September 5, 2016, - 10:30 pm

Even ISIS Outlaws the Burka as Security Risk. WHEN. WILL. WE?

By Debbie Schlussel


Burka Family Photo: “Your Sister’s Prettier!”


Now, even the Islamic terrorist group ISIS has banned the burka (also, burqa)–or as I call it, the “full-ninja” as a security risk. WHEN. WILL. WE?

ISIS, which previously brutally enforced the burka as the dress code for women–to the point of even murdering women who did not comply–now realizes that it is a security risk and has banned the garb. But we won’t. In fact, just last week, France had to renege on some of its cities’ burkini bans after do-gooder Western media (including the Wall Street Journal and USA Today) whined about it.

According to a report by Al Alam News Network, as translated by IFP, within the past two years, the ISIS used to force women in Iraq and Syria to wear burqa and niqab; however, now the group has no choice but to prevent women with burqa from entering its security centres.

A local source in the Iraqi province of Nineveh announced on Friday, September 2, that the terrorist group has released an order, based on which no woman is allowed to be wearing niqab or burqa when entering the security and military centres.

The decision, according to the source, came after some fully veiled women killed a number of ISIS commanders and members in the past months.

Earlier, media reports released photos of women in the liberated Syrian city of Manbij burning the sombre outfits, including what appears to be a burqa, which they had been forced to wear under ISIS control.

While ISIS has gotten rid of the burka saying it’s a security risk, there are women walking all over the West wearing it and suing anyone and any business that forbids it for security reasons. I’ve written about some of these cases, including a woman who sued a Michigan judge who required her to remove her face-veil in order to judge her facial expressions and capabilities (she lost her case and her Hezbollah-supporting Muslim lawyer, Nabih Ayad, abandoned her and didn’t show up at her federal appeal, so she lost again).

I’ve also written about several of the many cases in which Muslim men wore burkas to rob banks and jewelry stores, kill cops, and even a case in which a Hezbollah Islamic terrorist wearing a burka and posing as a woman was able to flee America to Lebanon and eluded authorities. (The terrorist was a Shi’ite, but FYI, the burka is generally worn only by Sunni Muslim women.) A Sunni Somalian Muslim terrorist did it, too, and managed to flee the UK. And don’t forget the burka-cide bombers.

We’ve seen many examples demonstrating in stark detail how the burka is a security risk. Yet, we cower in the name of tolerance–TOLERANCE!–into submission and acceptance of this Islamic garb of jihadist oppression and do nothing to ban it. Plus we’re lectured by the self-anointed idiotic “experts” that anything we do in the name of security and preserving liberal democratic Western culture will “help ISIS recruit” (which is absolute BS).

Now, even ISIS gets it (just this once) about its own Islamic culture. WHEN. WILL. WE?

Dress is part of our culture, and we’ve ceded our culture to those who hate and would destroy us. Even ISIS gets it and we stick our heads in the sand.

Soon, it will be our burka-covered heads if we continue to do nothing.


One other thing: the same thing goes for the “niqab,” which is another name for the full Muslim face-veil. (The burka/burqa usually involves a full dress or thobe, but is sometimes used interchangeably as the word for a niqab, depending upon which of the many growing Muslim regions of the world we’re talking about.)


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45 Responses

No statement contrary to complete surrender to pigs-lam will ever be interpreted as being loyal to American ideals.
This is because a muslim pig sits in the oval office.
This is because the leftist extremist MSM sucks up to and on that muslim pig.

JayPee on September 5, 2016 at 10:51 pm

Even for Islamic terrorists, dress codes are not needed for modesty.

They can dispense with THEIR rules when its convenient for them but we must accommodate their savage, backward ways.

That’s why the West is in decline.

NormanF on September 5, 2016 at 11:52 pm


    It would be Islamophobic for us to outlaw the burka- it’s part of their culture, and their religion. Similarly, it would Islamophobic of us to permit criticism of the Prophet, disrespecting Allah. We need to tolerate with willing submission FGM, murder of apostates, unequal taxation.

    You need to understand the blessings and cultural enrichment that multi-culturalism brings.

    Liatris Spicata on September 7, 2016 at 11:22 am

      @Liatris Spicata Regressive Leftist spotted!

