October 26, 2016, - 6:19 pm

The Yoga Pants Protesting Hillary Clinton Voters & America’s Decline – Disturbing VIDEO

By Debbie Schlussel


I was out the last couple of days for the rest of the major Jewish holidays (before Passover – Chanukah is a minor holiday). But while I was out a bunch of spoiled brat liberal women held a yoga pants protest. The Rhode Island yoga pants protest is everything that’s wrong with America . . . and everything that’s wrong with Hillary voters–how out of touch they are with America and with real problems. Yoga Pants Protests = #RichLiberalWhiteChickProblems. Just sayin’.

Allan Sorrentino, a 63-year-old Barrington, Rhode Island man, wrote a “letter to the editor” of his local newspaper, decrying that a lot of fat people and others who simply don’t have the body (or the appropriate age) for it, are wearing yoga pants. He said he doesn’t want this unsightly vision in his face.

Like the mini-skirt, yoga pants can be adorable on children and young women who have the benefit of nature’s blessing of youth. However, on mature, adult women there is something bizarre and disturbing about the appearance they make in public. Maybe it’s the unforgiving perspective they provide, inappropriate for general consumption, TMI, or the spector of someone coping poorly with their weight or advancing age that makes yoga pants so weird in public.

A nice pair of tailored slacks, jeans, or anything else would be better than those stinky, tacky, ridiculous looking yoga pants. They do nothing to compliment a women over 20 years old. In fact, the look is bad. Do yourself a favor, grow up and stop wearing them in public.

I can’t blame him. To me, though, it’s not necessarily about age. It’s more about shape and fitness–and about how the powers that be keep lying and telling us that fat chicks look hot in yoga pants (and bikinis and cut-out dresses, etc.). (There are some really fat 19-year-olds I’ve seen wearing yoga pants who shouldn’t be and some very fit 40-year-olds who look decent in them.) We’ve all been struck by the “Unsee! Unsee! Unsee!” visage of the giant butt and lump thighs wrapped like rotten sausage in skin-tight stretchy material. And no matter how many politically correct feminists wanna pretend otherwise, there are some people–No, many people!–who shouldn’t wear these things in public. It wouldn’t be so bad, if they wore a long top or sweater so we wouldn’t have to see their lumpy, gross butts. But in a word where every huge, giant fat girl is told her unhealthy, slovenly body is beautiful and to be displayed–where uber-self-esteem is in no short supply–that would be too much to ask.

On top of that, since these pants are not suited for the large-and-in-charge, one is generally forced to see lots of things through the overstretched material–lots of X-rated stuff that these same women don’t want the TSA seeing via the airport scanner device. Eeuuww! The alternative–VPL (Visible Panty Line)–isn’t much better. Sorry. The net is filled with pictures of vast swaths of the yoga-pants-wearing population that shouldn’t be wearing them. It’s high-quality Gitmo torture material.

This isn’t a new thing. This fashion eyesore has been, sadly, happening for a few decades. Back when the yoga pants were simply called “leggings,” the problem existed. And, a couple decades later, it not only persists. It’s gotten worse. Yoga pants are the standard fare for young and hagly-old, for fit and grossly flabby. My tailor is going out of business because–she says–nobody gets anything tailored anymore. “Instead, they just wear yoga pants.” This athleisure uniform is killing a lot of clothing-related jobs.

Sorrentino’s absolutely right. I thought his letter to the editor was funny and nicely politically incorrect. He asked adults to grow up and stop wearing them.

But in a sign of the fabulous set of priorities we have in our Kardashian-obsessed nation, a group of 300 women wore yoga pants and protested in front of Mr. Sorrentino’s home, which bears a banner that says “FREE SPEECH.” Sadly, these crazy feminists and men-haters don’t want Sorrentino to enjoy his First Amendment rights. They’ve sent him death threats and said vile things on his voicemail. All–mind you–because he dared write a letter to the editor asking unsightly, out-of-shape women to stop wearing bare yoga pants. Yes, death threats. That these morons are addicted to overkill and disproportion is the understatement of the year. And, yet, all those media nannies who sobbed over the online comments of looks-challenged actress Leslie Jones are mum about the threats against Mr. Sorrentino. In fact, most of ’em are on the same side as these dumb, spoiled, out-of-touch yoga pants protesters.

The yoga pants protesters are standard PC types, typical “Social Justice Warriors.” For them, it’s “social justice” to stand for the most trivial “causes” and one of the most absurd lies: that every women looks good in skin-tight stretchy pants and that all of their lumpy, dimply butts are “beautiful.” I know I’m repeating the obvious truth that none dare say, but here’s a tip: they’re not beautiful. They’re hideous. And they’re disgusting. And it’s selfish and delusional to show off your flabulousness when we don’t need or want to see it. You’re not sexy. The exact opposite, in fact. Of course, those weren’t the women at the protest. They were all in shape. If we saw a parade of what Mr. Sorrentino was really talking about, most of the camera lenses would’ve cracked. Only the sickest chubby-chasers would wanna see that.

