy. Perhaps you don’t personally support Jihad against The Great Satan and other Western nations. There are such Muslims. But throughout history, there is no real evidence to suggest that Islam is about peace. There is simply no support for that point of view.

Over the past half century, the overwhelming majority of terrorist attacks around the world have been perpetrated by Muslims. These are facts, not speculation, not xenophobia, not racism, not Islamophobia. Islam is not really a religion. It is really a cover story for what is in fact the world’s largest gang.

I know some people who are Muslims. Some of them are in fact what we here in America call “the salt of the earth,” meaning very, very good people. But the evidence that this is prevalent in Islam does not exist. Rather, plenty of evidence exists to show that collectively, Muslims are bent on world domination. This is through subversion of cultures, implantation of warriors among the populace of nations they wish to bring down, and repeated acts of violence, both small and large, to destabilize these nations, and eventually overthrow them.

Much of that evidence is brought to these pages on a regular basis by Debbie Schlussel, firmly documented and checked for accuracy. Your thoughts on this matter are either a diversionary tactic, or just plain ignorant. Sorry, but that’s the truth.

Islam is NOT a religion of peace. It is not even a religion. And further, there IS no such thing as religion. Religion, including the many hundreds of sects of Christianity were invented by humans. God is going to show us that very soon. God is God, and does not envelope Himself in religion as humans do. He is what He is, and humans are nothing but fools, even the wisest of us.

Alfredo from Puerto Rico on November 25, 2016 at 11:38 am

Thank you for educating us, even if we only wanted to read just your movie reviews.
Even though I voted for Trump, I’m troubled with is Education Secretary pick.


L Bradley on November 25, 2016 at 1:36 pm

Abdul, you seem to conflate all Westerners together even while pushing an image of a peaceful Muslim populace. BBC, for instance, is not ‘ours’ – it’s a British media organization, and very Leftist and pro-Islamic

In addition to what Alfredo wrote above, there are things in Islam that either you don’t know (the charitable assumption), or which you know, but won’t tell us. Like the Quran is filled w/ chapters and verses condemning infidels, approving beheadings (47:4, if you insist on a citation), misogynist chapters (like the one ironically titled ‘Women’), and calling for the dominance of Islamic law everywhere, where Muslims are to rule but not be ruled. And the whole history of Islam – starting w/ the 7th century Arab conquests of the Middle East, North Africa, Central Asia and India, is written in blood.

Also, whenever there is a terror attack almost anywhere in the world, the first thought is – which Muslim group/individual is behind it. Just in the US, we’ve had Jihadist attacks perpetrated by Muslims from Pakistan, Afghanistan, Kuwait (a country we liberated), Chechnya, Bosnia and so on. When you have such a wide variance in the countries of origin, but a common thread of the perps being Muslim and sometimes shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’, it’s pure sophistry to deny that Islam has anything to do w/ it

Infidel on November 25, 2016 at 3:34 pm

So I suppose we #NeverTrumpers can finally begin to really be justified to say, We told you so. Because WE DID. I hope all of you are satisfied.

Kristin T. on November 25, 2016 at 4:38 pm

    Hillary would have won against any of the others. Trump was our only chance, and with him we got the Senate, the House, and lots of local wins, which we wouldn’t have had Conservative voters not been inspired to come out to vote. And, if one of your guys had won, his screw-ups would likely have been far worse than whatever Trump comes up with.

    I’m still hopeful he’ll do more right than wrong, but all told he was not just the best choice, but the only one, IMO.

    just a thought on November 26, 2016 at 8:29 pm

What would be the motivation of the DeVoses to be as Arabophiliac & Islamophiliac as they are? With clear Leftists, it’s a no-brainer; but with ostensible conservatives, one has to readjust one’s paradigm (or perform some No True Scotsman fallacy) to make sense of it. Or one can just reach for the simple-minded “they’re greedy narcissistic aholes” explanation which rescues it from circularity by appealing to Ambrose-Biercian cynicism.

Hesperado on November 25, 2016 at 4:59 pm

-Liberals have become un-hinged.
-I too, thought Dr. Ben would be Surgeon General. Hud? huh? Wha? Who? Where? Why?
-Yes, I’m thinking he will reach out to Fiorina too, I think she has that computer thing down.
-Conservs mad because he isn’t going to pursue Hillary, come on, she’s done politically. Has a debilitating disease, she is going to deteriorate rather quickly. Also I didn’t know that the president could give her a pre-pardon, too. So its all moot at this point.

MrBigBrain on November 25, 2016 at 5:57 pm

To Alfredo from Puerto Rico. – bullseye !

Ron on November 25, 2016 at 6:38 pm

“…Hillary, come on, she’s done politically. Has a debilitating disease, she is going to deteriorate rather quickly.”

MrBigBrain,just one word for you…


She may yet still become “Madam President”

ebayer on November 25, 2016 at 10:26 pm

I wouldn’t be at all surprised.

“Those kicks just keep gettin’ harder to find.”

Alfredo from Puerto Rico on November 25, 2016 at 10:30 pm

“Those kicks just keep gettin’ harder to find.”

That’s ’cause “…Don’t you see no matter what you do
you’ll never run away from you…”

lee of the lower case "l" on November 26, 2016 at 12:18 am

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