      ????? on October 22, 2016 at 4:51 pm

And it’s not just with Islam where we are told we must appease and bow down to and rewrite all societal norms to accommodate a radical fringe. The issue of so-called “transgender” bathrooms and access to changing / locker rooms, etc., has nothing to do with “equality” and everything to do with control, dominance, supremacism and hegemony. “Transgenderism” is part of the radical Left’s middle finger to the rules of nature, biology and genetics, and the LGBT extremists’ demands that all societal norms be completely rewritten (including and especially the de facto abandonment of women, little girls and children to the proverbial wolves) in order to revolve entirely around them. Why Obama would run interference for such elements (including and especially his recent order demanding surgeons, especially if it violates their moral values and professional ethics, perform sex-change operations) considering Islam’s prohibitions on homosexuality begs the question as to his motives for seeking to spread homosexual behavior and even transgenderism: Is it to set more people in the West to be slaughtered like sheep at the point where Muslims reach the proverbial “critical mass” in population? To sufficiently weaken the populace, making them unable to defend themselves when the next Pearl Harbor or 9/11 style attack occurs? I’ve always said, if a culture surrenders to one extremist element, they’ll appease another and another.

ConcernedPatriot on September 6, 2016 at 6:59 am

The abuse of our legal system under the guise of “civil rights” continues. And this time, our very national security is in grave jeopardy.

Primetime on September 6, 2016 at 8:16 am

Will someone please explain the love affair the media, certain politicians (not only the golfer-in-chief, but the Bushes, etc.), certain governments, and some businesses have with muzlims/islam? Is it the riches of the Arab world, or is it the fear of retaliation by muzlims?

unholyone on September 6, 2016 at 8:51 am

And there is an element of intimidation, just from the burkas themselves. When you see someone approaching you covered up in a burka, it is intimidating. And, of course, this is by design. The Muslims are trying to intimidate the ‘infidels’ not just by litigation and terrorism, but by their very physical presence.

Little Al on September 6, 2016 at 2:06 pm

I have seen more & more full-blown burkas in Boston, especially near BU (Boston University). Some just have a little bitty slit where the eyes should be. Almost all these chattel Moooooslimas R pushing baby carriages.
More, not fewer since 9/11/2001 (only 5 days away…). Yanks are wearing less clothes but more and more of these fools want tolerance towards Moooooslims. Even Conservatives will defend the so-called “moderates”. Let’s face it, the threat just isn’t realized in 2016. PC-ness & abject stupidity have taken its toll. I’m gonna shout out what DS does thou’. People who knpw me know where I stand on the issue. I was recently told Boston’s Children’s Hospital deals with heaps of Mooooooslims & they R haughty & demand special treatment. That turns the dummies against them more than daily news of their daily destruction. Wake up America! UR BRAIN IS ROTTING IN THE GUTTER!!!

Skunky on September 6, 2016 at 2:23 pm

Excellent article, and comments by the first six I’ve read here, with people touching on important point by point analyses of how much is wrong with The DisUnited Snakes of Amerika. Which is an insult to snakes, my favorite aminal (yes, I meant aminal), but in the immortal words of Kurtis Blow, “dat’s da breaks.”

The answer to Debbie’s rhetorical question is what she and all of us, including many others, already know, which is . . .


Because we are finished, as so many have said, including us, for several decades now.

I’ve been stuck in NYC for the past 384 days, and I’ve seen quite a proliferation of this type of garb during that time. I’ve also seen some of these Muslim chicks who like to dress up in tight pants, low cut blouses, or at times loose fitting clothing, but party outfits, brightly colored mismatched hippy chic I guess, club type outfits, but they wear the headgear thingy.

I guess that makes them Alright with Allah, and really good girls. I also see idiot white American chickiepoos trying to wear it, and I can only shake my head and wish Jesus would hurry up.

The Muslims are Multiplying. They have taken over parts of Astoria, Queens, are aplenty in outer Queens and parts of Lawn Guyland next to Bellerose and Floral Park. There is an ISLAMIC CENTER RIGHT NEXT TO THE NEW HYDE PARK FIRE DEPARTMENT!!!

Be prepared to have your home invaded, and beheaded by roving bands of heavily armed, healthy, fit and well trained young Islamic zealots.

Alfredo from Puerto Rico on September 6, 2016 at 3:17 pm

Started typing my comment way before Skunky put hers up, very stressed out and doing a lot of stuff where I’m staying right now. And Skunky makes seven, yes, everyone great, as usual, and right on, too.