And here’s the thing: I guarantee you there wasn’t a single Trump voter in the yoga pants protesting bunch. These are angry, men-hating Hillary groupies. Trump voters–no matter how backward and uneducated you want to insist they are–actually have their sense of priorities and reason straight about what’s important for their lives and for this country. They aren’t at these kinds of circuses. Instead, they’re protesting about things that matter–things that could seriously affect their and your lives: exorbitant Obamacare costs that are unbearable for the average American family, Muslim aliens who hate us and who bring a backward culture here to dominate ours (and then, good-bye to your yoga pants, even for thin people), and a generation of Supreme Court choices who could take away your rights and drive even more businesses and jobs form America, illegal alien amnesty that could take the rest of the few jobs left, etc.

Trump voters aren’t spending their time wearing yoga pants in a dumb, sexist, anti-male harassment mob in front of a senior citizen man’s house because they don’t like what he has to say.

Nope. The yoga pants Nazis are all “with her.” All with Hillary. And if and when she wins in November, you can see why America is going down the tubes:

Because there are more and more yoga pants protesting idiots and fewer and fewer Allan Sorrentinos.

Yoga Pants America . . . Ain’t That Great?!

Watch the Video . . .


For the record, yes, I do own and wear yoga pants because they are comfortable and convenient and also because I’m usually wearing them to or from the gym. But I am thin and petite, and yet, I still don’t generally let my yoga-pants-covered, squat-induced butt out there without a shirt covering it up.

I have the American interest–and more important things than harassing a 63-year-old man over a mild, accurate “letter to the editor”–in mind.

Also, I’m not voting for Hillary.


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62 Responses

Hmmmmmm. DOUBLE hmmmmmmmmm.

Having been stuck in NYC for over 14 months now, I don’t see many UNattractive women in them. HOWEVER, what I am left to wonder is, look at the angle Debbie approached the article from in commenting on this cultural phenomenon. I remember them being called leotards. At least they looked the same.

But I see mostly good looking women in them, lots of hot women, some of them REALLY hot. And as horny as I am, just days away from 60, with NO diminution of sex drive, what I’M left to wonder is . . .

YES, I love to ogle chicks, but I DON’T need to see what is practically your naked and WITHOUT UNDERWEAR ass almost as if you really were naked. And as for your P_SSY, does EVERYONE have to walk around with it clearly outlined, and practically OUT THERE???

You ever wait on line behind a chick with an All-Universe ass and her p_ssy clearly defined in a Duane Reade? Never mind the fact that I clearly enjoy the view, but it really ISN’T SUPPOSED to be that way, and it won’t be when God cleans up our act for us.

There’s really no need for even incredibly beautiful women to walk around like that. They DO have a responsibility to society. It’s about proper comportment and good citizenship. It’s like taking a Lamborghini and driving 190 down a side street in Queens. You just DON’T do it unless you’re LOOKING FOR TROUBLE. SORRY, BUT THAT’S THE TRUTH.

“Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft.” – 1 Samuel 15:23

Rebellion against WHAT, say the left wing trolls. REBELLION AGAINST GOD’S NATURAL LAWS!!! He’ll expound when He gets back.

Debbie was pretty polite in not attacking this part of the degradation of our culture from that angle. But of course, today’s “empowered woman” has to have her “rights and freedoms” and if she’s really hot and walking down the street naked, she should be free to do so, because to deny her that “right” would be body shaming.

SO, thanks again to Debbie for putting up another humorous yet sad reminder of the demise of “this once great republic.”

Also, in closing, as Debbie has previously stated her boobs are “real and spectacular,” I must say I’ve never previously had much evidence of Debbie from the “other side.” For the first time, she has provided us with some evidence, with this statement.

“. . . I still don’t generally let my yoga-pants-covered, squat-induced butt out there without a shirt covering it up.”

In so saying, Debbie gives rise to the interests of the crowd of men who happen to hark to the immortal words of Rush Limbaugh. “I love the women’s movement, especially when viewed from the rear.”

THEREFORE, it may be concluded by The Court that it would be interesting to see Debbie from that angle walking down the street, but . . .

WITHOUT the shirt covering it.

OH!!! One more thing. Debbie, I’m available part time for proofreading chores.

Alfredo from Puerto Rico on October 26, 2016 at 7:01 pm

Yes, the Obamacare premium rise is disgusting and outrageous.

But, what is equally disgusting is that I have heard virtually nothing countering the Democrats’ talking point that the impact is eased for many because they get Government subsidies. Most opponents of Obamacare confine themselves to discussing the impact that the premium increases and high deductibles have on those affected.

I agree that Obamacare is a disaster. But equal to this disaster is the increased Federal spending involved in paying these subsidies. Perhaps all these so-called conservative Republicans that are against Trump can say something about the increased subsidies.

