December 15, 2005, - 2:03 pm

FBI’s Inspector Clouseau Versus Saddam’s Lawyers: Meet Special Agent John Ouellet

Saddam Hussein’s lawyers should give a big wet kiss to the FBI, especially .
Roberts sent his buddy, FBI Agent John Ouellet to Iraq for the last three months to investigate war crimes involving Saddam Hussein. It appears the “work” of Special Agent Ouellet will be used in the trial of Mr. Hussein.
But if my own and others’ experience with the below-mediocre “work” of Mr. Ouellet is any guide (and it is), Saddam’s lawyers will have a field day. Ouellet is the Michigan FBI version of Inspector Clouseau and Arthur Anderson role into one. He’s a bumbling idiot and completely incompetent.
In 2003, when I received a very serious anti-Semitic death threat via e-mail (the second e-mail ), I had the misfortune of Inspector Clouseau-Ouellet being assigned to my case.

Agent John Ouellet: FBI’s Inspector Clouseau May Please Saddam Lawyers

In six months of being “on the case,” Agent Ouellet did nothing on my case, other than telling me that his daughter, a University of Michigan student and sorority member, didn’t like the Jews, especially the Jewish sororities, on campus. In my last call to him, he stated that the threat to me wasn’t important because “I get threats, everyday,” and hung up on me. The illegal alien Muslim who wrote the threat is still at large to date. I had to contact his supervisor and inform him I’d write about this to get a modicum of investigation done.
Then, there is the issue of Agent Oullet’s other improper behavior. Sources say he gave oodles of unauthorized cash to confidential informants, then lied about it. Yup, that’s the kind of thing that gets you promoted in the FBI–and the type of person the FBI puts on the job of investigating Saddam Hussein. Nice.
Who’s threatening Agent Ouellet? Not criminals, for whom Agent Ouellet is the ideal agent they’d want working on a case against them. . . especially Saddam Hussein and his lawyers.
So if Inspector Clouseau-Oullet’s work is used at Saddam’s trial–as it appears it will be–expect Saddam to be acquitted. Thanks, FBI.

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One Response

If anyone is a bumbling idiot it is you. I happen to know John Ouellet very well and he is one of the best men I have ever met. Don’t you realize that the FBI has more important things to do than a black-mail case like,I don’t know maybe TERRORISTS!! Obviously your statement about fraud is entirely FALSE! That has never happened once, he has been in the FBI 32 years!His daughter simply said that there was no space left in any rooming buildings commonly known for being mainly Jewish she also said that one girl staying in the dorm was unfriendly so she decided to room somewhere else. Agent Ouellet has worked against fraud all his life and would never resort to such measures! You are a liar and need anger management classes. And by the way as soon as the Hussien case was over he went straight to work on YOUR case… and if you didn’t realize he solved that case.You should be giving a big wet kiss the FBI. And just so you know this entirely false accusation has had no affect Agent Ouellet’s career. All you did was right a big fat lie. If I was you I would call this man and apologize because you are obviuosly in the wrong here!!!!

Carly on January 13, 2013 at 2:03 am

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