Alfredo from Puerto Rico on September 6, 2016 at 3:25 pm

Skunky you’ve argued in context: “I have seen more and more full-blown burkas in Boston, especially near BU (Boston University). Some just have a little bitty slit where the eyes should be.”

You know what, Skunky (along with Debbie and others on this source and forum as well) has a validated point about Muslim women (and til a degree men) who’ve been seen on the roads in this nation and other western world nations of wearing the full body burka outfit. I to have seen about some of them where I’m located in New York, New York, and speaking of which, around where I live, there’s an Islamic Center that’s under construction, but the thing is that there not many Muslims where I live in my specific community.

In any western country that values classic-liberalism, democracy and in our country, a “constitutional-republic” knows that freedom of religion needs to be “restricted”, of meaning that don’t make your faith an influence within our secular philosophical systems, whether it’s the courts, education, laws, government, and so forth.

So we all know that you can’t have it both ways, of valuing natural-law within a classic-liberal society and on the other end enabling an ideology being pretty influential with fascist tendencies, that’s antithetical to natural-law and natural-rights that’s valued in any classic-liberal society, etc.

Sean R. on September 6, 2016 at 3:30 pm

And THAT Sean R., is why this is all very satanic, because it was Jesus who said that a house divided against itself cannot stand, but if the devil is divided against himself, how will he stand?

We all know The Devil, all his accomplices and supporters, will not stand. They will be washed away, and there will be peace forever. Because God is not the author of confusion.

As Sean R. points out clearly, there is confusion being created, deliberately, in our culture. Therefore, this is of The Devil. And therefore, the U.S. cannot stand, because it is submitting to the will of Satan himself.

Alfredo from Puerto Rico on September 6, 2016 at 3:42 pm

I can’t say that I’ve come across a woman in a Burk, to date, I’m thinking and I don’t believe I have, maybe I have, but I think the face was a lot more open, so I prob paid no mind, but these little slits and stuff, prob would freak me out, cause they look like their up to something. lol. “Like why the heck you covered up like that, what you up to?”
Whats up with this snotty nosed Filipino dissing the prez. The prez should bomb this little sht.

MrBigBrain on September 6, 2016 at 3:43 pm

by Rudyard Kipling

It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the Saxon began to hate.

They were not easily moved,
They were icy — willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the Saxon began to hate.

Their voices were even and low.
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show
When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not preached to the crowd.
It was not taught by the state.
No man spoke it aloud
When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not suddently bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the Saxon began to hate.

Todd on September 6, 2016 at 4:09 pm

Yes, everybody, I think the big cities are where one can see the full-blown burka in all it’s disgustingness. As Sean R. & Alfredo have stated. NYC hasn’t ever been this stoopidly Libtarded since the Mayor Of Tennis was ruling the roost (Dinkins). I reckon the explosion of Moooooslims there in the full ninja has just tripled. If I see it in Boston, I reckon the New Yorkers see it even more. Yay! 15 years after September 11. 2001!

Mr. BB, you see, you are still frontin’ for Obama-Putin (you will say you are not but you ALWAYS gainsay when I call you out so just imagine me ignoring you doing that). Obama-Putin is NOT respected anywhere because he’s a wussy crypto-Commie who wants USA taken down many notches. The Filipino Prez was right in the name he called him and if he is so upset about how Duterte is treating his druggies, he should stop bowing to Saudi Kings and kissing up to Islamo-Fascist arses because they are the most brutal to their denizens! Nobody respects Obama-Putin because he’s not respectable. You’re metamorphosis into the truth has had a set-back.

I see the Kipling poem. I know his famous quote that appears at Wimbledon. Someone told me he was a cannibal. Anyone care to give an abridged version of why he is controversial? I never even knew…

Skunky on September 6, 2016 at 5:31 pm

So now, all those Muzzie apologists who claim that ISIS is not ‘really Islamic’ have this to hang their Muzzie skullcaps on. To whatever extent their audience will buy it, rather than condemn burqhas altogether.

But this is why ISIS would be better leaders than Hilary, Obama, Hollande, Merkel, and any number of leaders who are complete dhimmis. If Abu Baqr al Baghdadi was running for president, he’d be preferable to Hilary

Infidel on September 6, 2016 at 7:24 pm

So now even Isis has more common sense than America? Oh dear

tommy helms on September 6, 2016 at 7:46 pm

If it’s a constitutional right the Musliberals want to abolish it. If it’s not a constitutional right the Islamocrats want to institute it.