The political axis in this country is so far to the left, that no Republican, not even Trump, dares say anything about these subsidies.

Little Al on October 26, 2016 at 7:19 pm

What is up with the contrasting picture. Hot sexi blonde vs Too wide sista? lol. Anyways, I just seen where they have Racists Anonymous. For real, its just like A.A. The first step is admitting that you are racists. Bwaa ha ha bwa ha ha ha. Cant make it up. lol. Beyond dumb
Oh and Yoga pants, greatest clothing invention ever, if the right sized person is wearing them. I just luv yoga pants.

MrBigBrain on October 26, 2016 at 7:26 pm

It’s not just with the “yoga pants” as to why America is going down the tubes. Women in general, as voters, are far more fickle, easily influenced by the most trivial of matters. (Indeed, it could be argued that “undecided” is a code word for fickle.) As Debbie herself would put it, generally the “other sex” votes with their vaginas rather than their brains (I substituted the word “brains” for another because the term she used – in connection with a discussion of Presidential debates of years past – unfortunately lends itself to a term that could politely be described as “sexually vulgar”). I would call them “Olive Oyl voters,” because their mentality is not unlike the character from the Popeye cartoons who continually veers between the sailor man and the brutish, caddish Bluto. In this instance, they are leaning towards a super-corrupt candidate with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, and whose closest aide has her own connections to people associated with the same group of Sharia advocates, and who destabilized whole governments up and down the Middle East, and whose actions – or inactions – led to four Americans being murdered in a terrorist attack in Benghazi – not to mention the shenanigans with the Clinton Foundation, their ripping off of Haitian earthquake victims, the “pay-for-play” and so on – because they’re “repulsed” by supposed behaviors of her “GOP” opponent from up to five decades ago. Which gives lie to the claim that women are extremely concerned about security, the economy, terrorism etc. Instances like this, plus their generally leaning towards Hillary the Cankles, instead paint women as far more concerned with reproductive issues and their own self-satisfaction at the expense of the country’s future and its survival, that plus generally leaning more left-wing and more supportive of Big Government than men (again, per Debbie’s analyses of female vs. male economists).

ConcernedPatriot on October 26, 2016 at 8:11 pm

    The “Olive Oyl vote” — that’s a good one. It’s a fact borne of intuition and experience: Females are attracted to men who project cocky strength, however amoral or dangerous they may be underneath. A “good” man, by contrast, usually bores them. This is the main reason why we have an epidemic of “coal-burning.”

    Primetime on October 27, 2016 at 11:56 am

      Only in this case, the “amoral, dangerous” one is Hillary. “Cocky” more describes Trump (Hillary is more smug and arrogant than anything else). And speaking of coal, more specifically the “war” on same, has anyone noticed that energy sources (i.e. oil, gas, coal) that are “macho” in terms of supplying energy needs are under severe attack from the Left – while their preferred “green” energy (solar, wind) are essentially what could be considered “girly” – not to mention highly exorbitant. (And has anyone noticed that many of those who work at places like Solyndra are essentially scrawny metrosexuals?) It fits in with everything else that’s wrong with America and with Hillary voters. And not just man-haters as with those “yoga pants” women harassing Mr. Sorrentino, but America-haters in general.

      ConcernedPatriot on October 28, 2016 at 8:42 am

      Coincidentally, I just glanced through one of those trashy online slideshow pieces–this one was about Bills career-long stretch of sexual exploits–I mean talk about letting all that power go to your ‘head!’. To your point, it seems that many people are aware of only those incidents that expose Bill as the sick, perverted, woman abuser that he is. Though not the kind of source I would rely upon for serious news or discussion, I have no reason to doubt all of the consensual affairs with women in various positions of fame, wealth, status or power–women you would think have brains enough not to get involved with a married psychopath. Yet they don’t–or at least didn’t.

      YCHtT on October 29, 2016 at 1:02 pm

        Note- the above is a reply to PRIMETIME’S post about potentially fatal attractions…

        YCHtT on October 29, 2016 at 1:05 pm

        My thoughts exactly, concerning some of those women. Where were their brains? Oh, right, exactly where Debbie is always pointing out that an increasing number of women have their brains.

        Alfredo from Puerto Rico on October 29, 2016 at 1:12 pm

In other words, and quite correctly, when Hitlary Rotten Cun_on is elected, it’ll be say hello to the new scumbag, same as the old scumbag, same Muslim Brotherhood ties, same whole package. Yup, we’re dead, Paragraph 3,146,718.

Oh, sorry, “package” was something the supposedly outgoing president was showing off on a flight somewhere many years ago.

C_cks On A Plane

Alfredo from Puerto Rico on October 26, 2016 at 9:47 pm

Alfredo, you are a perv, probably with very low standards if you have never seen unattractive bodies in stretch pants…..just saying. Quoting the bible in between rude sexual comments ??? Wow.

On the Social Justice Warriors label, I think we got it wrong. It should have been Social Justice Bullies (SJB) based on the bullying behaviors we keep seeing from the leftists.

Alfredo is a perve on October 26, 2016 at 10:48 pm

I didn’t say never, troll. I’m not going to waste my time with you. You are what you appear to be, and that is apparent to anyone with a mind that employs critical thinking. You are an internet criminal, Satan. Have fun jerking yourself off at me. I’m going to bed.

Alfredo from Puerto Rico on October 26, 2016 at 11:00 pm

Also . . . one of The Donald’s supporters, Rep. Marsha Blackburn, recently noted about Hillary having the “wrong” experience and saying that if women looked at her “narrow” experience (all government-based and concerned with enriching herself via Middle Eastern interests and all that), they would avoid her like the plague. As if! Things like that “yoga pants” incident belie Rep. Blackburn’s wishful thinking, again proving just how shallow many women are, how if that incident is of any indication, they couldn’t care less that Hillary’s experience is the “wrong” type. You think those “yoga pants” women would even remotely look at how the Clintons took in $250 million after leaving the White House allegedly “dead broke” in 2001, established a slush-fund “foundation” a.k.a. “global initiative,” but never ran a business or held patents or whatever? Based on this incident, not a snowball’s chance in you-know-where. It is a sad truism that many women don’t have the analytical skills of either Rep. Blackburn or Debbie, but instead play to the worst stereotypes of “the opposite sex.”

ConcernedPatriot on October 27, 2016 at 6:55 am

I think the letter writer was Gay. All these women in yoga pants had not the impact it would on a heterosexual. I am not sure what that tells us but the writer does not seem to have the same issues with women that heterosexuals do.

Robert Guzzardi on October 27, 2016 at 8:29 am

Back in NYC (not sure about here in northern CA) we call them tights or, arobic tights. The protesters here (as in most cases) are usually the small minded, hypocritical leftists . In defending women who obviously have no shame or indeed the body to be wearing these tights publicly, they make themselves more open to criticism from a “normal” thinking person (male!) Indeed, you’d be hard pressed to see anyone with any sense of introspective pride wearing them unless they were quite lavishly and nicely endowed from the waist down! ( if you’ve got it, wear a shorter shirt after gym Debb! …lol).

Howard on October 27, 2016 at 9:56 am

Yes Howard, I have to admit, with Debbie’s statement, I’m a LOT more interested in her now, LOL!!!

Alfredo from Puerto Rico on October 27, 2016 at 10:01 am

I don’t know what to say. 300-400 complete idiots that have no life marched in front of that man’s house. I happened to think no women should wear yoga pants in public including young women that look good in them mainly for reasons of modesty.

Hillel on October 27, 2016 at 10:29 am

Sadly in today’s world it’s not just women wearing these things, it’s men too. Me and my family were at a pumpkin patch last weekend and a grown man was wearing these pants or something similar. Very hard to unsee that!

Frank on October 27, 2016 at 10:33 am

Wow, such trivial bullshit! Sorry, these women are just assholes. Worry about the collapse of the country, terrorism, lack of jobs. Go ahead and pack those yoga casings with 300lbs of fatty sausage. Who gives a shit?!

MuzzCrusher on October 27, 2016 at 1:23 pm


    I saw this on Fox News the other day and a small percentage of those women looked good in the very form fitting yoga pants. The rest of them need to wear material that does NOT stretch.
    Talk about letting it all hang out.

    Ken B on October 27, 2016 at 3:25 pm

Another sorry ass (NPI) protest about the shape of the conference table rather what is discussed at the table.

The left delights itself to this kind of crap…save the whales, polar bears, planet, … and limiting the size of soda (pop) drinks etc. etc. etc.

Its still a control issue, in this case, psychologically dunning women to wear clothes unfit for there bodies to support a idiot like Clinton, or protest against the 63 year old free speech advocate.

Enough ladies. Please act like women who want to look good.

Panhandle on October 27, 2016 at 1:26 pm

OK Debbie…let’s se some pix of you in your yoga pants. For pure scholarship, of course!

Toby Flenderson on October 27, 2016 at 2:00 pm

    She did Toby.
    In this post’s main pic, that’s Debbie on the right.
    Baby got back, and back and back…

    Alberto from Guam on November 9, 2016 at 3:28 pm

It’s simple. Yoga pants are for yoga, and not generally parading around in public. That is simply a matter of sartorial style, in which one dresses appropriately for whatever the occasion may be.

This does not mean that there should be a fashion police, nor a separate self-appointed speech police policing the fashion police or those commenting on fashions.