Obamatize v.–to establish a ‘right:’
a) where none ever existed;
b) that defies the will of the citizenry; or
c) that makes no effen sense in any respect!!!

YCHtT on September 6, 2016 at 9:30 pm

I saw this story. ISIS hasn’t banned the burka as far as I know, probably it would not be a good idea for women to walk around without one outside the ISIS security centres.
Presumably there aren’t too many women in those centres anyway.
Yes, it is a security risk but that’s not the point of this clickbait headline story.
The point of this story as far as MSM is concerned is that A – ISIS is not really Islamic and that B – right wingers in Europe who want it banned are just like ISIS.

The burka should be banned in Europe where things are banned. I’m not too sure about elsewhere. Elsewhere people should just get wise to Islam and its MSM fellow travellers.

Mochizuki Koga on September 7, 2016 at 12:57 am

My question is this; Where is Gloria Steinem et al, workinginv for,”women’s rights? She ,”Seemed to be there?!” Muslims force genital mutilation honour killings, forced apparel? Yet no Gloria, nor women’s rights movement ! Why?

Tov klein on September 7, 2016 at 3:43 am

This is black comedy. So according to the moron Left, even ISIS is Islamophobic. I expect the Left to condemn ISIS for their Islamophobia – I’m not even joking – whereas of course the Left is largely silent on ISIS’ jihad and mass atrocities in general.

Lawrence on September 7, 2016 at 8:26 am

Excellent post Debbie as usual and once again glad to have you back. It seems that the dirt bags in ISIS have come to figure out what clear thinking people in this country have known since forever. If you dress in the full Batman League of Shadows garb you can sneak in a lot of things. Such as bomber vests, swords, dirty bomb suitcases, vials of anthrax, and Miley Cyrus, Robin Thicke or Beyoncé CDs. You know stuff that will kill you. It’s not like the dirt bags are going to frisk them when they come into their headquarters right. So in order to stop them from getting killed by something other than a drone fired missile they’ve smartened up just a camel hair. Sadly the idiots in our government whose #1 job is to KEEP US SAFE have totally checked out much like your average phone customer service center. It’s not just the democrat idiots(double speak I know) but the republican quislings as well. Obama INC. have bent over backwards to give his kinfolk (sorry he’s a Muslim all you lofo naysayers)every break that you can think of at our expense. All with guys like Cecil the Turtle McConnell and Eddie Munster Ryan giving him the store to fund it. It use to mean that when you came into this country you assimilated into our culture and took on our values. Now in the case of Muslims they can come here and basically thumb their noses at us. They can say boo and we run like scared rabbits due to them suing us or calling us the dreaded r word. Case in point several years ago a Florida woman sued and won the right to wear her hijab in her drivers license photo. Now as far as I know driving is a privilege and not a right. With groups like unindicted co-conspirator CAIR in this country like a pestilence it’s no wonder that Muslims can get away with things here. One of the best lines in Avengers Age of Ultron is when Ironman Thor and Captain America first confront Ultron, Quicksilver and the Scarlett Witch. Thor says to Ultron you say that you want peace then let us keep it. Ultron says back to him I think that you confuse peace with quiet. That sums up what’s been going on. We’ve been lulled to sleep with supposed quiet but even ISIS has outsmarted us. Not hard to do with retards like directors Johnson, Comey and Brennan heading the DHS, FBI and CIA respectfully. How long will it be before a “refugee” from Syria, Mexico, Timbuktu or Minnesota wears full burka battle dress and sets off a nuke. They are trying make fusion munitions smaller than suitcases and with the money that we’ve given Iran in the “deal of the century” it’s state sponsored America hating business as usual for them. Which of course you know will be very bad for us.

Ken B on September 7, 2016 at 9:37 am

I find be the Islamic dress useful… I’ve twice changed pharmacys when I see the Muslim attire working behind the counter. I don’t want to pick up a script refill the day the pharmacist decides to go full jihad.

Der Zupfgeigenhansl on September 7, 2016 at 12:05 pm

Skunky,We can criticize all we want. But this twerp? lol. He needs to be swatted on his behind and sent to his room. This guy? I could see Russia or someone who actually had strength, but this guy? (Filipino president).Don’t take my antagonism against this Filipino sht as support for the pres, this shouldnt say anything. I find it funny more than anything. (Effrontery)

MrBigBrain on September 7, 2016 at 2:56 pm

Obama and Clinton wish to shower us with these blessings from Islam. The LGBTQ community is so fixated on locker rooms and wedding cakes that it ignores the real threat to its freedom. Islamic societies are considered liberal if they do not dispose of LGBT’S. You saw this played out in Orlando when Mateen’s Islamic Radicalism was downplayed, while his alleged gayness was the cause of his rampage. Yes, they brought out the “Gay Rage” stereotype, rather than offend any Muslim. Quietly, the whole “Gay” excuse was dropped for a want of evidence.

Worry on September 7, 2016 at 3:54 pm

OH!!! One more thing. There has been a literal EXPLOSION . . .

yes, . . .

EXPLOSION of Hookah joints along with Vape and Hookah joints, clubs, cafes, whatever you want to call them, in the NYC area.

Now, this gets a little personal, and it’s a bit funny, but it’snot at the same time.

POTHEADS. Everyone here knows I, The Resident Dumb Blond(e), am one. I recently observed 42 years all smokin’ and no jokin’. Within the past year, a fellow smoker, not a pothead, . . .

like me, just a fellow smoker, asked me to get him a vaporizer. The vaporizer has become all the rage among certain pot smokers, because just a weeeeee bit in the chamber can get you as high as one joint, with almost no aroma in the room. Outside of what you exhale, and the weeee bit of smoke emanating from the vaporizer, you can get, well, God is The Most High, so you can’t get THAT high, but it is, . . .

quite economical. I don’t like it, because as an asthmatic, the “hit” just gets too deep for me, and immediately begets asthma symptoms.

Soooooo, my friend, who has a pretty nice net worth for a local small businessman, has neither the time nor can afford to show his face, researching and buying “paraphernalia.” So, I was doing some footwork on a make and model he had seen on the internet and taken a fancy to. I had to go in search of these things, and wound up in what is basically a modern head shop.

I began to notice that some of these places had hookahs, of COURSE are ALL run by The Halal Brigade, You Bring The Lamb, We Cut You Into Ham, and some even had back rooms where they advertised “hookah lounge.”

All of a sudden, going back about 6-8 months, after doing this research for my friend, getting business cards, finding out if I could buy the model he wanted in one of these shops, etc., they EXPLODE all over NYC. NOW, the Hookah Lounge is a “thing” in NY, and now they are calling them Vape and Hookah Lounges.

Yeah, they figured out how to attract some of the pot smoking community in to their lairs, and all of a sudden there are more of these vape and hookah lounges than there are pizza parlors or laundromats in NYC. Now, I’m not saying they let you smoke anything illegal in these places, or vape or hookah it, but they get you IN the DOOR.

And once ISLAM gets you IN the DOOR, . . .

you think you’re gettin’ out? No, I didn’t say that people are disappearing all over NYC. Skunky knows what I mean, and so does everybody else.

More and more ways to hang with . . .

“the wrong crowd.” Islam IS . . .

the wrong crowd. People all over the world sure do know how to play the American cultural psyche like a Stradivarius, don’t they? Meanwhile, I’m smoking my joint in peace, away from Halal, in the comfort and privacy of a friend’s apartment, . . .

with a nice huge cat that looks like a mini lion to keep me company. He looks even more really cool when you’re stoned.

Alfredo from Puerto Rico on September 7, 2016 at 9:41 pm

I am so glad that you are back for I miss your insight and wisdom.

Tammy Summers on September 8, 2016 at 12:40 am

I don’t understand Hookah

MrBigBrain on September 8, 2016 at 2:14 pm

    That is why, . . .

    LONG after “In the beginning,” . . .

    God created . . .

    the Search Engine.

    Alfredo from Puerto Rico on September 8, 2016 at 2:23 pm

Ah man, I know what it is, I don’t understand the point in smoking it

MrBigBrain on September 8, 2016 at 6:51 pm

    Ah!!! So sorry. And you are so right, about hookah.

    Alfredo from Puerto Rico on September 8, 2016 at 8:12 pm

Alfredo, if they put pot into those hookahs, instead of the more Islamic hashish, would that be considered ‘bida’ (Islamic pejorative for innovation)?

Infidel on September 8, 2016 at 7:59 pm

Yeah, that’s a thought, Infidel, good one, LOL!!! It’s my understanding that Islam and innovation are at odds with each other. But then that’s what you meant, I gather. ROTFLMAO!!!