(Remember Mr. Blackwell–born Richard Selzer–and his “ten worst-dressed women list?” I thought he was a healthy commentator on the fashions of the day. For example, on Queen Elizabeth’s gear: “Was she the palace Christmas tree or just a royal clown?” And Wynona Judd: “She looks like Hulk Hogan in sequins.” Lindsay Lohan: “Overhyped and underdressed, what’s happened to Lindsay? When it comes to fashion, she’s in a schizophrenic frenzy!” Paris Hilton: “Paris’ ‘designer’ is obviously on vacation? This is one Hilton that should be closed for renovation.” Today, the speech police would be cracking down on Mr. Blackwell. Incidentally, Mr. Blackwell’s fashion clients included Jane Russel and Nancy Reagan.)

I’ll end with a citation from poet Walt Whitman:

“Women sit, or move to and fro—some old, some young;
The young are beautiful—but the old are more beautiful than the young.” — Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass.

Whitman, of course, wasn’t talking about women in yoga pants. He was speaking of the many forms of beauty, spiritual as well as physical.

Ralph Adamo on October 27, 2016 at 3:19 pm

@ Frank- A man wearing yoga pants? Seriously? Damn. Yes I see plenty in women, wearing them and definitely should not. That attire discriminates and rightfully so. I boggles the mind when I see women who absolutely should have a very long shirt on, don’t on why they would come outside in public like that. You also see people wear pajamas in public, I hate seeing trash like that.

MrBigBrain on October 27, 2016 at 4:01 pm

    Bear-bellies and leotards…I’ve almost lost a meal on several occasions.

    YCHtT on October 29, 2016 at 1:53 pm

Lol, I didn’t know that its is now against protocol to wear costumes for Halloween that people find offensive. ha ha ha, what hell is happening to America? You aren’t allowed to dress as Pocahontas? Or Bruce/Kaitlyn Jenner? For Halloween. ha ha. I wonder is the year my now ex gf and I, who was White, I dressed as a Redneck and she dressed as Angela Davis if they would find that offensive and I would get fined? Unbelievable a Halloween costume considered offensive, lol. ha ha

MrBigBrain on October 27, 2016 at 7:54 pm

Lol, these GOP congress people, who turned on Trump after the tape came out, are now seeing he is down but not out, lol, now they are coming back on board. ha ha ha. Classic. Classic Classic. Fakes. no backbone, spineless. Im going to re-fill on popcorn and watch the show. Oh, what about the First Lady, who was “shaken to the core” about Trumps words, but these same people who were so torn up, listen to rap music with worse words than that. Dance to it, let kids dance to it, lol. Repeat after me, Hip Po Crits

MrBigBrain on October 27, 2016 at 10:00 pm

Yet the “First Thang” and her ilk aren’t and weren’t “shaken to the core” about the most sexist, misogynistic rhetoric directed at Melania Trump, not to mention all the insinuations bordering on slander and defamatino the Left has made about her. (Such as recent comments by Nicki Minaj that I will not repeat here.) That’s on top of Mrs. Obama Idi Amin Dada having rappers at the White House and all that. Can you say “hip-hop-o-crites”?

As for those Congresscritters who’d turned on The Donald, most of them are pro-open borders and pro-amnesty. Wonder if there’s a connection? (Don’t bother answering, that’s of the rhetorical variety.) As for that tape (which I wouldn’t be suprised if it turns out Hillary henchman John Podesta had some role in coordinating the timing of its “leak” to the media), had anyone forgotten about General George Patton and his military career nearly brought to an end a few months before D-Day in World War II because of furor over a slapping incident with an Army soldier hospitalized with what we would now call “post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)”? General Patton, throughout his career, wasn’t exactly Mister Rogers now.

ConcernedPatriot on October 28, 2016 at 8:54 am

ConcernedPatriot has always been one of my favorites here, and with his latest post, has not only once again stolen a few bases, knocked in a bunch of runs, and shown his overall prowess through knowledge and right analysis, but has given me more inspiration for my schtick.

In unintentionally misspelling a certain word, he has given me a chance to introduce a player who might some day be the new hope for New York Yankees fans, who are longing for glory days again.

Now batting in the third position, left fielder, . . .

Johnny Defamatino

Aaaaaaay. Johnny’s jus’ anudda good ‘talian boy fum B’ooklyn, y’know.

Just a little humor while I continue to wait to turn 60, and while we’re all waiting for that video of Debbie walking down the street in her yoga pants, . . .

sans shirt cover.