Alfredo from Puerto Rico on September 8, 2016 at 8:11 pm

Damn, if there was ever proof that liberal way of thinking makes society worse. I just seen where UCLA, now have segregated dorms, for Blacks, per Black request. This wasn’t a White request. Davis and Berkeley have segregated dorms too, for race. Wth. The ultimate FAIL

MrBigBrain on September 9, 2016 at 12:57 am

This was a Hoax, mouthbreethers 😀

Nonhater on September 10, 2016 at 6:29 am

One of my major hangups about President Obama is that he had no fight in him, lets just forgo the policies in my discussion. He had no fight in him. Here is a man who had no experience and gets the job and then just folds his hands.

The first two years, its a cake walk, he didn’t have to fight for anything, no negotiating, nothing. Democratic congress rams O-Care down America’s throat and its a complete mess. Both sides agree its a debacle. Since he had it so easy, he doesn’t build any experience and when things change, he just folds.

No one said it was going to be easy. How may sales people are out there, if they folded every time they heard the word No, their kids would go hungry. That’s what he did, congress said they weren’t going to work with him, so he just said F-it.

No man, you try, you negotiate, you make relationships with people, who cares if it was something small, just show America that you have the fortitude and the gumption to fight and win new people over, that you have ability to govern. He didn’t/doesn’t care and now he’s done. He’s stately, but that’s it. It really ticked me off the lack off effort put forth on his part even if I don’t agree with his lib policies, I wanted to see an effort.

If I had an investment firm with no experience and my CEO was Warren Buffet and my CFO was Jordon Belfort, CMO was Michael Milken, I’m going to have some great successes and returns. Lets say they leave to pursue other interests and remember I have no experience, but people want me to continue those returns, Um Im fu**ed. This is exactly the scenario that Pres O had. He had congress, lost it, and landed in a 40 ft deep part of an ocean, with cramps in his sides, with no life preserver, in the middle of a monsoon.

MrBigBrain on September 10, 2016 at 4:22 pm

Well, Nonhater, that’s a noble monicker, indeed. But there are a few points that The Resident Dumb Blond(e), a/k/a The Great Dumboni, . . .

is left to ponder. Of course, sometimes pondering takes finding the free time, which I, as a homeless person in NYC, have precious little of. But because The Lord affords me time in the homes and apartments of friends, rather than the street, I have a wee presence of mind amidst The Madness. I also have a weeee bit of fine craft beer and decent ganja with which to contemplate “certain things” in life.

(i) I suppose your link to whatever you’re linking, by the implication of your statement, is to discredit Debbie’s reportage. How convenient to post on The Sabbath, which I obviously do not observe as well as others, thereby bringing me in to question with The Lord, to my deep chagrin as I fear Him greatly. SO, let’s wait until she returns to address your claim.;

(ii) Your monicker suggests that somehow you have placed yourself above us all, as Debbie and the bunch of us here are constantly referred to as haters. That’s usually by the Islamophiles amongst the general American populace, or followers of Islam themselves.;

(iii) And your deliberate misspelling of mouth breathers, as well as erroneously turning it in to a compound word does indeed display your vast superiority to us all. As the product of “inbreds” through at least my paternal grandmother, who does have respiratory issues resulting in frequent mouth breathing, twoshay, ehhhhh? LOL!!!;

annnnnnnnnndddddd, . . .

(iv) Vast, but not least, let’s wait for Debbie’s return. If an article needs an update, she posts it, and if she ever discovered that she’d been punked, . . .

I’m sure she’d admit it.

How many people who DON’T make millions, or even hundreds of thousands, have the BALLS . . .

to put themselves out there as publicly as Debbie?

Alfredo from Puerto Rico on September 10, 2016 at 5:59 pm

    > Well, Nonhater, that’s a noble monicker, indeed. But there are a few points […]

    Thank you! I’m proud of not hating.

    > […] I also have a weeee bit of fine craft beer and decent ganja with which to contemplate “certain things” in life.

    That is so good to hear, and I congratulate you.

    > (i) I suppose your link […], is to discredit Debbie’s reportage. How convenient to post on The Sabbath […]

    That’s true, and about the posting on Schabbes, well, I’m afraid I’m not as religious as Deborah and you, so I don’t really care about those days. Happy to see you were able to answer and defend the momentarily inconvenienced Deb, though.

    But please enlighten me: why were you able to put yourself so amirably before the obvious victim of my evil writings here, but not to look up the link I posted? One could suppose it was out of a lack of interest, but I don’t want to assume.

    > (ii) Your monicker suggests that somehow you have placed yourself above us all, as Debbie and the bunch of us here are constantly referred to as haters. That’s usually by the Islamophiles amongst the general American populace, or followers of Islam themselves.;

    Far be it from me to call someone calling for the summary execution of just under two billions of people (“One down, 1.8 billion to go”) a hater. Also, the some 70 victims of this proud scandinavion, Anders Breivik, surely had it coming, like angelic Deborah found out.

    I just wanted shout out into the world what a lucky guy I am, that I may
    call myself a non-hater. Yes, it is a bit presumptuous.

    > (iii) And your deliberate misspelling of mouth breathers, as well as erroneously turning it in to a compound word does indeed display your vast superiority to us all. As the product of “inbreds” through at least my paternal grandmother, who does have respiratory issues resulting in frequent mouth breathing, twoshay, ehhhhh? LOL!!!;

    I must be mistaken, this almost sounds like sarcasm to me. But – I am a bit
    ashamed but can’t but admit it – it was not deliberate. Misspelling is one of
    my many shortcomings, and I thank you for correcting me. So, from now, I’ll
    call you a “mouth breather” – I hope I got it right this time – and I can
    assure you your family history doesn’t seem to have left any obvious

    > (iv) Vast, but not least, let’s wait for Debbie’s return. If an article needs an update, she posts it, and if she ever discovered that she’d been punked, . . . I’m sure she’d admit it.

    And again, I’m too dumb to understand. Shouldn’t it say “last” instead of
    “vast”? Or am I missing a clever point again? I bet I am.

    About waiting for Deborah, well, it doesn’t seem like she’s updating the
    article. But let’s give it a few weeks. Research can be exhausting, and
    doing it before posting is obviously to tiresome for Deborah.

    > How many people who DON’T make millions, or even hundreds of thousands, have the BALLS . . . to put themselves out there as publicly as Debbie?

    Well, I do hope Debbie doesn’t own balls, unlike Chelsea Manning, but I
    digress. Of course you’re right. Someone must take the burden of being
    relentlessly ridiculed and hated in public, or all the haters on the other side
    wouldn’t be able to hate and mock. I’m just glad it doesn’t have to be me.

    All the best!

    Non-hater on September 13, 2016 at 5:17 am

      As previously stated, . . . Touche, . . .


      Until Debbie herself either responds, . . .

      or not, . . . I have to fall on my own sword, not that of Touche Turtle, . . . for her (Debbie).

      But it is better and a lot more fun than calling names and making threats, et, mon frere, or perhaps, mon soeur?

      Not like the Peanut Allergy College Football Trolls, who are . . .

      jerks. They don’t know how to play, even though, . . . like me. . . .

      half of them smoke pot. Jerks. You have to know how to have fun and play on the internet. It’s easy to become enraged, respond, make threats, get money from Soros and form phony movements, but the internet has to be the useful tool that it is really best meant to be. To do, as The Late Great Bob Grant used to say, . . .

      “a free and open exchange in the arena of ideas.”

      Rage is easy, ridicule is almost a default, . . .

      having fun and walking away with an intact world is better.

      Alfredo from Puerto Rico on September 14, 2016 at 2:20 pm

Michael Medved is fake, huh? I listen to him as I drive sometimes and he is like an Anti Repub Republican, very strange.

MBB: Medved is a TOTAL fake and a complete liberal. He pretended to be a conservative to guest-host Rush Limbaugh’s show, but then when he got his own, he showed his true colors. He’s a big-time liberal who spends his show attacking conservatives. He brags about how he’s friends with Barbra Streisand (which is BS) and Hillary Clinton (with whom he went to law school). He attacked me, years ago, at a conservative forum at which we both spoke because I criticized Hillary Clinton! He later attacked me on his dumb, boring radio show back in 2006 because I was the first to write about Barack Obama’s Muslim father and how Obama sympathizes with Islam and is Muslim under Islamic law. He’s a major schmuck and an arrogant hypocrite and fraud. DS

MrBigBrain on September 12, 2016 at 5:58 pm

Thanks for confirming. I thought so, he is a true pretender, when I first heard him on the radio, I thought “oh he’s moderate” but nah, he is definitely a fake but not a good one. I knew you would know the real.