Alfredo from Puerto Rico on October 28, 2016 at 9:20 am

“hip-hop-o-crites” I like that better

MrBigBrain on October 28, 2016 at 12:49 pm

I remember the great comedian Jeff Foxworthy saying about stretch/yoga pants, “Ladies if you weigh over 250 stay the hell out of spandex. That’s it in a nutshell ladies. Just like skinny jeans aren’t meant for full grown men. Unless you’re a metrosexual eunuch suffering from low-T. Like certain members of the mainstream media, government, sports and the entertainment industry. I’m sure that I don’t need to name any names from these groups because they’ve been in the news one way or another. Seriously though we have better things in the news to focus on don’t you think. Like the fact that the most corrupt, self-centered, untrustworthy, ill tempered, incompetent individual in decades could become our president. Thanks to Wikileaks, Project Veritas and websites like this one the truth of what kind of person Hillary really is along with the people around her is coming out. It’s too bad that the millennials especially the women weren’t around in the 90s when this corrupt harridan ran the White House while her husband got serviced in the oval office. Maybe then they wouldn’t be all in for the PIAPS like good little demo-drones. Those of us with common sense (non liberal voters) knew that the press was bias and in the tank so deep for the democrats that they need scuba gear. How else do they expect us to believe that Obama has done a good job and that Hillary will be a great first female pres. This woman has more baggage than Luis Viton but they’d rather focus on who Trump talked nasty about several years ago and who he might have groped over 2 decades ago. I have a question for those women who had the yoga pants protest out side of Mr. Sorrentino’s home. How do you all feel about the really bad treatment that Trump’s wife Melania has received from the rabid leftists. I thought that you people and your hero’s Chewbacca Obama and Killary Benghazi were champs for women’s rights. Oh that’s right her husband is running as a republican so all bets are off. Just like when Trump can be called a Nazi, Lucifer, a racist, sexist, a fruit in the basket of deplorables etc. My personal favorite which earned a certain Fox News “reporter” an on air beat down a sexual predator. These same idiots won’t report the fact that if Hilzilla stomps her leathery hide back into the White House a real sexual predator will be staining blue dresses again. Not a peep about her dirty dealings such as the Moroccan pay for play via the Clinton Foundation/Slush Fund. But go ahead ladies and have your little protest and wear your yoga pants. That’d be the only way for some of you to get on TV. Then you go and vote for your hero because she’s a “woman” and because the First Jack Links Beef Jerky spokes-Sasquatch told you to. Liberals never fail to make me laugh at how easily they can be misled.

Ken B on October 28, 2016 at 12:52 pm

Yeah, I’d obviously meant to write “slander and defamation.”

Now the countdown begins to the first wave of conspiracy theories that no doubt will be floating around regarding Mike Pence’s plane, last night at LaGuardia Airport . . .

ConcernedPatriot on October 28, 2016 at 1:03 pm

Defamatino sounds better, has a nice Noo Yawk ring to it. I am not a Yankees fan, by the way, not following baseball since ’94, SF Giants when I was.

Alfredo from Puerto Rico on October 28, 2016 at 1:19 pm

Hell, Alfredo,I do declare that you’re angling to bang our fragrant Debbie, you old goat but will that give you much satisfaction I wonder? You will have to shaft her through a hole in the sheet, her being an observant Jewess but you won’t be able to fully adres her “real and spectacular”(as advertised by Debbie herself) boobs because of it.

To make the best of a bad job you could take her to the gym, cut a hole in her yoga pants and get on the excercise bike with her, know what I mean? Just make sure she pedals and gets her workout and value for money out of her gym subs.

To spice things up you could drill her inside one of the caskets in your funeral home and hopefully she won’t waken the dead or you’ll be in deep shit.

Let us know how you two get on, we’re all rooting for you, you old reprobate.

Columbo on October 28, 2016 at 6:58 pm

Ah yes, Columbo, coming in when Debbie is not around to monitor, delete and ban, right on time. Columbo, Kojak, Barnaby Jones, McCloud, Rockford, Magnum, P.I., the real name is . . .


Alfredo from Puerto Rico on October 28, 2016 at 7:13 pm

    Yeah,whatever.Now get on with it or are you all mouth and no shlong?

    Columbo on October 29, 2016 at 3:09 pm

You are dealing with some incredibly useless people who have nothing better to do with their time than protest over someone’s adverse opinion of yoga pants. These protestors, especially the ones who make death threats, are simply deranged You do not need to seek out the single fascist in a Trump rally. Instead, you can find a crowd of them harassing an elderly man over his criticism of their clothing.

Worry01 on October 28, 2016 at 7:36 pm

And THAT, Worry01 is the gist of The Left. They are indeed all mad, and that madness comes straight from Satan, the Author Of The Irrational.

Alfredo from Puerto Rico on October 28, 2016 at 7:46 pm

Did everyone re-load on popcorn lol. Will the FBI correct their purposeful error? Getting deep.

MrBigBrain on October 28, 2016 at 10:06 pm

Oh!!!BUAN-KenOh!B getting deep in to comedy these days. I like it. Must have a new woman.

Alfredo from Puerto Rico on October 29, 2016 at 12:09 am

Oh!!! One more thing, said the attorney to the temp at 5:27 p.m.

Did everyone here know that many trolls, ESPECIALLY the ones that get REALLY PERSONAL and pick out certain members to flame, . . .

are usually regulars, under another name?

Oh, and of course, anyone who can read knows I DON’T have a funeral home. As a matter of fact, I’m poor and homeless when in NYC, and poor with a home that’s falling apart in PR, although I’m usually staying at a friend’s place somewhere in NYC. And I DO WORK at funeral homes.

Ahhhhhhhhhh, the beat goes on. The aftermath of a good chiropractic treatment, along with a very strong beer and a joint, and some coffee, . . .

can be so helpful.

Wonder where The Bridge Over Troll Bulled Water is?

Probably working on a new handle. Why don’t you try the identical name thingy again? Confused people before, right?

Let me see, if I put on the thinking cap and take a couple more puffs, maybe I can figure out who this regular (and TROLL) is. In the meantime, I’m also looking forward to more regular commentary and of course, Oh!!!BUAN-KenOh!B’s Comedy Shoppe.

Alfredo from Puerto Rico on October 29, 2016 at 12:16 am

On the surface, it’s easy to overlook the tie-in between yoga pants, muslim intolerance (that’s intolerance perpetrated BY muslims, not against muslims), and the politics of the left, but Debbie nailed it! Liberalism is as sick a culture as Islam.

With all the Liberal chatter about the ‘Religious Right’ one might think it strange that Hillary is a cult figure for these women–in essence an object of worship and deity. However, when you accept that COW worship IS an integral part of several heathen religions it all begins to make sense.

YCHtT on October 29, 2016 at 1:48 pm

I wonder what the women would feel if they had to wear Yoga Burkas.

So sick.

Doc Holiday on October 29, 2016 at 9:50 pm

You cant help but be entertained this election season. Donald man, this man, I look at it like this, even if you are a bleeding heart libby, seeing this man, battle his own party, then the dems, then all the media where people get their info from, you can’t help root for the man. Lol. The media is the biggest influence on all of society, this guy is swimming so far upstream, the Repubs that left him for dead, they are just stupid. Just to be spiteful, you endorse or publicly announce you are going to support Hillary, someone who is antithetical to your belief, how does that make sense. It doesn’t
All dumb dumb Romney had to do, is go to Utah, Iowa and say Hey, “its about the Supreme Court. Nothing else, everything else I hate the man, but everyone think about Supreme Court” even the people running for seats. Such an easy spin to keep yourself separate but still endorse, but how they went about it, they are complete fools. If Trump gets in, you know he is going to sht on them. One thing Trump is, he’s loyal. You ride with him, he will ride with you. Its hard to believe these people have Ivy league degrees, because they can’t think. McCain too, he could have easily delivered Ari, he’s dumb. Thats why the both of them lost against an in-experienced man, now we see.
Now Weenie man is going to be the death nail, the capstone to the pyramid, the straw that broke the camels back to take Hillary out. Weenie man is such baggage, how did he achieve his status, just insane. He’s a complete fool and his wife, making the decision to marry this man and conflate computer usage, is her downfall. Boom, and you know its deep. Its not just some nonsense, there is drama on that hard drive.
CNN doesn’t know what to do with themselves. Whats up with CNN with puting up all these gay Blacks as pundits. These dudes are so damn effeminate, damn can we see one Man, just one. Ha ha, maybe the biggest upset since Douglas Tyson, Holm and Rousey. We shall see

MrBigBrain on October 30, 2016 at 1:28 am

    I’ve always held doubts but the guy’s earned the chance…if for no other reason than he’s shaken up the party that’s been in dire need of being shaken for a long time.

    The thing is that even after the most scandalous, exciting and, most importantly, RECORD-BREAKING election cycle in history the GOP still has no effen clue. It’s obvious to me that both parties are in this NWO/Agenda 21/Technocracy scheme together…schmucky Dem constituency thinks that “Stronger Together” refers to their own relationship with Hill-da-beast. Hillary has other ideas.

    I really believe the GOP is done for in any case.

    YCHtT on October 30, 2016 at 4:55 pm

Do you ever wish you could unsee something? lol

Livermore Beanstein on October 30, 2016 at 8:54 pm

Donna Brazil-Girl Bye.

MrBigBrain on October 31, 2016 at 3:58 pm

Yoga pants are a privilege, not a right.

Slimmy jeans are a privilege, not a right.

Spandex is a privilege, not a right.

Gstarr on October 31, 2016 at 5:40 pm

Women who wear yoga pants want the xhilaration of having a sexual wrap around their body. Womem get a sexual turn-on having a tight cloth around their legs up their crotch around their ass. Women are more sexual than men. And women get turned on when men are watching them. You’re basically telling men they are down to fuck.

Another dude on November 1, 2016 at 5:26 am

    Thats an interesting observation you made there, Dude.I did some field work in the local mall yesterday. Nearly all the women in tight clothes were busy looking over the merchandise and checking themselves out in the display windows but the one that didnt do any of that was the one with the most revealing camel toe that I ever saw. She was lost in her own world but looked very content, for sure she was whacking her bush. Me and a couple of guys I noticed kept pretending we were running into her at various stages but she never let on she knew.As luck would have it, my phone went dead on me, so cant upload what would have been a mouth watering clip.