MrBigBrain on September 13, 2016 at 10:35 pm

> As previously stated, . . . Touche, . . . Turtle.

My dear mouth breather, how good to read you again.
And I seem to have acquired another nick name! I wonder
how you found this name for me. Is it the strong shell,
the longevity? I will probably never find out.

> Until Debbie herself either responds, . . .
> or not, . . . I have to fall on my own sword, not
> that of Touche Turtle, . . . for her (Debbie).

Whew. This is a bit hard to understand for this poor
non-hater here; maybe your fine weed is helping
you relax right now. As far as I can gather, you very
nobly put your limited reasoning behind Debbie’s and
accept her verdict, whatever it may be.

It is good to see such true subservience in these “modern”
days, where everyone, be they female, black or – heaven help! –
of other religion, seems to claim having an opinion of their
own. And they aggressively proclaim having a right to keep it,
no less! Ah, the glory days of serfdom. For the nobles, at least.

> But it is better and a lot more fun than calling names and making threats, et, mon frere, or perhaps, mon soeur?

I guess you meant “eh”, not “et”. And, I can lift this
veil, “frere” it is. And yes, I also much prefer to mock
people of other convictions without idle threats and
plump insults. It can be fun, though, watching them
censor out my evil, evil musings – it has such a nice
touch of despair – or burn with insulted anger.

> Not like the Peanut Allergy College Football Trolls,
> who are . . . jerks. They don’t know how to play, even
> though, . . . like me. . . . half of them smoke pot.

Mh, those jerks seem to be another faction of people disturbing
the residents of this site, the – should I call them – mild
dislikers of devotees of Abu l-Qasim Muhammad ibn ‘Abd Allah
ibn ‘Abd al-Muttalib ibn Haschim ibn ‘Abd Manaf al-Quraschi.
No, I cannot recite that by heart, it was taken from wikipedia.

> Jerks. You have to know how to have fun and play on the
> internet. It’s easy to become enraged, respond, make threats,
> get money from Soros

How interesting! Who is this Soros guy, and are you
insinuating I could get paid for one of my favorite pastime
activities? Interesting, indeed.

> and form phony movements, but the internet has to be the
> useful tool that it is really best meant to be. To do, as
> The Late Great Bob Grant used to say, . . .
> “a free and open exchange in the arena of ideas.”

Yeah well, the problem is, when people can openly exchange
their ideas, a lot of very ugly stuff rears its head.
Or, as the late Theodore Sturgeon used to say, “90% of
everything is crap.”

I still firmly believe the remaining 10% to be worth more
than any inconvenience caused by the other 90.

> Rage is easy, ridicule is almost a default, . . .
> having fun and walking away with an intact world is better.

What dark thoughts, my dear mouth breather! Cheer up! We
should not pretend us little people be able to damage the
world. It was there before us, and it will be there after
us. Everything humans can do is but a mild inconvenience
for earth, the solar system, let alone the whole universe.

All the best!

haroldinho on September 16, 2016 at 7:45 am

Ahhhhhh, yes, Touche. When I grown up, Hopalong, I don’t want to be like you, I want to BE you. I imagine it is a lot like being . . .

The Most High. I know for sure I certainly can’t get THAT high. But I can at least aspire to something.

Perhaps you are not old enough to remember Touche Turtle, a cartoon crime fighting hero of the 1960’s.

How many fake stories is that since I logged on here nearly four years ago? How many fake stories has Debbie put up?

You win. I’m off to a beer that makes Budweiser seem like a glass of water by comparison. Maybe that’s why I keep failing here.

Alfredo from Puerto Rico on September 16, 2016 at 11:55 pm

Its fascinating to see all this unfold. Donald makes a legitimate effort to reach out to Black communities, going to Black churches and giving speeches what does the media do, but pounce on him for doing so. Now the birther issue is an issue again. CNN is killing him on this non issue. Lol it’s comedy to see them villify the man. They are reaching and are desperate to save Hillary. Ha ha, yeah Colin Powell email hacked. Lol. Just a random hack, hacked by you sir. I mean why him? And it’s never really tabloid juicey fodder, just enough to stir it up a little, but not anything really good. Fake

MrBigBrain on September 17, 2016 at 5:17 pm

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