    Columbo on November 3, 2016 at 4:47 pm

@ Another Dude- Moron Alert. Divorcee Alert. Single Chronic masterbat…alert. Dork alert… Where do I stop?

MrBigBrain on November 1, 2016 at 3:34 pm

@MrBigBrain, sorry my locker room talk was too much for you to handle. I’m an alpha male and your a beta male. You don’t get it women want to be talked to like that if they’re going to wear clothes like that. You don’t get it you don’t get it you don’t get it.

Another dude on November 2, 2016 at 1:45 pm

The more you type, we all can see that your experience with the opposite sex has been minimal. Your opinions of them are completely puerile. Being an obnoxious dork doesn’t make one an Alpha, lol, I’m going to pull your coat on something son, society doesn’t operate like a porn set. You need to back away from the computer, take your private from your fist and start interacting with the opposite sex, its a fun experience. You cant keep fantasizing your life away, mingle some, but if you get kicked in the balls or smacked across the face, don’t give up, treat it as a learning experience, I believe in you.

MrBigBrain on November 3, 2016 at 12:14 am

I’ve had a few things to say about TROLLS and other stuff lately, but several posts haven’t made it, on more than one thread. Hopefully this one will, but I see that Oh!!!BUAN-KenOh!B has things well in his capable hands.

Alfredo from Puerto Rico on November 3, 2016 at 12:58 am

Given ‘MrBigBrain’s’ remarks, it should be noted that the porn industry has been amongst the $$$ contributors to the Democrat Party. They were among the “actors” who helped finance drives within the last decade to “out” pro-family politicians and replace them with those who would call the tune of the more, shall we say, licentious and prurient interests. To say nothing of the total gutting of Judeo-Christian values just within the last few years and their being effectively replaced by Greenwich Village/San Francisco/Fire Island “values” that, by design, are tearing society apart and endangering the very survival of the West.

ConcernedPatriot on November 4, 2016 at 7:42 am

@mrbiffbrain, you actually think there’s a one-size-fits-all to getting women. That’s why guys like you do not get laid. You need to go to a seminar On how to be a pick-up artist.

Another dude on November 4, 2016 at 1:36 pm

Ahhhh, it’s too bad that every article’s comment section seems to have an Alfredo Quota, . . .

or something like that. Key words, who knows. Trolling the trolls can be so much fun, but when you can’t get something posted, the effect gets lost. So does the fun, and impetus.

Alfredo from Puerto Rico on November 4, 2016 at 9:49 pm

I think the FBI director is playing both sides. He drops this now. Nothing new in those 650k emails, come on. he drops this on sunday. come on man. Hes playing both sides.

MrBigBrain on November 6, 2016 at 3:32 pm

Oh Another Dude-please continue, you have us all Rapt. How could I ever ignore your silver tongue, I’m sure Filmore Slim, Bishop Don Juan, Ice T, have nothing on you and would be wise to seek you out. Oh mighty one, you are the true Pimp Daddy Hustler Stack Money, please bless us with your knowledge, start your seminar here now, on this blog. No more tidbits, unleash your game.

This guy-Quaaack

MrBigBrain on November 6, 2016 at 3:38 pm

It’s been awhile since I’ve visited this site and lurked in the shark pit known as the comments section, so allow me to add my 2¢ to this debate.

First, I apologize on behalf of all sane Canadians for the influx of Lelulemon products gracing the buttocks of women ill-qualified to wear them without attracting the attention of Greenpeace or PETA by being mistaken for breached beluga whales. Nothing against a person’s right to wear what’s comfortable, but FFS when there’s people around, there is a line that cannot be crossed.

As for your presidential election campaign, wouldn’t it have been nice if all the debates and attack ads and memes were to concentrate on policy and the ability to hold office rather than who happened to be the bigger traitor/misogynist/racist/race-baiter/ambulance chaser/nincompoop? Judging by the noise generated by Big News, Social Justice Jihadists and random rabble rousers, this year-long campaign is the biggest shitshow ever unleashed. I thought that Trump had a chance to win this with grassroots support, but some of his supporters gave everyone worldwide second thoughts about accepting him as a leader of the free world©.

And if I ever see another Hillary ad or celebrity shill, I am going to get very, violently ill. She is not a saint. She is no Messiah. She may be a man after all. Who knows: people may be nostalgic for the great Clinton Camelot of the 90s, but Hill’s no Bill, and today’s world is a much different, more cynical place.

But what do I know? I’m a Canadian. And whatever happens Stateside will affect my country in more ways than any Merican can imagine, especially when it comes to trade, because that’s what gives us the jobs and the good things that we take for granted.

May the best man win. And God help us all!

The Reverend Jacques on November 6, 2016 at 4:03 pm

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